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Posts posted by msg362

  1. Shane ... forget the double black or ANYTHING slightly exotic ... seriously.

    They aren’t about to sip it quietly by the fireside.

    The only 'fireside' they are going to see is if the neighbour rubbish burn gets out of control.

    A bottle of so-so plonk in a nice box duty-free is more then adequate.

    The heart you have to win over is her Mum's.

    More importantly ... how is the Thai language practise going?

    Hi David

    yes i managed to get a copy of rosette stone level 1 Thai off a torrent site.

    So slowly working my way through that.

    i also got a great migration agent, I think you know who that is?

    He used to be on these forums.

    What is with all the conspiracy theorists here, I'm a fairly transparent person.

    I have no agenda and nothing to hide, this merely one of many internet forums I use for information.

    Same as I use for my 4X4 for e.g.

    It's useful, and has and continues to help me.

    I take everything here with a grain of salt however, as there is seems to be some very bittier and burned people here.

    get a life some of you wink.png

    What are you on about? I thought this was about whisky?

  2. A 21 year old Glenlivet fits the ticket. Lovely stuff

    I've never seen Thais appreciate good malt whisky, always lots of soda and ice. Black label is OK as it is a status thing, but any old stuff would do. Suggest filling a 'Black Label ' bottle with cheap blended and seeing if they notice .Makes me feel homesick for a decent bar in Edinburgh with it's row of good whiskies..

  3. Only a matter of time until someone gets killed by one of these tigers. There will be an attack eventually, these are dangerous animals that can never be totally controlled. Even Roy got mauled by one of his tigers. And a few years ago a teenage girl in the US was killed while taking her photo with a captive tiger at a private zoo. It will happen at this zoo too.

    heres how fast a lion can kill a man ,frightening stuff ....


    and when they decide to eat you ,they dont change their mind ....


    Why did it take so long to get the policeman with the gun? ( I know you can't answer this, just rhetorical)

  4. I have nothing but prasie for Thai Post. Fast, reliable and inexpensive. The US Postal Service should send some people over hear to learn how to run a postal system. Domestically, I shipped an aluminum trailer frame that I had fabricated in Chiangmai by post back home to Phitsanlok and it cost only 250 baht! You can ship motorcycles, refrigerators and bicycles at similar rates!

    I have heard some people mention losing things, but all of them were in Phuket, Bangkok or Chiangmai, where corruption is more rampant. I have shipped and received(international) tens of thousands of dollars (US) worth of stuff and have never lost anything, Only a couple of times have I had to pay a small amount of duty, but it was because the sender failed to label the package as I requested (hand write label and use no commercial names as sender). If you receive a package by UPS, FedEx or DHL, you better bend over cause their gonna nail you hard every time. Post is best.

    +1 and registered mail costs only a few baht extra, gets there every time and quickly too.


  5. Pastiche

    I know nothing of souls and as a convinced atheist would not want to get involved in any theoretical discussion on something I reject entirely.

    The 'souls' bit was a joke/ question to those who say sapiens only have souls. If we really are 5% neaderthalis does that qualify them to go to heaven? Just a joke

    But if we really did interbreed with neaderthalis what does this say for 'species barriers'?

  6. Thanks,

    I got to the conclusion that I paid 7% VAT ( goods valued at 8000 Baht, paid 560 Baht VAT and 20 baht for something or other!) on the value of the goods, but no duty/VAT on the carriage costs which are included when using UPS etc. From now on USPS/ Thai post it is!

  7. For the last few years I've been buying computer/photo kit from B+H, a big dealer in New York. Until this time, I've always used UPS ( United Parcels Service) fast, the cheapest but always duty etc has been about 13% of the total costs.

    This time I used USPS ( American post office). Ordered Last Thursday 19th ( $328), notification today that it's at the post office and I must pay duty( 580Baht)( 4 days to arrive). But it's only 5.9% On expensive kit, this is a big saving. USPS was marginally more expensive than UPS but is trackable and the saving in duty more than outweighed that.

    I think this is a relatively common experience. Don't ask me why they are so different, TIT.

  8. As the heat gets even worse and all I can do is wait for it to go away, my mind starts wandering ( more than usual). I think of cool cans of cider, cold white wine and then wonder who is it that sticks those bits of blue paper over each and every one?

    Is there a man in Klong Toey who spends his life ( rather like a painter of the Forth Bridge) sticking them on?. Are there many of them doing this? Is this why wine costs so much here?( We have to pay for the stickers). Does he use his tongue or is he allowed a bowl with water in?

    So many questions, so few answers!

    I hope the rain comes soon!

  9. No mate, that's Brussels sprouts named after the Belgian city; looks like your Ivy League education came up short if you can't spell where you live with your HiSo wife

    OK, you got me. Sorry.


    I thought about playing the game with you, but I anticipated that it wouldn't be much fun since we both know more-or-less how it's going to go.

    You bait me. I rip you. You come back. Perhaps another guy joins in on either side. The mod comes in and deletes our stupid posts and issues us warnings. One or two 'responsible' posters make posts about getting back onto the topic. You and I get a bit upset that we typed these long-winded, silly posts that are now deleted and realize that we are powerless to get them back, and because we have no real interest in actually arguing our points with each other, rather than sending personal messages to each other, we instead just give up, more interested in selfishly feeding our individual boredom, ignoring each other for the rest of the day, and we get back to posting random, often silly things on an anonymous board.

    Yes You're right - it does tend to be boredom; we really should find something better to do.

    I see you have posted that you were leaving the thread; that's a pity since I wanted to question your assertion that Neanderthals were our ancestors. They were not and I think you will find that while the two types of humans were around at the same time, there is little evidence of interbreeding and that is hotly disputed.

    There's some evidence from DNA sequencing that ? up to 5% of our genome (those of non African descent) is Neanderthal ( off topic, but did Neanderthals have souls? what amount of DNA qualifies?)

  10. This is a rough cut of footage obtained both last year and this year. It's about 5 minutes long and is a strong edit from over 1 hour of recording, but i have tried to make it representative of the event.

    I got a lot of stick over a previous posting about Songkran, I hope this video speaks for itself.

    So ,for those of you who have the time and inclination to watch it,

    I hope you enjoy it.


  11. Yes, but, and for some of us who are forced into caring about this type of thing. It's one thing to know that this ridiculous superficiality is not in and of itself important, but it's another thing to know that image is indeed an important part of the game -- esp in these 3rd world countries where people are far more likely to judge a person at FACE value at least initially (and then even throughout much of a relationship). Indeed, many here in Thailand and similar as of yet developed countries know not how to judge to 'properly' judge a person (at least not in a way many of us Westerners would consider proper).

    These things are as important here as they were in Europe and America a hundred - a couple hundred years ago. Sucks, but it's true. Who I marry can open/close doors for me here -- despite my own family history and background/accomplishments.

    That's actually very quaint, kind of turning the tables on the old gold-digging accusation. How to select your spouse based on how her economic status and family connections can help my career.

    I don't suppose you're Asian are you?

    And before you get defensive, I'm not saying at all there's anything wrong with it, just funny to see when so many guys get on their high horse about women making their partnering decisions based on the same kind of material considerations.

    I am not one of those guys who thinks anything is wrong with whoring oneself in the name of monetary reward. My life revolves around money. It's all I care about. It comes even before sex. I want to die a rich, unhappy man.

    I've got just the answer!!!!!! Rob a bank, drop the money into the river before you can spend it and then shoot yourself. Would that work ?

    ( Don't take this seriously it's a pathetic attempt at humour. You can do whatever you like as far as I'm concerned as long as it doesn't affect me too much)

  12. My observation on Songkran. Completely not my style at all, but had a business client stop over on the weekend and he stayed in Suk Soi 2. He knew nothing of SOngkran so I explained to him and although curios he had no intention of getting wet.Over two nights we had drinks and dinner in lower Suk, and also same on sunday in SOi 33. Walking around the Thai's playing water never once splashed us when we made it clear we did not want it. The drunk obnoxiousness farangs all did and frankly it got us both quite angry. The locals seemed to get it that not everyone is interested, the farangs simply don't.

    Be careful, I got called a racist for saying something similar about CM

  13. i've read through this thread

    I got soaked last night, driving my bike, 9.00pm, doing 80kph on the road just past the Big C heading out of town. I was dressed for dinner with friends and I was far from happy when a pick up pulled up beside me and a guy drenched me with a bucket of Icy water.

    pr*ck. jerk.gifannoyed.gif

    westerner or thai?

    Thai, about 12 Thais on the back of the truck, I felt a blast from a water pistol first then half a second later the bucket of water. If it had been a Westerner I would have broken his jaw, but I'm not tackling a truckload of Thais.

    Ya boo! no guts!!!!smile.png ( another attempt at humour, sorry)

  14. Stolen from another forum, check out 0.40 secs


    Thank you for this, It illustrates the point I was trying to make in my original post ( which I was told was ill considered and for which I received abuse and a lot of horse manure) wonderfully.

    I've quoted from it here

    Songkran around the moat in CM and you will get wet!. But carrying an expensive video camera ( it was wearing a raincoat), almost all the Thais, when they saw the camera did not spray directly at it. Admittedly some did put ice cold water down my back, but that's OK. They looked and saw and smiled.

    Now the farangs, a different story. One deliberately tried to squirt water into the camera while I was trying to put it away, another, from about 50 cm squirted water directly in to my face. They do this with an inane look on their face. Others did similar things. Not all farangs, but many of them. What goes on in the head of a 20 year something farang grinning inanely and trying to ruin a £2000 video camera?. Why squirt from 50 cm?

    It's almost as if, with a few changes, this could be the voiceover for your video.

    Let's hope this will draw a line under what has been a very long and often abusive thread


  15. Wow, what a post!

    I've been accused of being racist, utterly superior, arrogant, anti farang and goodness knows what else What I find interesting is why I'm attacked. The question I raised has been addressed by some, (and thank you for that), but others pick on side issues to try to prove their superiority. None of them know me yet stereotype me. Great. ( BTW, I'm modest, tolerant, young, handsome, intelligent ,witty, jovial, great fun to be with,amusing, and any other positive attribute you care to thin of) ( ( just so you know, this is my attempt at humour)

    ( Got you, you missed out the word 'some in your title'). Just FINALLY for the record, I was in the course of putting the camera away when the idiot farang approached, I tried to hide behind some trees, but he still went for me. If you want any more detail, I'll tell you exactly where I sat, where I had a pee. but it's really boring.

    I find it fascinating, some here on TV like to attack, like a pack of hyenas. I wonder if they exhibit the same characteristics as the idiot, I wonder if they were not loved as children and I wonder what satisfaction they get from attacking from behind their avatars.

    Fascinating. What exactly to they think they contribute? What satisfaction do they get?

    But enough, this topic has been done to death surely by now.

    Well I do have to agree with the others that your original post was slightly racist and you could have equally been targeted by a Thai. Did you ever think, maybe you were 'attacked' by other posters because you deserved it, from your original badly thought out post?

    Perhaps you should end the topic with an apology for calling 'white people' (aka farangs aka us) stupid.

    When the hole is deep enough, time to stop digging.

    Oh here we go, the point was over the years I've been here, the Thais mostly are considerate, many farangs are not, many seem to like to behave stupidly. I have never been targeted by a Thai like that, although reading the news I agree, few farangs would club someone to death because they objected to being sprayed with water.That's my experience, not racist just an observation. That was the point of my question. I suspect there is a very different attitude amongst many tourists from most Thais, that is what I was getting at. I simply gave an example, i could have given many more. Yes I should have put the word 'some' into the title, humblest apologies, happy now?

    without wishing to stir it up I don't agree with the

    'the point was over the years I've been here, the Thais mostly are considerate, many farangs are not, many seem to like to behave stupidly'

    you experienced Thai driving? Thai parking? Thai queuing? in my experience Thais are pretty selfish compared to farang who at least know how to park, drive and queue! but let's not go down that road

    Separate point, not about Songkran, don't get me started on driving or I'll send you a recording of what I say when I drive and when I park!. Why do they plonk their car in front of a parked one? what is it about the outside lane that is so wonderful? why must you turn right from the left hand lane? My blood pressure is rising just thinking of it!

    Peace!!!!! smile.png

    • Like 1
  16. That is a fair point as you did start putting caps in your response which is considered shouting online and that exhibits aggression.

    I agree, but I did start by apologising for the capitals!!!! and it was only for the bits I thought had not been read and I was repeating I thought it might be a bit clearer! I could have used 'bold' I suppose

    • Like 1
  17. Wow, what a post!

    I've been accused of being racist, utterly superior, arrogant, anti farang and goodness knows what else What I find interesting is why I'm attacked. The question I raised has been addressed by some, (and thank you for that), but others pick on side issues to try to prove their superiority. None of them know me yet stereotype me. Great. ( BTW, I'm modest, tolerant, young, handsome, intelligent ,witty, jovial, great fun to be with,amusing, and any other positive attribute you care to thin of) ( ( just so you know, this is my attempt at humour)

    ( Got you, you missed out the word 'some in your title'). Just FINALLY for the record, I was in the course of putting the camera away when the idiot farang approached, I tried to hide behind some trees, but he still went for me. If you want any more detail, I'll tell you exactly where I sat, where I had a pee. but it's really boring.

    I find it fascinating, some here on TV like to attack, like a pack of hyenas. I wonder if they exhibit the same characteristics as the idiot, I wonder if they were not loved as children and I wonder what satisfaction they get from attacking from behind their avatars.

    Fascinating. What exactly to they think they contribute? What satisfaction do they get?

    But enough, this topic has been done to death surely by now.

    Well I do have to agree with the others that your original post was slightly racist and you could have equally been targeted by a Thai. Did you ever think, maybe you were 'attacked' by other posters because you deserved it, from your original badly thought out post?

    Perhaps you should end the topic with an apology for calling 'white people' (aka farangs aka us) stupid.

    When the hole is deep enough, time to stop digging.

    Oh here we go, the point was over the years I've been here, the Thais mostly are considerate, many farangs are not, many seem to like to behave stupidly. I have never been targeted by a Thai like that, although reading the news I agree, few farangs would club someone to death because they objected to being sprayed with water.That's my experience, not racist just an observation. That was the point of my question. I suspect there is a very different attitude amongst many tourists from most Thais, that is what I was getting at. I simply gave an example, i could have given many more. Yes I should have put the word 'some' into the title, humblest apologies, happy now?

    • Like 1
  18. Wow, what a post!

    I've been accused of being racist, utterly superior, arrogant, anti farang and goodness knows what else What I find interesting is why I'm attacked. The question I raised has been addressed by some, (and thank you for that), but others pick on side issues to try to prove their superiority. None of them know me yet stereotype me. Great. ( BTW, I'm modest, tolerant, young, handsome, intelligent ,witty, jovial, great fun to be with,amusing, and any other positive attribute you care to thin of) ( ( just so you know, this is my attempt at humour)

    ( Got you, you missed out the word 'some in your title'). Just FINALLY for the record, I was in the course of putting the camera away when the idiot farang approached, I tried to hide behind some trees, but he still went for me. If you want any more detail, I'll tell you exactly where I sat, where I had a pee. but it's really boring.

    I find it fascinating, some here on TV like to attack, like a pack of hyenas. I wonder if they exhibit the same characteristics as the idiot, I wonder if they were not loved as children and I wonder what satisfaction they get from attacking from behind their avatars.

    Fascinating. What exactly to they think they contribute? What satisfaction do they get?

    But enough, this topic has been done to death surely by now.

  19. To the OP.....

    Farang translates to 'white people'... it doesn't translate to 'westerners'... so, your title is the same as

    "Songkran In Cm Why Are White People So Stupid?"

    Also, In your fist post you stated "But carrying an expensive video camera ( it was wearing a raincoat),"

    Then later you said the reason why you mentioned 2000 pounds was so people would know it was a large video camera and not a small camcorder.... Then you correct people about the price when they refer to it as $2000 .... how does that clarify the size? Honestly, I had no idea that 2000 pounds means it's a large video camera... I thought there could be some smaller ones for the same price?

    I think you wanted people to know about the value and not the size of your video camera .... otherwise, you would have just said

    "But carrying a large video camera ( it was wearing a raincoat),"

    regardless, it sucks to have people intentionally try to damage your property. I'm sure the person trying to spray it wouldn't want someone trying to damage their property.... but it's chaos out there and sometimes people get caught up in it and do stupid things..

    All the best


    Yes, I could have phrased it better, thank you , but he deliberately tried to ruin it. BTW I think you are wrong about your definition of 'farang' but that's for nother debate

  20. I'm a bit confused...

    Were you trying to take some video of a typical Thai street scene, and the worlds biggest waterfight broke out??? Or were you trying to take video of the worlds biggest waterfight, and were suprised that there was water involved???

    Title should have been:

    "I didn't think through the idea of taking my video camera to film the songkran festivities, I've learnt my lesson now."

    I was filming the parade, to get back to the car I had to go through the 'no man's land' of Taphae Gate and Loi Kroh. OK at Taphae gate, but I had not put my camera away before unexpectedly running into a group of Farangs, one of whom tried to ruin my camera as I was trying to put it away. ( It was in a water resistant case, but I was trying to put it into a second case for more protection.)

    I disagree, I should, having taken reasonable precautions, expect to be able to film the parade and I could. But you are right, I should not expect to film a waterfight without a totally waterproof ( ? ( Underwater?) housing. I wasn't trying to do that.. Two other thoughts: my title should read 'Why do SOME farangs...... ' and I should have anticipated the waterfight area and put the camera away earlier.

    But surely by now there has been more than enough said.

  21. why have an expensive camera when you are in Thailand walking around in Songkran , maybe its you who did not think.

    Exactly. The subject could just as easily read, ' what kind of moron brings a $2000 video camera out on songkran '.

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    Exactly, totally stupid but that is some Farangs for you. This is Sonkran live with it.

    Have you actually read my posts? did you notice my camera was protected? Oh and BTW many of the SLRs out there were worth at least as much as my camera and, like me, they had them covered in water resistant bags.

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