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Posts posted by billd766

  1. Just a small note of caution regarding Garmin.

    Unless the service policy has changed, should you Garmin require a new internal battery or it becomes faulty it will probably have to go to Taiwan (not Thailand) for a repair and service.

    My Garmin GPS lll has an internal battery which tells me that it is flat and when I spoke to ESRI a couple of years ago they said that I needed to send it to them so that they could check the fault (it is obvious what the problem is) and then the would send it to Taiwan for repair and upgrade.

  2. My problem is that it is my wife who wants to stop smoking but she cannot.

    However to be fair she ONLY smokes outside and does her best to keep the smoke away from our 4 year old son. In the car she does ask him first and she does open the window.

    She has smoked all the 15 years I have known her and she is smoking less now so she is trying.

    The noise she makes first thing in the morning reminds me that I once scrapped a car that sounded like that.

    I am an ex smoker of some 37 years and I gave up successfully about 4 times until the last when I just stopped and gave away all my cigarettes etc and have never smoked again.

    But it was hard to do.

  3. I normally drink about 2 pints of Hong Tong Whiskey and soda per night.

    There is less than 1 inch of Hong Tong and the rest is ice and soda and sometimes I dont even finish the second one.

    I generally start my first around 5 pm and finish the second around 8 pm.

    I dont need to drink it as I can drink cola or soda on its own :o but it is a way of relaxing.

  4. Any dealer worth his salt will know as here in Pattaya at least the 135 cc. Nouvo Elegance has been out at least for 2 months if not 3. We are talking see, feel touch, and drive. If the dealer doesn't know, by all means go somewhere else because he's got his head in the sand. Either that or he's only got holdover old model Nouvos he's anxious to get rid of and he's lying to you.

    I downloaded the info from a webpage and showed him.

    "Ah" he said, "Mai mee. You can order".

    Does he have a brochure.

    "Mai mee. You can order".

    The next nearest dealer is 15km away and after that it is a bit further.

    If he doesn't have one and I buy elsewhere I may have a problem with getting it serviced but I can wait a while anyway so I will see what he does in the coming months.

  5. Sorry, I don't think he wants that one. That is a HUGE download for developers.

    I went to the Windows Update site. When the SLOW loading update page came up, I chose Custom and it offered SP 3. They download must not have been that big because my EDGE Internet downloaded it and installed it within less than an hour. The download and install were flawless and my computer is working great. If SP 3 doesn't come up, type SP 3 in the search box.

    Hi Gary I looked there but I didn't see.

    I will look again in the morning.



  6. I'm English - so that's 1

    My estimate is there are at least 2 Brits (but I'm willing to be corrected).

    I am English as well and I know of one other Englishman and a Scotsman also so that would be 3 English and one Scot which I suppose you could loosly call 4 Brits, however we are from different tribes and may not speak a common language.

  7. Thanks Billd766

    Silly me - all along I was looking for a MALE Maizefarmer!

    - apparently he is of neither gender. :o

    Apparently he does not take kindly to filling in forms ... :D

    Hi xerostar

    As Maizefarmer seems not to have posted for a while perhaps the mods neutered him. :D

  8. The Nuovo 135 is allready out, it's called Nuovo Elegance and you will find that modell at every Yamaha Dealer. Go and tell your wife to get her Checkbook out quîckly :o

    There is a tread about this modell somwhere in the motorbike section, I think it's called bigger Nuovo. Just have a look.

    The local dealer in the village didn't seem to know but I will be down that way during the week and ask him again.


  9. Having read this thread I have come to the conclusion that 15 years ago I made the correct decision.

    I was sent here to work by my company and within a week I met a good looking Thai girl.

    3 months later I moved on but she stayed and we kept in touch. I came back a year later and we met again and lived together for the next 4 years until I moved on again. She stayed, I divorced my UK wife and married my Thai lady in 2000. Our son was born 4 years ago and we live on 20 rai out in the sticks.

    So the answer to the OP question about what type of Thai lady do I prefer is simple.

    My wife.

    :o:D :D

    and what is your second choice?

    My wife again.

    I don't need a second choice. Sorry

  10. My 16 year old niece was up here during the school holidays and she used to sell it at my wife noodle shop.

    We used to go to the ice shop anyway for my wife and they would put the big blocks through the chopper then seperate the small chunks out and she would get the fine chopped remainder. 20 baht for 2 or 3 kg and she would sell it at 5 baht a small bowl.

    Very tasty and also an enterprising young girl who is now 17 and looking to go to the agricultural university in Bangkok.

    Edited for computer spelling

    Please dear God make sure that the next computer that I buy can actually spell what I want and not what it wants

  11. Depending on where you live Makro has several only 3 top burners at around 7,000 baht. Big C in Nakhon Sawan has none that I can remember or possibly the newish big home store on the Nakhon Sawan bypass though I have never been there.

    The alternatives would be a HomePro or HomeWorks depot somewhere but definately in Bangkok.

  12. Having read this thread I have come to the conclusion that 15 years ago I made the correct decision.

    I was sent here to work by my company and within a week I met a good looking Thai girl.

    3 months later I moved on but she stayed and we kept in touch. I came back a year later and we met again and lived together for the next 4 years until I moved on again. She stayed, I divorced my UK wife and married my Thai lady in 2000. Our son was born 4 years ago and we live on 20 rai out in the sticks.

    So the answer to the OP question about what type of Thai lady do I prefer is simple.

    My wife.

    :o:D :D

  13. Correction....The new Nouvo at 135 cc's is decidedly more powerful than the Suzuki and Honda offerings. I'd rate the old model 115 cc. Nouvo at about the same performance as the Suzuki's 125 cc. model after driving both side by side.
    I was trying to avoid mentioning the Nouvo 135 as it complicates things :D

    When are where will this new Nuovo appear on the scene in Thailand as my present Mio Fino is nearly 2 years old with 13,000 km on the clock.

    My wife wants to give me this one so that I can buy her a new scooter.

    Its a fair exchange, I think?

    I think, therefore I am, I think? :o

  14. Correction....The new Nouvo at 135 cc's is decidedly more powerful than the Suzuki and Honda offerings. I'd rate the old model 115 cc. Nouvo at about the same performance as the Suzuki's 125 cc. model after driving both side by side.
    I was trying to avoid mentioning the Nouvo 135 as it complicates things :o

    When are where will this new Nuovo appear on the scene in Thailand as my present Mio Fino is nearly 2 years old with 13,000 km on the clock.

    My wife wants to give me this one so that I can buy her a new scooter.

    Its a fair exchange, I think?

    I think, therefore I am, I think?

  15. Just out of interest we have a Yamaha Mio Fino as well the we bought in October 2006 and that has 13,000 km on it and with the price of diesel at 40.9 a litre in the village yesterdat it will get a lot more.

    The battery died about 2,000 km ago and I have replaced both tyres and tubes.

    Other than the regular 4,000 km service at an outrageous 100 baht or so it runs beautifully

    There is another Mio in the village registered about 200 vehicles after ours with less than 2,000 km.

  16. You do not suffer the pains of citizenship, but you may get eternal bliss! I have!

    I know that I have

    most of the time :o:D :D

    Well... if what they say about ignorance and bliss is true, I'd say the OP is very near already.

    I would say from the number of posts that the OP has made so far and the fact that he most probably has no idea that there are such things as a search function that it was a perfectly reasonable request.

    He just needs to be pointed gently in the right direction as well as informing people what he really wants.

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