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Posts posted by msg362

  1. I've finally cracked it and got a definitive answer ( is there such a thing in LOS?) :D :D

    I went to Customs at the airport in CM, first to the big office before the turn in, they directed me to the Cargo building, just past the right turn into the airport.

    At the right hand end is the customs building, two officers sitting.

    I showed them a print out of a video camera from Singapore priced at about 107 ,000 Baht, free delivery.

    The answer, in just one minute was: 5% duty, a minimum 1% CIF ( carriage, insurance and something) even if 'free' delivery. Add those then add 7% VAT

    So 107K x 5% = 112.35 K

    Add 1% 'carriage 1.07 K

    total =113.42 K

    Add VAT at 7% 7.940

    Grand total 121,359 Baht :)

    I don't know if the duty is the same coming from the US/ Europe/NZ

    Why can't they just list the rates of duty somewhere?

  2. I've finally cracked it and got a definitive answer ( is there such a thing in LOS?)

    I went to Customs at the aiport in CM, first to the big office before the turn in, they directed me to the Cargo building, just past the right turn into the airport.

    At the right hand end is the customs building, two officers sitting.

    I showed them a print out of a video camera from singapore priced at about 108,000 Baht, free delivery.

    The answer, in just one minute was:

    pressed the wrong button, mods please delete, the full answer is below

  3. Came through Swampy recently from Bahrain, early. There are two immigration set ups. The first we came to ( from the Gulf Air stand) had very long queues, we were directed by a friendly official to a second, about 100 metres further on. Only 3 people in from of me and through in 5 minutes. so look out for the second, farther set up if the first if busy.

  4. I'm sure it's been asked before, but after spending several hours on this site and on the 'official' customs website, I'm no wiser. ((Yes I know senility!!)

    I can buy a JVC video camera for £1850 in the UK ( no VAT) ( about 85,000 Bt) or from NZ for 90,500 Bt. Here ( CM) they are asking 128,000Bt

    1 Does anyone know what the customs might charge on a good day?

    2 If I bought the camera in an ASEAN country - Singapore (??HK??) for example and brought it back unpacked and in use, am I liable for duty? ( I live here, non O retirement extension)

    Thanks for your help

  5. if you decide to leave UK as a place of residence why should your pension not be frozen at its original rate, there are 1000,s of expats , still registered as residing in uk and living and working overseas and claiming full uk pensions and allowances, so making it difficult for any new govt to look at the problem without being influenced by all the reports of cheating, my wife and I are both disabled aged pensioners living in australia, but we knew our pensions would be frozen at the same level so we allowed for it, this petition went to the european court and got thrown out why should a new govt think any different :)

    Simply a matter of natural justice. I paid for 40 years into the state pension and into private pensions. The private ones are index linked - I essentially had a contract with them. The State pension is frozen, a breach of contract ! The argument about expats not contributing to the UK economy is false- my pensions originate in the UK and I pay income tax on them. I don't however use any UK resources, saving the government money.

  6. Think about it like this , if you run into difficulties who will help you ? you have serious problems you are expected to leave , return to your own country for help , Thailand is for Thai , is this not an occassion for them to help themselves ?

    What happened to most of the funds collected for szunami victims , do you think this sort of fund you are asking for will be treated any differently and given to those most in need ?

    Time for a reality check methinks !!!

    A great excuse for inaction, hope you sleep well tonight

  7. Starting of like a little angry Child, stamping on the floor if it doesn't goes the way it want? Thanks for that.

    Now lets make something clear, its not a Catastrophe of biblical dimension, no big Earthquake or a Tsunami. The number of people we are talking about is small. To give you an example. If a factory with 500 employees closes, nobody really cares. If a small Restaurant has to close because there are not enough Tourists anymore, nobody will care. And that Restaurant does not have to be in Bangkok btw. That could be everywhere in Thailand.

    Also, before you start to cry for help, make sure there is not already a Solution to the Problem. Means, maybe the Government will help, maybe there is Social Security for People without employment. I don't know, I don't speak Thai, so I can not follow Thai TV, but this may be the case for you too.

    So please do your homework first, give us proper Information and then you will get also a better response. In an accident you will call for EMS and not names to the bystanders. Hope you do understand me.

    What are you on about?

    I'm not crying for help , not stamping the floor. I just thought we might be compassionate, but I suspect you don't know the meaning of that word. Just the usual stuff. fine, be happy!

  8. If you want to help Bangkok:

    It's difficult getting donations even if there is an ngo or npo doing it. If one doesn't have any idea how to help and puts a general message on a general forum, what do you expect. My general advice is to find an organization in Bangkok/Thailand you admire and do some research into their program. Try to make contact with an actual person who does field work perhaps - then offer your services - if that is not feasible for them offer to make a financial contribution.

    i understand the frustration we're all going though right now. Try not to take it out on the forum members. It's not inspiring anyone. What we all need right now more than money is leadership and clear vision.

    Thanks for this. If there is a crisis in other parts, there is a credit card 'hot line' type thing. nothing seems to be here. I had hoped the mods might be able to organise something. Seems nothing is available

    I live in Chiang Mai, too far to go clean the streets, but willing to contribute if I thought it would get to the people. The clear vision is something only the Thais can provide. We watch in frustration.

  9. Well now I know more about Thai Visa correspondents.

    I posted this lunchtime on Saturday 22nd. 71 people have read it and no one has replied. All of you come out to add your words of wisdom to other posts on the subject, explaining how it all happened etc. None of you want to really help by the look if it.

    Mods, quick enough to pull something that doesn't fit their rules, do not respond to this.

    If we are an expat community surely we can help somehow or are we all too braindead?

  10. Just amazing. When there is some inane topic, everyone comes out from the woodwork. When we can really help, few people read and no one offers. My post has been up for about 7 hours: 52 people have read it and no one has replied.

    Is this what we expats are? spineless, mouthing off and no compassion?

    Come on help them. How do we do it?

  11. Second post, sorry, could not edit title.

    Is there any way we can help those who have lost their livelihood? Bank trnsfer/ organised collection etc? Can Thai Visa organise something? I for one would like to contribute and I'm sure many others would.

    ( Mods, sorry twice, can you delete the first post with the wrong title ).

  12. My wife said that she has spoken with some other people (This is still hearsay of course) and that the word is there is panic buying going on in the Supermarkets, regarding the branches that are presently still open as many are being closed including some 7/11 stores under the emergency laws.

    I was at Makro yesterday and no panic was in evidence. I did hear from someone that hordes of Farangs went to Rim Ping and bought everything in sight! :)

    I see no reason for any panic buying; some of the stores that have connections to the current government are closing, others are closing early, but that leaves the whole day to buy absolutely anything you may need. Keep in mind all regular wet markets remain functioning no matter what, with most of their produce originating in the immediate area.

    I agree, Central at Kad Suan Kaew has shut as, I believe , has airport Plaza. But the town is quieter than usual and people are going about their business. Pantip Plaza, for example, was open this morning.

    I'm a Brit from London, and have that spirit that my parents had in the war. Nil Carborundum - don't let the bu**ers grind you down

  13. Hmm..sorry if you have already inquired about this..but dont they offer free delivery on purchases like that? I guess would also depend on how far out you actually are, but even then they should charge a fairly nominal fee. Apologies if stating the obvious...but you have asked them?

    Er of course, I have several brain cells still working even at my advanced age. MHS is 250Km+ from CM that is the problem. They said go to Muang Mai and ask for someone to deliver it!!!. 50 Km seems to be the limit

    Unlike me. I read it as Hang Dong. I guess my brain is frazzled today.

    don't worry it's cooling down now! what a relief

  14. great thanks for this, will try, my wife is Thai and can do the talking

    I really can't understand why so many folks on this forum call for help when they are living with or married to Thais (male or female).

    Thais tend to know how the systems operate in Thailand. It isn't really difficult to send stuff from province to province, town to town or street to street.

    Maybe it's because my wife did not know how to send it, if she had I wouldn't be asking. Maybe better not to generalise about Thais and their knowledge. I asked a sensible question, what's your problem?

    If it's not difficult to send from province to province maybe you would be so kind as to tell me how to do it rather than just post criticism

  15. Domestic forwarder Nim See Seng. I guess not more than THB 400 to MHS. Got two pallets (120 x 80 cm each) of really heavy stuff delivered from Bangkok two weeks ago for less than THB 800.

    http://www.nimtransport.com/web/ you can chose English language.

    Service Center 053-244801; let a Thai friend call; probably no English spoken.

    Should be the cheapest solution.

    great thanks for this, will try, my wife is Thai and can do the talking

  16. Hmm..sorry if you have already inquired about this..but dont they offer free delivery on purchases like that? I guess would also depend on how far out you actually are, but even then they should charge a fairly nominal fee. Apologies if stating the obvious...but you have asked them?

    Er of course, I have several brain cells still working even at my advanced age. MHS is 250Km+ from CM that is the problem. They said go to Muang Mai and ask for someone to deliver it!!!. 50 Km seems to be the limit

  17. Photo of Thaksin and his daughter shopping in a Louis Vuitton shop in Paris last Saturday.

    What happened to his claim to 'come back once the first bullet is fired' At least Seh Deng had the courage to be with the redshirts.

    What a two faced lying coward


  18. No I don't this is simply common sense.

    He, this is life, things go wrong, and sometimes you just suffer damages from them. Accept it and move on.

    I think you wrote this Steven! when I asked you if you had any further information

    You also said I was 'blaming the insurance company' For what? the volcano? I think not!

    Now you claim expertise and still misread me.

    You aren't really helping are you? I think it best if you simply stop adding to this thread

    I'll stop as we are off soon and ill try to sort this out on our return

    In the meantime be happy!

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