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Posts posted by msg362

  1. Not sure what to do in the UK. Here in CM m wife got a UK visa, then we went to the French consulate here ( France was the first 'port of call') They issued one with no problem but it took about 3 weeks. I was told that having the UK visa meant that it was much easier for the French system. ( All the paperwork here and there was not a lot, went to the French Embassy in BKK) As far as I recall, health insurance, ID etc was required, can't recall the rest, but it wasn't as full of paperwork as the initial UK application

  2. you know, what I observe constantly on forums is you have two groups of people

    those that post on topic have good input - contribute and give reasons for their thoughts - which is fine

    and those that give no thoughts or opinions constantly criticise others with insults and just attack anyone that they disagrree with... they are either very old and don't understand they are doing it or are just sad people that feel a very missguided need to disagree with everyone, eventually they will end up a jumper which is quite sad really...look out below - oh and make sure you are wearing a helmet incase you land on your head

    I suspect there are more than two groups, I think you are at least in a group of your own, fitting into neither group you have described.

    Try any combination of

    old/ young/, thoughtful/ miserable/ joking/happy/critical/ knowledgeable/ignorant/obsessive/amusing

    And on and on

    you think smile.png

    I think that's the issue, I do think, not so sure about you.!

    But this is boring, off topic and I forgot your motto so I'm stopping. Wearing helmets saves lives Full stop

  3. you know, what I observe constantly on forums is you have two groups of people

    those that post on topic have good input - contribute and give reasons for their thoughts - which is fine

    and those that give no thoughts or opinions constantly criticise others with insults and just attack anyone that they disagrree with... they are either very old and don't understand they are doing it or are just sad people that feel a very missguided need to disagree with everyone, eventually they will end up a jumper which is quite sad really...look out below - oh and make sure you are wearing a helmet incase you land on your head

    I suspect there are more than two groups, I think you are at least in a group of your own, fitting into neither group you have described.

    Try any combination of

    old/ young/, thoughtful/ miserable/ joking/happy/critical/ knowledgeable/ignorant/obsessive/amusing

    And on and on

  4. Wantan:

    If a young thai man is driving fast and dangerous without helmet, he sure can drive faster and more dangerous with helmet. It seem you already have a clue about thai behaviour. But your interpretation is wrong smile.png

    Yes I have a clue about risk taking behaviour, I dealt with it professionally for several decades and have both knowledge and experience of risk taking individuals. And I saw the consequences both in hospitals and in morgues.

    So let's help you to understand: Where there is strict enforcement of wearing helmets ( of decent quality!!), the number of motorbike fatalities falls. End of story. All your excuses and justifications are really no more than Kii Wua.

  5. Its not just helmets its seatbelts too ! I dont know how they do it. I cant drive without seatbelt I shit myself. Helmets are good one saved my head when I skidded down the road for about 50 meters on my head, with out the helmet mince meat would of been me! My Thai wife came off a bike doing 100 kph without a helmet ! She flew through the air like a bird and landed in a rice paddy, got up and walked away with a bruised hip!

    How do you wear a seat belt on a bike?? licklips.gif Joking, I can't drive a car without the seatbelt on, just feels bad

  6. This financial transformation does not have to be a big house or car or whatever, it can simply be the difference between living from hand to mouth and now having money to help buy the basic neccessities in life.

    If they wanted to just buy the basic necessities in life, they would get a normal job like the other 99% of the population that doesn't spend their time whoring in Pattaya. This is just something they tell farang and farang tell themselves so they don't feel like they're being scammed.

    And exactly what is a 'normal job' in rural Isaan? How much does it pay and can it support a single mother and her kid(s)?

    Glad you know all about this, maybe you can help these women and point them in the right direction after their Thai husband has left them destitute

    • Like 2
  7. I don't think that the death rate from harley riders is higher than the death rate of racing bikers. So, do you want to call one of these groups more clever than the other (regarding safety)? Both have fun. But i would suggest to wear helmets AND to avoid speeding smile.png

    I am surprised - (or am I?) that anyone could put this forward as an argument.Firstly it's a guess, secondly it's implying a connection with crash helmets if it WAS true but that would be yet another huge jump of logic.

    If you have the slightest idea of how to compare road injuries and the complications involved you'd never make such a daft proposition.

    Most members here aren't experts in most things. We share our opinions. This thread is now 14 pages long. Have you all read them? Many posts from more or less interested and more or less clever people. The interesting thing why i participate at such threads is that i learn something. And sometimes i even change my opinion or adjust it a bit according to new impressions i got.

    If you talk about a country like Thailand enforcing helmet laws than you also have to talk about the bad side effects. And there are some. If you give a helmet to a young man that is used to drive without helmet, than he most likely feels more safe and he most likely will drive more risky than before. It needs some time till he accept the helmet as a normal thing.

    This effect is called Risk compensation. Most people are effected by this. People without helmet drive less dangerous on average. And road users are taking more care of people without helmets than of people with helmets. This is a generalisation of course, but it is verified by studies about road safety.

    Harley riders and racing bikers are two extremes. Riding without helmet isn't clever, but riding too fast also isn't clever. Thats all i wanted to say smile.png

    How on earth can you say this, I ride most days and watch young men hurtle through closing gaps between cars and they are not wearing helmets. Other dangerous moves too. They are the highest casualties. And NO road users do not take more care of idiots not wearing helmets, it's simply not true. Most Thai drivers are not spatiallly aware of what is going on around them, hence moving from the nearside lane to turn right without indicating, staying in the outside lane, etc etc ad nauseam

  8. The pigs wrote that quote when they HAD taken over.

    I always loved this:

    Margaret Thatcher

    "We have become a grandmother"

    Do you have a link to that Chalerm quote?

    Stand corrected about Orwell, I did it from memory ( and it ain't so good!)

    Quote was sent to me by a friend, says it was in an english Language newspaper that cannot be named on this website on March 9th. I've not checked

  9. could happen anywhere, you could right now get up from your computer desk trip over your cat and be on the way off your balcony from the 40th floor - hope you were wearing a life jacket......could never happen in Thailand lol are you serious
    OK can you work out the probability of this happening especially as I don't live on the 40 floor? Understanding risk involves understanding the inherent hazard, the probability ( possiblity) of an untowards event happening, the consequences of that event and the steps you can take to eliminate or reduce the risk. Your scenario is frankly absurd.
    exactly lol

    I understand your motto now and will follow your advice!

  10. could happen anywhere, you could right now get up from your computer desk trip over your cat and be on the way off your balcony from the 40th floor - hope you were wearing a life jacket......could never happen in Thailand lol

    are you serious

    OK can you work out the probability of this happening especially as I don't live on the 40 floor? Understanding risk involves understanding the inherent hazard, the probability ( possiblity)

    of an untowards event happening, the consequences of that event and the steps you can take to eliminate or reduce the risk. Your scenario is frankly absurd.

  11. Smedly: You are generalising My judgement is sound, you notice the word "highway" no other motorbikes infact no access at all, clear road in front no other cars and going from 140kmph to 260kph can be done in a very short distance and time, I judged it no danger to me or other road users and I know this road very well indeed...................you can think what you like - get out more smile.png I get out and see them. Whatever you may think the braking distance at that speed will not be sufficient if an idiot pulls out in front of you expecting you to be travelling at 100 kph. It's not a matter of thinking, a matter of physics and reaction times. Well sooner or later you will join the Darwin awards. Have fun in the meantime, I just hope you don't take some innocent with you
    well thankyou for the education, when I do 260kph I can assure you nobody else is at risk (very rarely in fact as I have rarely found anywhere near conditions safe to do it in Thailand) you are obviously way more experienced than anyone here, sitting in your room posting 24hrs a day at whoever you can ridicule - get out of the box mate and live a little, I take your comments and you are actually mostly correct but there are rare exceptions - accept that and we will get along alot better, you are preaching to the converted pal smile.png
    I just hope you stay away from Chiang Mai! Dream on, you have no idea. For everybody's sake just grow up and realise you are not Hamilton or Alonso in a F1 sports car on an F1 well surfaced track, and don't assume I sit all day, you seem to be responding fast so I guess you are sitting too? or can you send messages at 260kph too?
    I'll let you know if I go to changmai you might need to be quick to see me lol - don't blink, I have already said a lot of what you say is true but you are also ignoring what I am saying so leave it at that buddy, keep giving to good advice as that is what it is but learn to accept that there may be occasions when you are not seeing the picture quite as it is, I am not trying to justify doing 260kmph but I have on rare occasion found it safe for myself and others to do it

    Ok no worries, hope you survive!!! Just avoid the 1317 in Chiang Mai please!!biggrin.png

  12. Smedly:

    You are generalising

    My judgement is sound, you notice the word "highway" no other motorbikes infact no access at all, clear road in front no other cars and going from 140kmph to 260kph can be done in a very short distance and time, I judged it no danger to me or other road users and I know this road very well indeed...................you can think what you like - get out more smile.png

    I get out and see them. Whatever you may think the braking distance at that speed will not be sufficient if an idiot pulls out in front of you expecting you to be travelling at 100 kph. It's not a matter of thinking, a matter of physics and reaction times. Well sooner or later you will join the Darwin awards. Have fun in the meantime, I just hope you don't take some innocent with you

    well thankyou for the education, when I do 260kph I can assure you nobody else is at risk (very rarely in fact as I have rarely found anywhere near conditions safe to do it in Thailand) you are obviously way more experienced than anyone here, sitting in your room posting 24hrs a day at whoever you can ridicule - get out of the box mate and live a little, I take your comments and you are actually mostly correct but there are rare exceptions - accept that and we will get along alot better, you are preaching to the converted pal smile.png

    I just hope you stay away from Chiang Mai! Dream on, you have no idea. For everybody's sake just grow up and realise you are not Hamilton or Alonso in a F1 sports car on an F1 well surfaced track, and don't assume I sit all day, you seem to be responding fast so I guess you are sitting too? or can you send messages at 260kph too?

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