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Everything posted by charmonman

  1. It’s her Effing name and she can pronounce it any way she likes. I don’t see what it has to do with the case against Trump.
  2. Actually a lot of the customers in gogo bars are young thin Asian single males.
  3. Thailand should be careful. There are so many Russians in Phuket now that Putin might want to annex it.
  4. People who take some pride in their appearance? People who have jobs? What the hell are you on about?
  5. You don’t actually know anything about me, do you?
  6. Your statement that “life was better for most Americans was bet under Trump” is questionable to say the least.
  7. Better to be poorly educated and listen to Foxnews all day. Is that what you’re saying?
  8. Right, only registered Democrats enjoy (legal) weed. Most Republicans seem to be on far more powerful hallucinogenic drugs.
  9. You don’t have to be in the room with him. You just need to read what the clown posts on his rapidly failing social media site to see that he’s losing it.
  10. Yes, because all Ukrainian women (if she is indeed Ukrainian) walk around topless, refuse to pay their hotel bills, and threaten to stab taxi drivers. Is that what you think? Otherwise is there a point to your silly post? Perhaps you are one of the gullible taken in by Putin’s propaganda?
  11. I agree with you about the declining ‘quality’ of tourists, but the only tourist involved here is the guy who stopped the incident involving two Thais. It’s the declining quality of Thais I am equally concerned about.
  12. I lived there for several years starting in the early 2000s. It was still fairly nice then compared to the S-hole it has become.
  13. If you bothered to read the article you would know that you’re referring to the wrong President and the wrong presidential son.
  14. If that’s true I just lost all respect for Snoop Dog.
  15. Wow. You can rant and rave and toss the word salad almost as well as Trump himself. Relax, take a calm, objective look at the guy and you’ll see, like tens of millions of others have, Trump is a coward, an idiot and a loser.
  16. I have a similar issue ; I cannot understand how 54% of any electorate see Trump as a suitable candidate for Presidential office.
  17. A reminder to some of the seemingly ill informed posters here. Russia invaded Ukraine, not the other way around. The majority of the military aid sent to Ukraine by other countries has been used to buy weapons and ammunition to fight Putin’s war machine. A lot of innocent people in Ukraine have died while people on this forum have nothing better to do than spread propaganda.
  18. If he is a draft dodger, good for him.
  19. It’s Man Farang because it is a specific type of potato primarily eaten in Europe originally. I’ve been here 36 years, have never considered the word to be necessarily derogatory and often use it myself when speaking Thai when referring to white foreigners or Westerners in general. What alternative word would you suggest? As for the guy peeing off the back of a moving Tuktuk, I can think of a few derogatory words to call him, farang not being one of them.
  20. I hope you weren’t an English major in university. Why were you “wasting time studying“ there in the first place?
  21. It is interesting that a simple article about the TAT wanting to attract more Canadian and US long term travellers provokes so many twisted souls to post uninformed and frankly stupid messages insulting Canadians. We are not all Justin Trudeau and, given that the chances of him being Prime Minister after the next election are steadily dwindling, these hosers will have to come up with something else.
  22. Uh .. no. It is an abbreviation of 2019 novel coronavirus. It was first identified in late 2019 in China.
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