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Posts posted by msg362

  1. It's not clear if you are moving here for the first time. If so you can import most of your belongings without paying duty, you need to contact a removals firm. I used one called Seven Seas worldwide, but there are many.

    I can't help about the situation if you are simply returning here and bringing 50 Kg of electrical equipment with you through Swampy. I suspect you will have to pay!

  2. I love cat's meat. Specially live cat and place them in microwave. Wave them a live.

    Come to my home and i'll let my dog have you.

    cat = dam_n stupid animal.

    I think I've just about understood some of what you are saying. You like to eat cat food ( cat's meat), you like to wave at cats but i'm not sure what with but I think it's a live something or other! !

  3. I'm 182 cm ( about 6'.00'') and have had a Boss for 2 years. I find it very comfortable. My run into town is about 25 km. I get about 30-333 Km/ litre ( ca 100 mpg in Brit terms) I put 'Harley' style foot plates on which mean you can move your feet around while traveling. I've got the alloy wheels, but Kawa had fitted innertubed tyres. I changed them for Dunlops and ,it might be my imagination, but it feels much better on the road. I got the bike shop to move the turn indicator up onto the handlebars so it is more visible, difficult to notice on the fuel tank- I kept leaving it on! I find 5 speeds fine, I had a Phantom before and since i can't count above 5, got confused as to what gear I was in!

    Thanks for your perspective. It seems you find the Boss is a better bike than the Phantom. Just out of interest, is it easy to find places to carry out maintenance on the Boss?

    I live in Chiang Mai and there is a great new Kawa shop on the south side of the moat

  4. I'm 182 cm ( about 6'.00'') and have had a Boss for 2 years. I find it very comfortable. My run into town is about 25 km. I get about 30-333 Km/ litre ( ca 100 mpg in Brit terms) I put 'Harley' style foot plates on which mean you can move your feet around while traveling. I've got the alloy wheels, but Kawa had fitted innertubed tyres. I changed them for Dunlops and ,it might be my imagination, but it feels much better on the road. I got the bike shop to move the turn indicator up onto the handlebars so it is more visible, difficult to notice on the fuel tank- I kept leaving it on! I find 5 speeds fine, I had a Phantom before and since i can't count above 5, got confused as to what gear I was in!

  5. Thank you folks for the replies. I must admit I am impressed by one poster who simply dismisses Hawkin's ( et al) theory out of hand. That must mean he read it ,understood it and has valid arguments against it! Far brainer than me. For others tho', thank you, I've been interested in Buddhism and have even learnt to meditate, but can't get my head around reincarnation and so go no further. I'm glad that modern theories if the origin of the universe are not causing a lot of grief,they must be if you are a fundementalist Christian or muslim, but then to them the earth was born about ? 6000 years ago?


    • Like 1
  6. Hawking's view is nothing new. Follow the link below to the existing thread on the 'new atheists,' and add for further discussion.


    Thank you for his, very interesting. I take from that that thread,that, if i can call them 'thinking buddhists'- those that have read a lot, will not be troubled by any theory of the creation of the universe that does not include a creator. But I see Buddhism in action here for the majority of Thais and I'm struck by the similarities in ritual styles between them and the Catholic church. Priests are celibate/not married,fasting period, prayers in an ancient language which is not understood, rituals. Many Thais still have animist beliefs ,ghosts etc ,a belief in things 'supernatural' I suspect they may have a different view.

    From what I understand ( and I could well be wrong) this new theory of 'M' cannot be proved, a bit ironic!

  7. I'm curious to know if Hawking's view that there is no need for a god in the origin of the universe affects Buddhists teachings. Someone explained on BBC yesterday that there now seems to be a mathematical equation that unifies many disparate equations and which gives a 'unified theory'. This seems to be what Hawking was referring to. What is the Buddhist reaction to this notion? ( i'm sure i know what fundementalist Christians and islamist will say but I'm interested to hear a Buddhist explanation)

  8. I think Mr Hawking is attempted to put the mystery of existence into a formula so he can sleep well at night.

    What he has ascertained does not explain why there is something instead of nothing, nor how order can come from chaos.

    I think I will read his book someday, but I am disappointed that he appears to chosen a hypothesis that is flawed from the beginning.

    Wel well,

    Interesting to meet someone who understands physics better than Stephen Hawking and is in a position to say his hypothesis is flawed! Congratulations . And to do this without even reading his book!, truly miraculous!.

    ( PS I think it is Professor Hawkins BTW)

    but the point that I really can't grasp is that, if there was not some form of 'creator' ( I'm not talking about a personal intervening god of the north african desert) why does the universe have rules/ why is it not just chaos? where did the rules come from?

  9. We went to France from Thailand recently. The Consul in CM said that if our marriage was recognised in the UK ( and it is) then the visa is issued free, if not it costs 60 euros I think. I think that is what the Spanish embassy was saying, but not really sure. The French Schengen visa took about three weeks. It was multi entry and was valid for 6 weeks I think, it can be extended in the country somehow If France is the first point of entry, get it from them, I think that is also a rule.

  10. Thanks for that David. I just downloaded Firefox 3.6.8 but it's still not loading Pay Pal or Godaddy.

    I'm scanning Macforums also for answers, Thanks again!

    I agree with ? generic? I'm using a macbook and an iMac no problems with paypal in Chrome/firefox ( not tried Safari) I don't have problems ( touch wood0 so i suspect it is something particular to your Mac. AFA 'apple works on everything' comment. Mas are just brilliant at integrating different software. My wife has a Sony PC and I realy hate having to wander thorough windows/ outside software. Give me a Mac everytime

    Just to add Apple Pro solutions will probably sort it for you for a few hundred baht,

  11. Thanks Zippy

    Found it and mission accomplished....

    thanks heaps


    Hope it works, I posted a failed CD card from there back to Sandisk for replacement about 1 year ago, they are still waiting for it.

    Good luck to you but I'll never use them again.

    Everything posted from Sankamphaeng PO has arrived, but one parcel from the UK did not ( not registered). Registered seems to work fine in both directions- about a week

  12. We did a BKK-Paris_ Santiago Chile trip recently. The Paris/Santiago leg was non stop with Air France. More expensive ( slightly) than the Australia route but if you go BKK London,Argentina you could stop over in London would save an extra trip to london later. Most flights from Europe seem to go from Paris/ Spain

    The SA/Europe flight is a killer! 14 hours. We stayed over one night in Paris before doing the return to BKK

  13. And I wonder where people learn to read... No where does it say that the Camera is worth 200,000 baht (The comma is used in many contexts and languages, principally for separating things)......

    According to Mr. Porter, the offender stole

    a gold bracelet [worth 150,000 Baht]

    a gold Necklace [worth 100,000 Baht]

    a digital camera [Olympus],

    Bt200,000 in cash and his passport including his hotel room key.

    OOPS you are right, I misread it. But just to let you know, in case you did not, I have, in the past, used commas, so I know what they are for. So, again, for your information, I can read, I learnt a long time ago in the UK, where there is an excess of commas, does this sentence have enough commas? ( I just wish I could give Thais some of my excess commas to help undertand their writing!)

  14. One of the clearest lessons is that it is a very GOOD idea for anyone bringing a Thai lady to his room to allow the hotel to record her ID. Most Yanks feel it is degrading and an invasion of privacy and such, but I bet this hapless lad would be quite interested now in just exactly who the young woman was.

    If he was drunk, it could have also been a young man...:shock1: ....no ID recorded therefore we will never know...:burp:

    Not sure about the latter,as I think the case is cleared already..............

    Below is what I saw on my screen while viewing the pattaya forum :D

    An Olympus digital camera worth 200,000 Baht?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes there is more to this than meets the eye!

  15. There's a small box with squares in at he bottom left hand side ( see JPEG) ,press that and you get a press keyboard pad

    post-55921-002237200 1282870628_thumb.jp

    If you read the OP he has done that ;)

    Just how does this comment help the OP?

    That's a lovely picture of a Lisu girl, was it taken at a Lisu New Year festival?

    Yes ( no really it's me in drag!!) Taken in Soppong, Pangmapha at Lisu new year as you say

  16. If found guilty, why not just impose the death penalty on this dozy looking tronk?

    Why should the tax payers be lumbered with paying for feeding, medical and housing these people in prison their natural enviroment?

    Goodness, take it easy, if all he did was to throw a tyre ( yes I'm a Brit!!) on an already burning heap in the middle of the road.

    In the video I posted yesterday on the tire burning, I'm not sure that's even him, but more importantly, even if it was him, that's not all he did. The BP article yesterday cited CCTV footage of him AND his wife involved in attempts to commit arson in Chiang Mai. It does not mention the youtube video I posted, which again, may or may not be him, as the evidence against him. Additionally, the youtube video does not show the arson attempt at city hall, which is the location they are being charged with.

    point taken, but hanging seems a little extreme!

    Just send him back to the UK, what happens to his wife? will she be allowed back to the UK when this is all over or will it mean they have to split up? seems punishment to me, husband in UK can't come to Thailand, wife in Thailand maybe can't come to UK. ?? what about going to the Sudan?, lots going on there.

  17. If found guilty, why not just impose the death penalty on this dozy looking tronk?

    Why should the tax payers be lumbered with paying for feeding, medical and housing these people in prison their natural enviroment?

    Goodness, take it easy, if all he did was to throw a tyre ( yes I'm a Brit!!) on an already burning heap in the middle of the road. community service would be good, moving all the motorbikes that clog the pavements ( Brit again!) in Chiang Mai , then sent back to Manchester where there's lots he can do

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