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Posts posted by msg362

  1. I have passed those checkpoints a decent number of times on a few trips up north.. and I have never been stopped. I didn't have a number plate on my bike in july and from what I understood - the police could not have bothered less.

    It might be that I don't have enough experience in this matter though.

    Lets wait for one of the locals to answer - or else you might ask your question on GT-riders site instead..

    Just back from CM- Pai-MHS-Khun Yuam- Doi Inthanon ( 15th)

    Most of the old check points are not manned and the 2 or three that are couldn't be bothered. Only one was active, checking a bus

    Chances are you'll be fine.

    I've travelled that route many times, both on a bike and in a car,only once got stopped by the forestry people once on the way out of Doi Inthanon ( in a car)

  2. I'm not sure why you needed to talk to anyone at all. Couldn't one of you have held the baby and the other the pram as you descended the escalator? Or failing that leave the baby in the pram while descending but have one of you stand on the step directly in front of it to prevent a problem if the other of you lets go of the pram for whatever reason. I would have thought once you'd walked in through that noxious 1st floor parking garage the rest of your trip would seem a breeze by comparison.

    I agree.

    You carry your baby when you go down a flight of stairs don't you? What do you do when you go to places with no elevator at all?

    You are going to have to be a bit more flexible if this is going to be your home, there are much greater inconveniences in the Land o' Thais than this.

    OK - I'm going to spell this out.... If you read my original posting you will see that there was no problem with carrying the baby. We actually suggested that. Did you read that? The problem was with the pushchair.

    I am not prepared to put myself, my family, or any other member of the public at risk. What's so difficult to understand here?

    OK what risk, you hold on to the push chair and travel down, your wife holds the baby,, do not let go, everyone is happy! Then your blood pressure is lower and you do not spend time writing on Thai visa which could be better spent with your family . Jai yen yen, TIT!!!!!

    ( btw I spent 30 years assessing risk and this so called risk is close to the bottom. Even if you let go of the pushchair, the likely injury ( consequence) is minor.For risk here, try crossing the road/ motorbiking without a helmet, electricity not earthed,etc etc

    This is Thailand with it's great features ( no speed cameras, no one saying 'don't do this' ) but with it's problems. I love it here. Go with it)

  3. I don't know about Heathrow, but I suspect it will be the same as Manchester airport. There I and my Thai wife always go together through the UK/EU line. The staff there told us to do it, so I would think they like to see both of you together rather than separately if they can, confirms all sorts of things in their minds

  4. Abhisit has no interest in reconciliation and the road map. All this is going to do is cause more friction between the already divided country. If he is going to look into the past how about looking at the terrorists that took control of the airport? Oh no he cant because they are part of his Government. The double standards that this man has:bah: makes me sick!

    2500 people died, you can't equate that with sitting in an airport or if you do you need help I'm just astonished it's taken so long to bring this enquiry on. I was here at the time .living in a village in Northern Thailand where the headman was shot in a Wat and a filed was full of furniture taken out from houses of 'drug dealers' it lay there for over a year. Many people fled and yes some may have been dealing, but this was not the way to handle it.

  5. msg,

    now that you have shown us all that you are able to produce beautiful high quality videos, would you mind letting the interested audience read what equipment you used?:rolleyes:

    Thanks! :jap:

    Panasonic HMC 150 ( SD card AVCHD) edited either in Premiere Pro or iMovie, handheld, shotgun mic

  6. Very nice video - thanks!

    I know you're not a 16 year old Lisu girl.........are you? But if you do actually have connections to a Lisu village, video footage of the next Lisu New Year would be nice. It's been 4 years since I last went up Wawee to Doi Laan and I'll probably miss it again this year. sad.gif

    I've tried in the past to take still images at night with little success, ( it's the central fluorescent light or no light at all) but this year with a decent video camera,I'll try to get video. If I do I'll post it


  7. Just a case of everyone exploiting everyone else. The girls end up at the bottom of the pile, but I doubt they could be described as an 'innocent' party.

    If they had not consented then they are 'innocent' - if they consented to being filmed and those films being distributed and money made from those films sale (and assuming they got a hefty fee) then, yes, they are not 'innocent'. It 'appears' they had not consented and even those at the 'bottom' deserve respect in my opinion.

    They still had sex for money, it's illegal so they're criminals too !

    OK so what if you live in Isaan or another poor part of the country, you are a young girl with no prospects and your family is poor. They want you to help them. All you have are your charms and a chance of a rich husband. For this you want to put them in jail? It's the exploiters and those who protect them need locking up.

    Try looking up the definition of compassion

  8. Shouldn't this effectively end all the Victor Bout threads? The guy was caught and arrested (arrested by Thai police). The guy's extradition was approved. A second set of charges that would have slowed extradition down from Thailand were dropped. The guy's lawyers tried to get charges reinstated to slow down extradition. They weren't reinstated and he was extradited in accordance with Thai law and the extradition treaty that Thailand has with the US.

    Likely there will be USA bashing threads bringing this up for sometime.

    Just as yet another excuse to bash USA.

    Yeah and frankly so there should be, the blatant bias in this article "Viktor Bout allegedly jumped at the chance to arm narco-terrorists bent on killing Americans with an arsenal of military grade weapons,". "for use against US helicopters in Colombia" Thats like saying Gun store owners are responsible for any murder with a gun bought from their store. The US and the UK arm Israel who on recored bomb schools with white sulpherous. How about some other real horror crimes like the rape and sodamy of childen at Abū Ghurayb, the child prostitution run by blackwater, british sas setting car bombs in Basra's central square during a a major religious event.

    ??? Eh Where's the bias?'Allegedly' means just that, in other words he is said to have been keen to sell weapons. And yes, there are many horrors in the world world, but a thread on Victor Bout is not the place to raise them IMHO. This guy is better behind bars and the Thai police have done a great job in catching him. Enough surely.

  9. .

    Tried hard to understand this. Can cars go? if so can Toyota Vigos go? from Chiang Mai?


    I'm not sure-why don't you go ask the folks at Kawasaki Chiang Mai and let us know, ok?




    Oops sorry, I just thought that maybe somewhere in the long original article it would explain something. Since it mentions cars several times and I've not yet heard of a Kawa car, i thought maybe Toyotas could go.

    Do you think you might provide a precis in simple English so that simple souls like me might understand. If not what is the point of posting it?

    Sorry for the late reply- been out RIDING! :lol:


    I don't work for Kawasaki- I'm just sharing info about an upcoming trip. Apologized right at the beginning for the poor translation and I suggested you contact Kawasaki if you have questions but apparently you'd rather just winge here... :rolleyes:

    Anyway- the trip has been delayed / canceled due to serious injuries the trip leader suffered in a crash last week.

    I think I'll go anyway.

    Ride ON!


    Not whinging, just trying to find out, Kawa is not the place to ask about Toyota! Didn't fancy going on my 175 cc Boss!

    Anyway some other guy has helpfully directed me to the info I need

  10. The reason I am trying to find out is that some friends of mine want to go to Laos, they are in the UK so i must sort it first. If you are saying that as long as i have the paperwork i can just drive there anytime, that's great news

    got map, got passport! got ownership great ( what about insurance, have 1st class here))

    Look here for Border Crossing info.

    Great, thanks for this, just what I was looking for and could not find

  11. .

    Msg362 & Livinlos.

    Why not just go anyway? You don't need a caravan to show you the way.

    It's not difficult & neither is the paperwork. All you need is a map, a vehicle, a passport, vehicle rego /; ownership & away you go.

    At the start of next week there will be 3 guys from GT Rider in N Laos, after crossing at Chiang Khong, alone on different days, but they will probably meet up somewhere on the way.

    Give it a go.

    [/ Quote].

    The reason I am trying to find out is that some friends of mine want to go to Laos, they are in the UK so i must sort it first. If you are saying that as long as i have the paperwork i can just drive there anytime, that's great news

    got map, got passport! got ownership great ( what about insurance, have 1st class here))

  12. Not sur if this wil help or not!

    i've flown back from the UK twice, flying emirates into BKK then onward with Thai.

    First time, ,from Manchester, economy class, emirates let me on with 35Kg luggage, no excess.then in BKK the check in man said, 'I can let you have 30 Kg, but you must pay extra.' I paid about 300 Bht If think for the 5 kg.

    Second time, coming back again with 35Kg, business class, the Thai check in lady said ' you're overweight, I replied. but Emirates let me on, no charge' This time i was not charged. ( She asked if I had a frequent flyer card I said yes but did not have it with me.)

    My best guess is that the stated 20Kg is very flexible and that up to 25 there is no problem ,even 30 is OK if you have some good reason. Above that just hope

    Hope this helps.

  13. .

    Tried hard to understand this. Can cars go? if so can Toyota Vigos go? from Chiang Mai?

    [/ Quote].

    I'm not sure-why don't you go ask the folks at Kawasaki Chiang Mai and let us know, ok?



    [/ Quote].

    Oops sorry, I just thought that maybe somewhere in the long original article it would explain something. Since it mentions cars several times and I've not yet heard of a Kawa car, i thought maybe Toyotas could go.

    Do you think you might provide a precis in simple English so that simple souls like me might understand. If not what is the point of posting it?

  14. I married a Thai lass in August 2009 and sent off the application form and marriage cert and wife's documentation which were returned along with a covering letter dated September 2009. Since then, despite numerous letters, emails and phone calls from me, I received nothing of substance, only the stock reply that my details had been received and were being looked into.

    Today I received a letter from the DWP saying that I'm not entitled to this allowance because I live in the UK and my wife lives in Thailand. It's taken them 14 months to come to this conclusion, surely they could have told me this at the onset and saved me a lot of time and effort. Instead I've been passed between Birmingham, Newcastle and London and finally had to write two letters to the CEO of the Pension Service with a copy sent to the Pensions Advisory Service.

    I'm now in the position where I either have to accept this decision or ask them to reconsider. I was always under the impression that if you were legally married, irrespective of the wife's nationality or whether or not you lived under the same roof, you were entitled to this allowance.

    I do plan to live permanently in Thailand in the near future, but I am now outside of the cut off date (April 2010) so I don't know if the change of circumstances would be valid under the original claim of August 2009.

    I should be grateful to hear from anyone who's circumstances are similar and who have actually been paid this allowance.

    I was told the same thing by Newcastle. If you do not live in the same country, no allowance. Stupidly if you live in the same country but in different places you can still claim it. So either live both in UK and get them both indexed or live in Thailand and get both frozen

  15. Why are these crazy stupid foreigners allowed to post crab sh*t like this in this forum. You only follow their relationships to now at what level they live here,,, the gutter I suppose

    I can't believe this! Who are you to say none of this is true? If only part of it is, then it's really bad.

    what about some sympathy/ compassion? How can you possibly believe someone made this up?

    Maybe not posting and just keeping quiet would be a good idea

    Being shot is not justified and your comments indicate how low you are on the scale of human compassion

  16. What for??

    What ailment are you suffering from?

    I don't drink, so not to fight hangovers smile.gif

    Since I live in Asia (warm, sometimes humid climate), I feel like I don't get enough "air". I do extra breathing techniques (pranayama) which make me feel a little better but not enough.

    The other reason is ME/CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome).

    Btw, when I am in the moutains (Doi Suthep e.g.) I feel a lot better.

    ??????????? As you go higher there is less oxygen not more so whatever you are feeling can't be due to increased O2! Think of Everest and the difficulties breathing at heights.!

    I don't know about Doi Suthep becuase I don't think its all that much higher but I sure noticed a considerable difference (and felt a lot better) when I visited Doi Inthanon.

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