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Posts posted by msg362

  1. I've been really interested in the responses to my original post. There are those who read it and understood I was asking about behaviours, not complaining, those who skimmed it and told me I should not take an unprotected camera into town at Songkran and those who were just downright aggressive and nasty.

    Sorry about this being a long response, but I think ( if those who are aggressive can actually read to the end) We can summarise this.

    I like to make videos about Thai life. Last year I filmed around the moat at Songkran ,got lots of good stuff with Thais being happy and responsible in general and yes I posted about some idiot farang at Taphae gate. I also filmed in villages -local ceremonies at Wats and Thais making merit in their way. Families where the younger people raying respect by pouring a small amount of water over their parents hands. I filmed kids having fun throwing water at passing cars and so on. What I didn't have was footage of the parade of Bhudda images to Wat Pra Singh, and important element and that's what I was filming on Friday.

    So this year, like last, farangs around Taphae gate behaved oddly/badly compared with most ( not all ) Thais. I'm not upset by that, no damage, no problem, but trying to point out why some farang behaviour is so different from most Thais. So I asked the question 'what goes on in their heads, why are they so happy to destroy?"

    Now I know that was difficult for some TV members to grasp because it is not a complaint, nor a whine but simply a question.

    Thank you folks for those of you that have tried to answer the question or who have come up with accounts of your own to add flesh to the story.

    I'm now in a position to make a fairly reasonable first crack a short video trying to describe Songkran in CM. I don't pretend to understand all the complexities of the Thai culture and a short video can't do that, but maybe it can contrast the tradition with current CM reality. I'll try.

    So again, thanks for thoseof you that read and commented sensibly. For those of you that told me I'm, boasting/arrogant/ should go home/ am stupid/ whatever, again thanks I understand you better and realise some of you can't grasp ideas but are happy to insult from behind your avatars.

    every word comes across as utterly superior and arrogant

    edit: the OP claims it was just a 'question' but he asked the same question last year - and it is not just a 'question' it's written in an aggressive anti-farang style - it's a leading question not an honest 'why'? so no point commenting further with this aggressive guy and his precious 'ideas' about what's right and what's wrong with Songkran if he phrased it differently he would get more sympathy but it has been highlighted by other posters that he's a serial moaner and complainer - and there are 100s of old farangs like him unfortunately. Mai pen rai.

    My goodness ,you are an angry little man aren't you. ( aggression? me ?, try looking at your own posts! ) I'd try meditation if I were you, it might make you happier. Try reading properly, you will see I did not express any ideas of what's right and wrong, merely wondered. Happy songkran. (How do you know how old I am? ( I'm 14))

  2. This was just reported on Thai visa. maybe I'll have to change my mind!

    Three vicious murders marred Songkran celebrations in separate incidents around the country yesterday.

    In one, a 58-year-old man in Chumphon was clubbed to death by a drunken reveller for objecting to being drenched with water.

    In another case in Bangkok, an underage member of an illegal motorcycle gang was shot dead and four others wounded when a rival gang opened fire after a Silom Road water fight turned deadly.

    And in Satun, a man knifed a drunken reveller to death for allegedly molesting his sister during a water fight.

  3. why have an expensive camera when you are in Thailand walking around in Songkran , maybe its you who did not think.

    I agree why have an expensive camera/video player out during Songkran!

    ER TV cameras were out, reporters were out, are you saying they should not be? ( I don't need an answer)

  4. Not racist ( I had no idea what 'race' the idiot was from nor the 'race' of the guy who squirted me in the eyes from 50 cm)

    Farang is a word used to describe white people. You're suggesting that white people are somehow worse or less respectful than Thai people. It would clearly be racist for me to make a post like, "Why are black people so bad?" and that is basically what you've done here.

    The point about the value of the camera is that it was obviously not a camcorder and that was visible to the idiot. It was much larger and very obvious yet still he thought it was a great laugh to repeatedly try to ruin it as I was trying to put it away.

    Would it be okay for someone to attempt destroying the camera if it was worth less money? This is not logical at all and you obviously don't believe that. You stating the value of your camera holds no useful purpose for the discussion you created... you really were just bragging and you're certainly not fooling me.

    My question has always been 'what goes on in the heads of these people?"

    If you reread the title of this thread you will see that that was not your question at all.

    What goes on in the head of a 20 year something farang grinning inanely and trying to ruin a £2000 video camera?. Why squirt from 50 cm?

    From the original post

    Farang describes people from the west mainly and my observation was that ,on that day, around Taphae gate, they were behaving worse than most Thais. just as you can say supporters of a football team are behaving badly. Not racist , just shorthand and observation, what would you have me say?. I have never said, nor would I say 'why are black people so bad,?' don't try to put words in my mouth

    And I agree ,any attempt to ruin someone's camera is reprehensible and it was a farang trying to do it.

    I'm getting bored, but one last attempt. My camera is bigger than normal 'camcorders', it looks very similar to the professional cameras used by TV companies, but it not, it is far cheaper than those. but to an untrained eye, it may look like one. It's clearly not an amateur camera, most people look at it and think it's a TV video camera. This is not boasting, it's trying to help you. The guy deliberately tried to damage it with an inane grin on his face. Now whether you think I'm racist to comment or not,I really don't care and I've spent more than enough time trying to help you understand. You have no idea who I am nor my background and I really find you presumption that I am racist' offensive. I can equally say things about who I think you are, your ability to comprehend simple English and inability to refrain from attacking others rather than addressing the points raised, but I will not.

  5. If you tried filming such an event in the west, you would probably be accused of being a pedophile.

    Yeah. Was watching two young kids imitate last year's coyote pick up dance. It was kind of cute, but out of context it might not seem appropriate.

    post-64232-0-02148100-1334492289_thumb.j post-64232-0-34588800-1334492300_thumb.j post-64232-0-67819200-1334492303_thumb.j

    A couple of years ago in the UK I was told ( by my family) not to video 5 soccer pitches from about 100 metres away where ( I guess) 12 year old boys were playing soccer ( I was trying out a new camcorder). Because I was in danger of being regarded as a paedophile.

  6. I've been really interested in the responses to my original post. There are those who read it and understood I was asking about behaviours, not complaining, those who skimmed it and told me I should not take an unprotected camera into town at Songkran and those who were just downright aggressive and nasty.

    Sorry about this being a long response, but I think ( if those who are aggressive can actually read to the end) We can summarise this.

    I like to make videos about Thai life. Last year I filmed around the moat at Songkran ,got lots of good stuff with Thais being happy and responsible in general and yes I posted about some idiot farang at Taphae gate. I also filmed in villages -local ceremonies at Wats and Thais making merit in their way. Families where the younger people raying respect by pouring a small amount of water over their parents hands. I filmed kids having fun throwing water at passing cars and so on. What I didn't have was footage of the parade of Bhudda images to Wat Pra Singh, and important element and that's what I was filming on Friday.

    So this year, like last, farangs around Taphae gate behaved oddly/badly compared with most ( not all ) Thais. I'm not upset by that, no damage, no problem, but trying to point out why some farang behaviour is so different from most Thais. So I asked the question 'what goes on in their heads, why are they so happy to destroy?"

    Now I know that was difficult for some TV members to grasp because it is not a complaint, nor a whine but simply a question.

    Thank you folks for those of you that have tried to answer the question or who have come up with accounts of your own to add flesh to the story.

    I'm now in a position to make a fairly reasonable first crack a short video trying to describe Songkran in CM. I don't pretend to understand all the complexities of the Thai culture and a short video can't do that, but maybe it can contrast the tradition with current CM reality. I'll try.

    So again, thanks for thoseof you that read and commented sensibly. For those of you that told me I'm, boasting/arrogant/ should go home/ am stupid/ whatever, again thanks I understand you better and realise some of you can't grasp ideas but are happy to insult from behind your avatars.

  7. I've had a blast here for the last 2 days and plan on doing it again today...

    Sure, there are some jerks out here... but to just refer to 'idiot farangs' is not really fair... There were all sorts of idiots out there....I had a Thai person whip a handful of wet talcum powder in my eyes laughing like a lunatic ...... also saw white people doing the same... even saw some Japanese and Chinese acting like retards too... It's Songkran... People do stupid things without thinking... you just have to expect it I guess smile.png

    Anyways... I'm off to have another great day out there!



    With everybody covered with talcum powder how do you know who's "white"?

    They are taller, wear fewer clothes and have more tatoos

  8. OP:

    First of all you're making a thinly veiled brag about the value of some camera equipment. Nobody cares and it is unbecoming of a mature adult to still boast like that.

    Second the biggest stupidity that I've read is actually taking such delicate, fragile equipment into a full on water fight. That is far stupider than the people throwing water at you. Why? Because there is just water flying everywhere and it is likely to become damaged even if people aren't doing it intentionally. And if your camera was indeed protected from the water - and thus you weren't being an idiot - then you're making a problem out of nothing.

    Third, I've seen both Thais and Farangs (and everyone else) act sadistic. Since you are not seeing that it means you see Thai people through rose colored glasses, have some irrational dislike of farangs/tourists or some mix of the two. This borders on racism and it would be like me coming on here and making a post about, "Those idiot Thai people for such and such reason". I doubt the mods would stand for that and you'd be getting berated a lot more than you are now.

    Not at all you jump to conclusions, I agree some Thais can behave in the same manner,but I'm making an observation based on my experience. Not racist ( I had no idea what 'race' the idiot was from nor the 'race' of the guy who squirted me in the eyes from 50 cm), but around Taphae gate/ Loi Kroh, the action was a lot more aggressive than elsewhere and they were predominantly farang.

    The point about the value of the camera is that it was obviously not a camcorder and that was visible to the idiot. It was much larger and very obvious yet still he thought it was a great laugh to repeatedly try to ruin it as I was trying to put it away. My question has always been 'what goes on in the heads of these people?"

  9. yes farangs can be stupid but it's just as stupid taking a cam out at Songkran! unless you have proper and adequate protection just don't do it - asking for trouble

    Clearly you can't read. I'll spell it out ( sorry about capitals) THE CAMERA HAD A PURPOSE DESIGNED WATER RESISTANT CASE ON IT. THE IDIOT FARANG TRIED THREE TIMES TO SQUIRT WATER INTO THE CAMERA AS I WAS PUTTING IT AWAY. No damage, I'm merely asking what goes on in their heads that makes this so funny.

    CLEARLY you are an twit - this is Thailand and Songkran - don't like it? go home

    PS hahaha same complaint last year? same camera? same twit? still here? get used to it - some never learn - any bets for same post next Songkran??? oh my poor camera...

    My home is here. I'll try to spell it out for you are you seem to have difficulty understanding compilcated sentences.

    I like songkran

    I live here

    The camera was protected.

    Two years now it has been Farangs around Taphae Gate who act aggressively.

    This is an observation ( I am a scientist by training and wonder if it is possible to draw conclusions)

    You seem to think insulting people advances your argument.

    I am bored responding to you.

  10. Yesterday, I trailed (in my car) two waterwar tanks.

    These are trucks. Their ammunition is located in 55gallon drums, great plastic garbage tubs, or ice chests. Their armor is absent usually, but their weapons vary from various light arms (squirt guns) to bazookas, mortars, and so forth. To my eye, one of the most effective was a kitchen pan with a particularly long handle. Manning the tanks were often up to 10 people, including mostly youngsters and sometimes a laughing dad or grandpa.

    At another place I observed a tank exchanging lively heavy fire with a ground emplacement, which had a cannon (garden hose) as well as buckets. What was remarkable was that everyone was laughing (some of the ground personnel were young women). It struck me then.

    A Westerner from the U.S., I could not conceive being splashed as something other than aggression. For the Thais, enough tradition and cultural memory harkened back to the blessing aspects of water throwing. For them, others are tossing good upon them - at least in good part; this is a game as well. What's different between me and them is our understanding of what's going on.

    From then on, I watched only the Thai people. They were having great fun and expressed joy. I, on the other hand, would have felt satisfaction in getting more ammo on the others than they got on me, as in that case I would have won. Sad, sad.

    I pretty well stayed out of it. But my Thai wife was all excited about it. She had her 3 year old niece armed with a water gun attached to her backpack and her 15 year old nephew armed with the biggest water riffle I could find.

    I tried to stay in but circumstances had me out twice and I was unarmed so I got wet and no revenge. Such is life,

    It was a good feeling to see them happy about the festival. My wife has already informed me she will be going to the temple Monday morning. I guess it is the wrap up for the festival.

    Plus many families get together for a family reunion. This year hers was here in Chiang Mai. To look at it through the Thai eyes it is a very good time of the year a celebration with deep meanings.

    Through the eyes of a foreigner it is a great party time or a stupid thing to do and They will just criticize it. There is how ever some who like WTK except it and participate in it without having to get drunk or put others in danger.

    I agree, my wife has paid respect to her parents, and today went to a Wat and participated in a ceremony. I really liked watching ( and filming) the kids and adults alike having fun in town on Friday. It's a great time. I've now got footage of 'traditional', Moat and other stuff, think I'll put together a short video later this month. Pity I couldn't get the farang idiot who tried to wreck my camera, that would have been good.

  11. yes farangs can be stupid but it's just as stupid taking a cam out at Songkran! unless you have proper and adequate protection just don't do it - asking for trouble

    Clearly you can't read. I'll spell it out ( sorry about capitals) THE CAMERA HAD A PURPOSE DESIGNED WATER RESISTANT CASE ON IT. THE IDIOT FARANG TRIED THREE TIMES TO SQUIRT WATER INTO THE CAMERA AS I WAS PUTTING IT AWAY. No damage, I'm merely asking what goes on in their heads that makes this so funny.

  12. Only on TV would you get crusty old turds complaining about Songkran. I watched the videos and all looked quite tame. Try songkran in Pattaya and then you might be justified in complaining. Come on people....its Songkran. If you go out, expect to get wet...and its not up to you as to how or when. If your gonna whine, STAY HOME!

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    Not complaining about Songkran, think it's great,that's why i went out to film it. The video is ' tame' because it's not possible to film around the farang idiots and I edited it to show what the parade was about.. Thanks for the advice about staying home, but I don't think I'll take it. I did expect to get wet (and did), I expected my camera to be splashed, I did not expect a full frontal attack designed to ruin my camera, maybe where you come from it's par for the course, I don't know You miss the point, it's neither complaining nor whining but asking a question about the behaviour of some idiots. Have you finished being rude?

  13. Seems this videographer has no problem or complaining and seems to be asking for it. Seems about 50-50 Thai/Foreigner tossing at the camera.

    Maybe this guy had a GoPro waterproof video camera. But I think his taste in music is not really in the Thai style!

    Here's one with Thai style music. wink.png

    Lot of stuff from Thapae gate too. No waterproof cover, just experience. And zoom.

    (Did like your vid a lot by the way, great to get some of the cultural stuff in.)

    Liked your video, got this stuff last year, the problem was going towards Loi Khroh where I had problems, I got some shots by the TV man on a table

  14. why have an expensive camera when you are in Thailand walking around in Songkran , maybe its you who did not think.


    Watch the video , read the thread before you type

    BTW last year, with the same gear and protection, I did not come across these idiot farangs, just luck I suppose.

  15. Seems this videographer has no problem or complaining and seems to be asking for it. Seems about 50-50 Thai/Foreigner tossing at the camera.

    I was COMMENTING not COMPLAINING! OBSERVATION is not COMPLAINT and it is possible to EDIT you know, i tried to make my rough cut representative, it depends what you want to achieve

    Maybe this guy had a GoPro waterproof video camera. But I think his taste in music is not really in the Thai style!

  16. OP, just read this thread and I see your point.

    You can use my GoPro Hero 2 with the waterproof housing to make videos on two conditions.

    1. You bring back my camera coming monday (23).

    2. You publish some shots here on this thread.

    Just PM me.

    Hope this will cool down everyone a bit.

    Thanks, I've just posted!

  17. why have an expensive camera when you are in Thailand walking around in Songkran , maybe its you who did not think.

    I'm taking video, it is allowed you know and it was in a specially designed rain cover, that's why the idiot didn't harm it. I did think. The point is Thais respect you, idiot farangs do not

    You might want to reread your OP nothing about specially designed rain cover.

    Your point is well taken.

    Point taken, I said it was wearing a 'raincoat' It was a specially designed cover to go over a fairly large video camera. Not waterproof, but well able to withstand all that I expected, I was not prepared for deliberate attacks on the camera.

  18. why have an expensive camera when you are in Thailand walking around in Songkran , maybe its you who did not think.

    I'm taking video, it is allowed you know and it was in a specially designed rain cover, that's why the idiot didn't harm it. I did think. The point is Thais respect you, idiot farangs do not

    What a load of bull. Last year songkran cm I had thais whipping large buckets of ice water as hard as they could purposefully into my face. ' farang ' were doing nothing of the sort.

    Again, probably not smart to bring a $2000 non waterproof video camera to a water festival / fight. Utter stupidity.

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    Er read my lips, it was in a cover !!!! and it was £2000 not $2000

  19. Anyway, I actually walked down to Loi Kroh before heading to Mad Dog for lunch, and sure there was a few idiots, but for the most part I thought it was mostly good clean fun. All it takes is one idiot (to shoot a little girl, camera, etc.) for some to quickly label ALL as idiots.

    Yes, I really agree with that. Also you tend to notice the idiots (Farang or Thai) a lot more then the people who do behave, which is actually a very large majority.

    As an addition to this, something similar applies to reading the forum.. Reading you can't help but get the impression that all Farangs in Chiang Mai are card-carrying members of the Bah-Humbug Club, in desperate need of a visit of the Ghost of Songkran Future.

    Then you wonder if they're for real about their adopted country of residence, or that they're just trolling, then you think 'whatever' and head out the door to join the festival. And only THEN do you see *hundreds* of Farangs enjoying themselves and (mostly) playing water appropriately. And then you realize that you notice a particular segment of people a lot more on-line, too. Even though it's two handfuls of people holed up at home with nothing better to do.

    As you said earlier, it was mostly around the 'farang' area- Taphae gate and Loi Kroh that these incidents occur. I had to pass it to get back to the car, no choice. I agree, many farangs behave reasonably, but around that area there seemed to be no escaping the real idiots.

  20. Bloody stupid mak mak! If the camera was protected then why complain? Stupid! If the camera wasn't protected why were you walking around a bloody water fight with it? Stupid!

    Farrangs will be farrangs. It's the farrangs with no common sense that I despair of. As an expat with over 700 posts on Thaivisa, you should know better!jap.gif

    what should I know better about? the sad idiotic behaviour of some farangs? I'm merely pointing out that Thais behave far better than some farangs. They behaved with aggression and not at all in the spirit of Songkran. I feel embarassed that Thais may think I'm just like these idiots.

  21. why have an expensive camera when you are in Thailand walking around in Songkran , maybe its you who did not think.

    Exactly. The subject could just as easily read, ' what kind of moron brings a $2000 video camera out on songkran '.

    Read my replies. It was protected in a specially designed cover. I was trying to put the camera into a bag when the idiot aimed at the lens. ( 3 times) He missed, the camera was fine and I now have some super video of the parade. You miss the point. Thais respect, lots of farangs show no consideration at all and are looked down upon by Thais ( and by me). As I said earlier, this occurred around Taphae Gate/ Loi Kroh as we were getting back to the car. ( Read again £ not $)

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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