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About billd766

  • Birthday 05/23/1944

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    Klong Lan Pattana Central Thailand

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  1. Were you there at the time, and actually saw it happen? Or are people just supposed to accept that your unsubstantiated words are true?
  2. Even I have heard of Bruce Springsteen. OTOH, Kid Rock. The first time I heard of him was on this thread.
  3. How about a good old British name like David Bowie's son, Zowie Bowie, or people named after the entire football club player's names.
  4. It depends I think, on which passport he came to Thailand on, and whether he had or needed a visa. A British passport he would probably have needed a visa of some sort. If he used a Thai passport and a Thai ID card he shouldn't have needed a visa.
  5. A country that proves it's behind terrorism should never be allowed to possess nuclear weapons. And would that also apply to Israel and/or the USA.
  6. The money that was returned to Iran, actually belonged to Iran in the first place and was for military equipment ordered by the Shah of Iran and cancelled after his overthrow. Any person who even did an internet search would know that. Obviously fools who have no idea and never research the story would not know that. There are many links about that on the internet talking about that fact. Here is one that has been fact checked which proves the story is false and misleading. No self respecting MAGA supporter would read it anyway. https://www.factcheck.org/2024/05/posts-misrepresent-unfreezing-of-16-billion-in-iranian-funds/
  7. Firstly, he has to become the president before he can do anything. At this point he is only a private citizen with a very loud mouth, and a brain which does not seem to be connected to anything useful.
  8. I am sure that they can read. Comprehension is another story.
  9. You could always try some British Royal Navy food. A cheesy, hammy eggy. Cheesy Hammy Eggy https://www.facebook.com/NationalMemorialArboretum/posts/cheesy-hammy-eggy-is-a-royal-navy-favourite-and-you-can-easily-make-it-at-home-a/2972635926123287/ Cheesy Hammy Eggy is a Royal Navy favourite and you can easily make it at home! #ArmedForcesDay 1. Gather your ingredients: Bread, sliced ham, grated cheese, an egg and some butter. 2. Toast the bread on both sides and butter. Place one slice of ham on the slice of toast and cover with a thick layer of grated cheese. 3. Toast under the grill until the cheese is brown and melted. 4. While the cheese and toast are grilling, cook an egg to serve on top. 5. Eat your Cheesy Hammy Eggy. 6. Start learning some of the other ways of preparing this staple naval food!
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