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Posts posted by msg362

  1. OK, maybe a sort of conclusion. We went out today to scout around. We got coordinates from the internet and also wandered about. Luckily we came across a young Thai who told us 'Yes it's been planned for years but nothing happens' He was also capable of drawing a map ( unlike the other Thais we asked who simply said' trong pai, mai glai' ( straight ahead, not far)' and pointed us in the wrong direction)

    There is absolutely no sign of anything happening here. The 'site ( see photo) is more than 4 km from the 1317 through winding narrow cement roads that go through small villages. A very peaceful rural setting with a backdrop of the Lampun hills. To build anything of the order they are suggesting would require a major upgrade to the 1317 ( planned i think), a further approx 4 km road through the villages to get to the site. Electricity, water, waste disposal for? what 1000 or more people/ Internet access? for a film studio? Out here? My best guess is that it will never happen, it just seems set in the wrong place. It would need to be much closer in to CM and have access to better services/infrastructure. But I could be wrong. does anyone know if the land has been bought by CNX?

    GPS 18.47.800 99.15.453 ( Garmin)



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  2. I don't profess to be an expert on this subject, but I did live out that way for some time & was taken on a 'guided tour' of the site by a Thai local.

    To my knowledge the site is in A. Mae On, NOT A. San Khampaeng. But this confusion came about because Mae On previously was part of A. San Khampaeng, but more recently the government created a new Amphur of Mae On.

    Again, to my knowledge, the site chosen is in the flat & foothills of the mountain range south of Tambon On Klang, in A. Mae On.

    The above info is at least 2 years old, & have no further info as to whether the project will go ahead or not.

    Thanks, will go take a look

  3. You got it wrong, it was me in the first quote. How can you be so certain that it is NOT going ahead? I was talking with a Thai lawyer and farang who have interests in houses and film making, that is whyIi raised the question again.

    Because they have 'launched' this and 'went ahead' with this countless times over the past 15 years. This is why I'm not holding my breath.

    You can only cry wolf so many times before you get a yawn in return.

    But if it's really happening, hey great.


    I've not cried 'wolf' before, merely asking if there is any independent information rather than speculation. A question is not 'crying wolf',it's asking. From the lack of response it would seem not a lot is happening, but if anyone has real information- GPS coordinates/ map reference or anything I'll go and verify.

  4. You may have noticed that all streams and small Nam Muang drains that only see water in the wet season get bridges. Water will flow just fine.

    Secondly, during the recently completed widening the road level wasn't actually raised further. So it's the same as it has been the last 12 or so years

    Thirdly, just last year, half of the greater Chiangmai Mai area was up to it's eyeballs in flood water. The Sankypeng Road and adjacent areas didnt flood.

    Fourth, ... nah, that's it. wink.png


    San Kamphaeng & the 1317 flooded at the beginning of August last year, a completely different event from the flood of Chiang Mai. The Kuang river / canal system has flooded 2001, 2006, 2012 since I've lived near its banks. It's a separate system to the Ping.

    Didn't notice that. How far down? I'm down that road quite a bit, though not all the way to Sankamphaeng / Mae On. Not saying it didn't happen, just wondering roughly where it occurs.

    And sort your quotes out, you're quoting me as saying something another poster said...

    Quick-quote function doesn't seem to be enabled, so any second or further quote blocks I have to add manually so they don't get the poster's name.. I think it's clear though because the first one does have the name of the poster.

    You got it wrong, it was me in the first quote. How can you be so certain that it is NOT going ahead? I was talking with a Thai lawyer and farang who have interests in houses and film making, that is whyIi raised the question again. Any definite information would be useful

    BTW a lot of the land near me is either owned by Taksin's aunt or Taksin's sister Yingluck and they seem to be selling it rapidly.

  5. OK Now it's 2012,almost June. I thought this project had been shelved/ abandoned, but I heard yesterday from someone who might just know, that it is up and running again. This might account for the frantic buying up of all the rice paddy either side of the 1317. I live on the 1317, see the Lampang hills and it is quiet. I can't find any evidence of construction locally and I can't find any map reference or GPS coordinates to tell me where this might happen.

    Does anyone have up to date information?

  6. Thank you everyone for some positive stories,

    for some of us starting relationships with a Thai lady and seeing too much negatives on the forums, it’s really a heart warmer.

    Yes my Thai lady is lovely; 6 months together now smile.png

    wish me luck!


    I thought, after reading through four pages, that I was going to be the one in the shortest relationship with their Thai lady (nine months, and getting better). Not that that matters, because all of the people who have been together for years and years have been where we are!

    After spending the better part of the past decade dating women in their 20's, much to my friends' dismay, I was introduced to my now girlfriend upon my first visit to Thailand last year. Upon seeing her walk into the room, I thought to myself, "please let it be her!" and when my mate's Thai wife grabbed her hand and walked her over to make the introduction, my heart skipped a beat.

    It still does every time she looks into my eyes, tells me she loves me, and flashes her gorgeous smile. wub.png

    Being 11 months younger than me (I'm 41), and from a poor rural background, like mine, she is the polar opposite of the women I was chasing back in Australia, and that is most likely the reason why it's working so well! Thankfully, for us, it is still the honeymoon period, but we've both been around long enough to know what we want, and how to speak our minds (even if it is in pidgin english).

    Like many in this thread, I feel like the happiest guy on earth!

    I've just reached for the sick bucket reading that.

    when you've finished I suggest you tip it over your head. His is a great story, why can't you just be happy for him?

  7. Real estate agents.

    especially foreign ones Brits are the worst

    Is this not racist?( nationalist??), stereotyping? I suspect you are an American racist who stereotypes us Brits, ( a feeble attempt at humour spelt the correct ( UK) way)

    Wow, I didn't know that Brits was a race. What a twit.

    Oh, and I agree with gamini.

    Read the second word Nationalist!!!! do you know what that means? It was a joke ( albeit feeble) you twit! I take it you have vast experience of British ( that includes Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish people unless you were not sure) and you can compare that against, for example american, Australian, French estate agents.

  8. There are many people around that sales puppies and did you ever think where those puppies come from?Ofcourse this is a business and i am taking care very well of my all dogs.NOw ask you 2 guys:what is the difference to sale puppie and giving adult dog for adoption ?Its shame on me you said,i have 20 dogs in my kennel and at list 5 of them not for breeding but i still care them and not leave them out.But why not dont give the dog to someone really want to have?

    Because Huskies like to live in a very cold climate, they should not be in Thailand. Send them to Canada/Iceland or somewhere At your expense

    • Like 1
  9. Are you trolling? what sort of answer do you expect?

    Wear a space suit and you will not have a problem. Don't touch,you'll not have a problem,don't exchange body fluids, money, ATM cards and you'll not have a problem

    Wear a condom ( on your nose, fingers, head or any other part that might come in contact.) Leave your brain in 'neutral' while your blood flows to your nether regions

  10. What's this all about? there are lots of video men in CM, some use Macs( I do) and some use PCs, many use Adobe PP, some use Sony Vegas, some use Final Cut. I work with someone who is a very experienced BBC man - he uses a PC I use a Mac. We sometimes uses a Panny GH2 ( like a DSLR) as a back up. We both use PP. This is all confusing. We are very interested in people who are genuinely interested in videography, we have lots of projects in mind ( we've recently worked with a friend who has a small 'sexcopter' ( a six fanned remotely controlled helicopter) and a GoPro and got great aerial shots.

    If anyone is really interested in getting together, without any 'Macs'/'PC' 'FCP' Adobe' distinction, PM me.

  11. Caviar on tubes? Whatever will they think off next .... w00t.gif

    Why does Americans like grape nuts so much? (sorry, don't mean to American-bash, but it seems to be an American thing). I bought some out out of curiosity once, had one portion and threw the rest out. It was uneatable, like gravel. bah.gif

    Yes it really is an American thing, but come on, not gross like Vegemite/Marmite!

    Its largely a texture thing. What, you don't like eating gravel?

    Honestly, I can't really explain a rational reason for liking them. I like to mix them in with other cereals to add texture/crunchiness.

    My Goodness !! You don't like Marmite??! What is wrong with you? were you never brung up proper like wot I was? The stuff of champions!

  12. Some of the British oriented food suppliers in the Chiang Mai area offer Indian food as interpreted by the British, most of it quite good, apparently.

    http://www.sausageking1.com/menus/ (Look for the Indian stuff)

    They're a sponsor on Thaivisa; post in the Chiang Mai forum for more info.

    What do you mean 'interpreted by the British' I'll have you know Balti was invented in Birmingham ( that's in England BTW) by Brits of oriental origin. What more do you need to know?

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