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Posts posted by billd766

  1. Who cares whose name it is in if you are married? There is not such a housing market here as in the West, what will you do if you split up? Take your house away? I think when we get married in any country if for some reason you were to split up then you walk away, let her have the house and cut your losses. Alternatively if she did the dirty on you I guess you could torch the place?

    If you are in a stable relationship and it is her mortgage anyway it doesn't matter whose name it is in.


    I think that is the most sensible post I have seen on this subject for a long time.


    So you agree with the statement....

    "I think when we get married in any country if for some reason you were to split up then you walk away, let her have the house and cut your losses". ???

    You are saying this is a sensible thing to do? Walk away and give her everything?

    Been there and done that already in the UK AND I was paying a load of money for the mortgage in the UK for a few years afterwards.

    If you don't believe that try divorcing in the UK after being married a few years.

  2. Sorry, I did not intend to cast any derogatory light on you or your wife (whichever one). I am only making a point that, if the two parties in a union are not caring enough to take adequate care of each others needs, sexual, emotional, etc, the relationship is on shakey ground. Continuation of such a situation, with a lack of caring and understanding eventually leads to an invalid & non-functional relationship - paper or no paper. Some women think as long as the money keeps rolling in & they have a paper in their hand, they have a marriage. No so, in my view.


  3. Who cares whose name it is in if you are married? There is not such a housing market here as in the West, what will you do if you split up? Take your house away? I think when we get married in any country if for some reason you were to split up then you walk away, let her have the house and cut your losses.

    Alternatively if she did the dirty on you I guess you could torch the place?

    If you are in a stable relationship and it is her mortgage anyway it doesn't matter whose name it is in.


    I think that is the most sensible post I have seen on this subject for a long time.

  4. Heng,……I hear you

    Still……what about the already divorced guys……seen plenty of them lurking around everywhere. Sure thought they will be an easier target than the forbidden fruits?

    Why go for the still married ones?

    I don’t know, but to me……it’s exhibiting a great deal of selfishness that she just doesn't care about the feelings of the wife who is being cheated on…….another woman with women’s feeling.

    I absolutely can’t do that, no matter how desperate I am. It’s still ….just not right & disturbing….morally !! :D

    Just me

    Maybe his so-called wife doesn't care. If he's got another woman, then she doesn't have to bother herself with him. It all depends on the particulars of a given relationship.

    I assume that you were discussing me which is fine by me.

    Actually my marriage was already failing when I first came to Thailand so it really made no difference if my current wife cared about my former wife's feeling as there was no contact between them.

    I can sort of understand teacups feeling but all over the world the same sort of things go on as the world goes on.

    a2396 I don't have a so called wife but I do have a wife who is legally married to me in the registrars office at Taunton in England on 28th April 2000. If you really don't believe that I can produce a copy of the wedding certificate and the wedding photos.

    On the other hand I really don't care what you think about me as I am big enough, old enough and ugly enough not to worry but I do object to your attitude about my wife. :D:o

  5. Let's see.... so you are 64 and you're wife is 42. when you met, you were 49 and she was 27. No doubt then she loves you for yourself and because 'you are so hansum'. (So much so that she was prepared to ignore the fact that you were already married.)

    Just count yourself lucky, and try to understand that others cannot afford to just move out of their house and give it to the wife if she finds someone better/wealthier!

    Well strangely enough When I first met my wife back in 1993 I liked her a lot but as I was here on business my company moved me on elsewhere. I came back in 1994 and picked up on our relationship and by 1996 I had worked out that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

    Being somewhat of a coward I did not tell my legal wife until 1997 after which I separated and eventually divorced in 1999 and remarried in 2000. My Thai wife never asked me to marry her and only describes me as hansum jokingly. From the day that I met my wife she knew that I was married but was quite happy to be with me.

    Further to the fact that you think I am lucky to be able to move out of the house if all else fails just think on my age.

    I have worked since I was 15 and I am still working which by my estimate means that I have worked for 49 years so far so luck is only a small part of the story.

    Yes I feel that I am very lucky with my Thai wife however this thread is about farangs who have been unlucky.

    There are very few threads on TV about farangs who are very happy and content with their marriages because they are too busy enjoying their lives to bother with threads like this.

    I am responding because I am working offshore and unable to be with my family.

    :o:D :D :D

  6. What pisses me off is reading bold and unsubstantiated statements by people such as yourself in the apparent belief you are correct and all-knowing. Get off your high horse. For someone who works outside Thailand and therefore spends a hel_l of a lot less time in Thailand yet purports to know the country, the people and the culture is beyond me.

    I have lived in my wife’s village for 12 years. My reality here bears no comparison with your ideas of what it must be like. I fully intend to live out my remaining 30 years, or so, in this same village. And if I die tomorrow, so be it.

    I would guess that what you suggest could often be the case, but you too are only guessing. Why pontificate? Have you ever tried living in the same village as your in-laws? Do posts like this feed your self worth?

    In another very recent post, you tried, in a very poor manner, to promote the idea that a husband must consider his wife’s feelings first. You seem now to be overlooking your own advice. Many of we “dumb farangs” who choose to live in the same village as our in-laws do so out of love for our partners, realising the level of support that family will be able to offer in the future. In-laws do not have to be a drag – they can, and mostly do in my case, make life more enjoyable.

    And should you find my post insulting, how do you think I should feel when I read your insulting views? Personally, I’d always prefer to live near my Thai in-laws rather than next door to someone with your condescending attitudes.

    I have been living in the village for the last 5 years except when I have been offshore working (as I am now) and rather than living in my wifes family village they live in Bangkok and they love to come up to see us. We usually have her nephews and nieces up during the school holidays and the rest of the family at various times. We even have her mother living with us full time as she likes it better than Bangkok.

    Since I came back to Thailand in 2001 I have always supported her family but in the early part of this year I was unable to send them money, so they then helped us financially.

    Last year when I came back from working in PNG my wife asked if we could take them on a short holiday. So we did and 17 of us from 3 generations went on a trip around Northern Thailand and all of us had a great time.

    My wife's (and by extension mine) family are always welcome at our house.

    Maybe I am lucky where others are not but I have no fear of being bumped off by my wife/family etc as I believe that she loves me as I love her and all the family.

    If this does not run in the same vein as this thread I really don't care as I am me warts and all.

  7. My son is now 4 and last time I checked a couple of years ago on child benefit I was not entitled to claim as I was living in Thailand.

    However if we were resident in the UK I could make the claim on his behalf and it would be granted.

    The main drawback to that is that all of my family would have to live in the UK. My wife does not want to and neither do I.

    We will be going on a trip in a couple of years to show our son where Daddy was born and lived in the early years of his life and probably meet my other son, his half brother after which we will come home to Thailand and never go back to the land of my birth.

  8. I have read this thread from the start and I honestly tried not to answer but.........

    I am 64 and my wife will be 43 and our son is 4.

    Everything that I have is in my wifes name and I have a will naming her as the beneficiary when I die and she will also get 50% of my pensions for her lifetime.

    She has one naming me as the executor and everything goes to our son and I am his legal guardian until he is 18 when I will be 78.

    Both wills are in Thai and English.

    At the moment I am in New Zealand earning more money to buy more land for their future.

    We have about 20 rai in the country and I am hoping to buy another 100 rai. We live way out in the sticks rather like Gary A but not in the village where her family lives as they come from Bang Na in Bangkok.

    We have actually written her eldest brother out of the will and her middle brother will be our sons guardian should we both die.

    If our life should turn into ratshit and she really wanted to leave it would be me that went as I would not want to stay in the house any more anyway.

    What I am doing is to provide for my family in the future.

    I have known my wife since 1993 when I first came to Thailand and I loved her so much that I divorced my UK wife and gave up my western life to live with her 400 km up country in a village setting.

    My life has changed for the better since I met her and it will be for life I hope. However I could also get run over by a bus tomorrow and my life would be over.

    The only things I would miss is my son and my wife.

  9. Just as a matter of interest they have a lot of rock concerts over there, using real rocks however.

    The guys throw the rocks at each other and the women and kids pick up the used rocks that the other side threw and recycle them back to the men on their own side.

    When I was there that weeks riot was caused by some guys from a tribe on one side of Mt Hagen raping a girl from a different tribe on the other side.

    That brought out the police with pistols, rifles, shotguns and tear gas and it lasted most of the day.

    Oddly enough they tend to leave the expats alone, at least in Mt Hagen.

    There are more churches in PNG than I have seen in many other countries.

    A lot of people go around with no shoes for some reason.

  10. My son was born 4 years ago on the 1st of this month at the Army hospital in Nakhon Sawan.

    Friends drove her 125km down from home late on a Saturday night and I didnt find out until the next day as I was in Bangkok.

    I drove up and arrived about 3 hours after he was born. He was about 5 weeks early which was a surprise as normally my wife is never on time for anything.

    The staff at the hospital were excellent and so was the care shown to them both and the total cost was around 12,000 baht. We still take him back there for checkups and they still remember him and us.

    If we ever have another both of us would be happy to go back there again.

    The only real problem was the usual one. The food was not very good but then again not many hospitals do have good food.

  11. I live in the central region 65km southwest of Khampaeng Phet and I have a Nokia 3110 with bluetooth to my laptop. Using EDGE is not so bad and I get 250 hours internet connection for 500 baht a month.

    I have been waiting 5 years for a phone line and I am not holding my breath for one either.

    I can use my mobile and laptop anywhere in Thailand and with a different sim card it will work in most countries.

  12. I spent 4 months there last year working on the Digicel mobile network.

    I lived in Mt Hagen and I loved the place though it wasnt the most advanced place in the world.

    I personally had no problems other than 4 guys carrying what might have been guns running out in the road to stop me but they ran away when I tried to run a couple over. I did have a 4 man team carjacked but they were let go a couple of hours later and given some of their own money back to cover their bus fare.

    The unofficial word from the police was that if there is a proper road block there will be a lot of guys around. If there are only a couple then dont stop and if they dont get out of the way them run them over as they wont complain to the police.

    There used to be a riot in the town about once a week as it is a very tribal country. Our delivery company had a Mack truck and trailer hi-jacked and burned.

    On the other hand most of the local people I met were genuinely friendly and helpful though I wouldn't want to take any of the girls home to meet my mother.

    I enjoyed my time there but it is not the country that I would want to live in.

    The income tax rate was around 40%.

    A lot of expats carry guns and yes it is dangerous if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    I loved it there but..... :o

  13. Ford Anglia with new tyres .... and a vinyl roof.

    Anyone else on TV old enough to know what a Ford Anglia is?

    I used to own one! Not the 105E with the "reverse angled" rear window, but the 100E, side-valve engine, 3 speed gearbox:


    This isn't mine in the picture. My one was a really smart looking grey :o (although the nearside wing was green).

    (I also had a Datsun Cherry with a vinyl roof! :D )

    The 100E also used to have vacuum windscreen wipers which was fine unless you needed to overtake a truck in the rain.

    Put your foot flat down and no wipers.

    The thing I would like to change is to loose 20kg and get below the 100kg mark.

  14. picture trees 2 months ago planted, height > 2 mtr. , the weeds will not grow anymore because of the high trees. First 2-3 months focus on fast growing tree, after 3 months focus on roots.

    picture roots after 6 months 12 kg

    picture trees 9 months

    picture 9 months same trees and roots (?)

    stemps planted in rows, spacing 80-100cm

    1 rai 2000 stemps

    Expected 24 tonnes/rai average

    Hi Foreigner

    I am up in the central region though in New Zealand at the moment. We have 10 rai at the moment with 4 rai that has been in about 18 months.

    I am looking at buying another 40 rai in the next year and I would be very interested in getting results like yours.

    Please keep us updated on your progress.

  15. My wife got our house built without any planning permission and we live 6km from the main village and 15 km from the amphur.

    there were no problems from anybody and I think that most of the places built around us are built the same. I don't know for sure as I am in New Zealand working and it would take too long to explain to my wife what I need to know and for her to ask around and come back to me.

    There was no building on the land when we bought the land.

  16. For all of you who care (yes; both of you!), I'm back in Nakhon Sawan.

    I owe khonwan some beer.

    And I have 4 questions:

    1) Where is a competent computer store? Looking for a case that will accept E-ATX.

    2) Where is CAT's office. I'm so sick of GPRS up here I'm ready to kill someone.

    3) Where does everyone buy their electronic gear. I'm looking at getting the missus a new TV and am not impressed with the selection at Big C.

    4) When are we going to get a get-together going on?

    Love to but I am in New Zealand until the end of the year when I am back for a couple of weeks holiday.

  17. Hi Bullfrog,we are on Daowadung rd which runs from Fairyland,a small shopping mall in the centre of town up to wat Killiwong which is the temple on the hill that overlooks the city,we are about 300m from the traffic lights at Matuli and Daowadung rd next to the new ECC school.

    Coming from Kampang phet turn left at the first large junction as you come into Nakhonsawan,go straight and through the next set of lights,The temple on the hill should be on your left and also a large Buddha,at the next set of lights turn right onto Daowadung rd we are 300m on the left next to ECC.

    Coming from Phitsanalok,after crossing the bridge go through the first set of lights, turn left at the 2nd set,go straight past the big Buddha and turn right at the lights,we are 300m on the left next to ECC.

    hope this helps Bullfrog and no I dont drive a sandhopper,see you when your down this way.



    How about coming in from Auckland on 24th December?

  18. Now that I've (happily) been proven a banana, I still think it's rather silly to say we have 60,000 members. Define member. Someone who joins and never posts? Well, what's the point? Someone who posts once and disappears? Do we still call them members?

    The only valid member is an active member.

    Whilst I am an active member I tend not to post that much unless it is something that I know about or I have experienced.

    I do read the forum every day but I am selective in the forums that I read. Generally that would be the farming, Central Thailand, and the Thai visa forums and I have found a lot of useful information from them.

    I am posting less now as I am offshore working in New Zealand and I wont be back again for a couple of years other than holidays.

    Thai visa keeps me in touch with what is happening over there (along with a daily dose of the BKK Post and the Nation).

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