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Posts posted by billd766

  1. On 21st January I applied for my first extension for "Living with my Thai child" who is 3 1/2. I have to go back as the visa is under consideration on 19th February and I am allowed to stay in Thailand until that day after which the visa will be granted or I get extended again.

    I used to stay here under Thai wife support but it expired last September.

    I was off shore and got a 3 month Non Imm O in Penang at the end of October.

    Somewhere my brain has dumped a bit.

    When my visa is extended to the 1 year point is the due date the date of the extension or the date I entered in October. I have racked my brains and I cannot remember. :o

    Can someone please let me know? :D


  2. How about a passport that is already expired?

    Does anyone know if my wife could get hers renewed at the post office after it is expired?

    My wife has a similar problem with an expired passport but I didn't know about the Post Office route.

    Her family actually live in Bang Na but we live 380 km away near Khampaeng Phet.

  3. I have scanned a letter that I got from the pensions department and I am trying to upload it but I am having a lot of problems doing so.

    Basically it says that I am elegible to receive £87.30 and an extra £52,30 for a married woman claiming on her husbands insurance.

    If my wife has never lived in the UK she will not be able to apply for her own NI number and be able to claim a pension on my record.

    I have been uploading this 2 mb file in my computer to Thaivisa for nearly 5 minutes and it is still not complete. I will try again later during a quieter time of day or night and if I get lucky I will post it then.

  4. Up near Khampaeng Phet on this side of the village towards the Mae Wong national park it is mostly sloping ground so the staple crops have been cassava and fruit trees.

    On the other side for around 10km or so it is rice then on the hills again it is cassava.

    This I think is mainly due to the greater chance of water on the flat lands and the fact that cassave needs little maintenance.

    The price of cassava at the middlemans gate has doubled in the past year.

    I have been talking with KhonWan and he reckons that with a good helping of fertiliser (which they don't normally use here) and leaving the crop for 2 years means a greater the double return than 1 year. For us with 2 plots and about 16 rai it is not a problem but for most of the local farmers they cannot afford that luxury so crop on a yearly basis.

    My problem this coming year is to try to convince my wife (who knows more than me about farming) that is the way we should go. Perhaps plant both plots at the same time and then crop 1 after a year then alternate the plots on a yearly basis.

  5. I got the same problem and the only solution was:

    1) Download the latest Ultimate Boot CD. It contains freeware utilities. It should include a software called Volkov Commander (usually freeware beta-version 4.99)

    2) Burn a CD

    3) Boot from the CD

    4) Browse the menu and launch Volkov Commander

    5) When asked, enable NTFS support (if your HD is NTFS formatted)

    6) Browse to the folder or file you want to delete

    7) Delete it

    8) Reboot to Windows


    Hi Stef

    I will download that today and try it later.

    I am almost to the stage of getting a knife and cutting it out every time I see it.


  6. Well at a wild guess he owns more than me and much more than my Thai wife.

    He also ahs much more money the we would ever have in perhaps 100 lifetimes, BUT I am happy here in "his" country with my wife and son and I wouldn't change places with him in 1,000 lifetimes.

    I am very happy with what I have though a bit more would be nice.

    At least most of the people I know both Thai and farang like me.

    :o:D :D :D

  7. You are probably not the folder's "owner" anymore and so you don't have permission to delete it. I don't know how it happens, probably something to do with messing up NTFS file system, maybe during system crashes.

    Try this


    Hi Plus

    Nothing else seems to work.

    I followed your link and the next MS one and eventually I managed to go through it all and it seems that the "owner" is systems and it still won't let me delete the ****************** add your own expletive thing. It has been there since November 23rd last year.

  8. I have also used the "Thai for Beginners" course and currently using the intermediate course. I enjoy them and think they do a good job of explaining the basics. It's been very helpful to have help from Thai people though!

    They also have the beginner course available to use on your computer, it has reading and listening exercises and tests. But, I don't recommend it without the books and audio CD's.

    I am also using these books but I am a bit slack and I should do it for at least an hour a day but I can often find a reason not to. :o:D

    However at 63 that is a personal problem.

    The books themselves are good value for money and they have helped me.

  9. Hi Guys

    Sorry I forgot to mention that my D drive is a partition from the C drive.

    bkkmick wrote Try right click > Properties > Uncheck Read Only > Ok

    I did that and that didn't work sorry


    I downloaded unlocker and ran that but that didn't work either as it wasn't locked but it did ask me if I wanted to try again at the next reboot so I will see in the morning.



  10. Coo, I served my apprenticeship on Peugeots back in the early '70s. There are a few 504s still going around here. Haven't seen an estate in Thailand though.

    I wonder what the story is behind this collection?

    I have seen a couple of 504s around Bangkok that look like saloons with a pickup body grafted on the back and I used to see a Fiat Topolino (Mickey Mouse car) off a side soi from Sukhumvit 93 but I left BKK about 4 years ago and I have no idea if it is still there.

  11. I live full time out in the boonies 4 km from the nearest landline a 6 km from AIA, Dtac and True (in the village) and I use a Nokia 3110c with AIS GPRS/EDGE depending on what site I can get on.

    I connect to my laptop using the laptop Bluetooth connection or by usb cable to the Nokia suite.

    It costs me 500 baht a month for 250 hours of internet service but it is measured in minutes and not in Mb downloading. On a 30 day month that works out around 8 hours a day and to be honest if I am on for 5 hours a day that is a lot. I can get my emails, Thaivisa, downloads, read the papers etc and if I go anywhere else in country where there is an AIS site I just switch on and away it goes. Easy peasy.


    Hi Bill, how does your speed compare to standard dialup?

    I live 30km north of Korat and use AIS GPRS/Edge for connection to the internet. My speed varies throughout the day and can be different from day to day. Before noon I can usually download files at speeds between 12-17 kB. As the the day progresses the speed drops and the connection can be so slow at times I don't bother going on the net.

    In the last couple months I have noticed better performance in the afternoon and evening. I would also like to say slow speeds seem to be when connecting to sites outside Thailand while Thai sites are normal.

    Hi ballbreaker, can you order the service at any AIS shop .. or is it a different provider .. or 2 providers (Edge & ISP)?

    I'm not 1 km on Air from Dtac Calling Center at Srinakarin Road! NO Edge availabe at my place!!

    Tested 2 month ago with Dtac Card and the service for Edge was stopping after 500 m on the corner Srinakarin Rd. / Theparak Rd.!!

    What is the Range?


    Not sure about the range! It's just that not all transmitters have been upgraded to Edge.

    Out here in Pattaya we have Edge pretty much everywhere, even out here at the resort. Both AIS and Dtac will show Edge!

    It basically depends on where you are located, that's why I advise people to try with a simcard from both AIS and Dtac (just borrow from someone!) and see if the Edge indicator comes on.

    I'm not sure, but in Bangkok there are several "micro transmitters", basically smaller transmitters to fill in a small area without reception, such as between two buildings or a parking garage. Maybe the smaller ones are not upgraded?

    Your phone will automatically choose the transmitter with the best signal strength so you can't choose which one to connect to. Maybe when 500 meter away your phone switched to a different antenna without Edge...

    My download speeds seem to be about the same as ballbreakers though the busy times are different because we have market days on Monday afternoon. Wednesday mornings and Saturday afternoons so more people are around in the village and less channels are available. Also GPRS/EDGE call take second place to voice calls so if you see waiting for www.xxx to load it may mean that all the channels are taken by voice calls BUT your data call is not disconnected, merely on hold.

    My simcard is the same one I got when I came here in 2001 and the GPRS/EDGE service is done by the mobile and NOT the simcard.

    The range of the data call is the same as that of a voice call and that will be set by the RF planners when they build the network and modified when there are expansions to the nework.

    Not all sites are EDGE compatible as EDGE is a slightly newer system and requires different equipment on the site.

    A lot of "microsites" are basically a small short rage site put in to fill in a gap in the system in a small area and while they radiate a fair distance the network is set up so that the microsites had off to a bigger site with more capacity as soon as possible.

    It was/is my job since 1987 in UK and international since 1992. Though I am semiretired I still take a job offer now and again and if it is abrand new network such as the one we put into Papua New Guinea last year for Digicel and Ericsson I still get a thrill out of making calls where nobody could before.

    :D :D :D

  12. The difference to me and a lot of people around here in the central region is that we already grow cassava which is used for biodiesel.

    Last year around this time we were getting around 1,000 baht a ton and this week it is still 2,200 baht a ton.

    The drawback is that fertiliser cost have gone up a lot and we have to wait a while to get the return on the crops.

  13. I have been working and living in Thailand since 1993 but around 50% of the time I have been working offshore. Now at 63 I have been trying for an hour a day to learn Thai using Benjawan Poomsan Beckers first 2 books, Thai for beginners and Intermediate learning.

    I have 2 main problems in that I am about 20% deaf in 1 ear and 30% in the other and I have a short term memory retention of about 50%.

    I can remember the names of some of the teachers and kids I went to school with 50 od years ago but tring to remember the vocabulary that I read last week is hard going, BUT I will persevere and learn the language if it kills me on the way.

    :D :D :o

  14. I live full time out in the boonies 4 km from the nearest landline a 6 km from AIA, Dtac and True (in the village) and I use a Nokia 3110c with AIS GPRS/EDGE depending on what site I can get on.

    I connect to my laptop using the laptop Bluetooth connection or by usb cable to the Nokia suite.

    It costs me 500 baht a month for 250 hours of internet service but it is measured in minutes and not in Mb downloading. On a 30 day month that works out around 8 hours a day and to be honest if I am on for 5 hours a day that is a lot. I can get my emails, Thaivisa, downloads, read the papers etc and if I go anywhere else in country where there is an AIS site I just switch on and away it goes. Easy peasy.


  15. Just an "informal poll". Just curious what people's opinions are on the wussiest motorcycle in the Kingdom is.

    My vote is for the Yamaha Fino! Uses same mechanicals as the Mio with the retro-body work. It also seems to be the motorcycle of choice for Katoeys, ladyboys, or boys who like other boys. (But nothing wrong with that).

    I would also say that I do think it looks cool, and I wouldn't mind buying one, and riding it. However, even under those circumstances, I would have to say to myself, "Self, that is a really wussy bike, you got there."

    Any other contenders out there? I sensing votes for the honda wave.

    Well it all depends on your definition of a motorbike.

    I have a Fino (in lioght blue) and for what I use it for, taking our son to school, popping down the village and back 6km each way, market shopping etc it is excellent. I went over to my mates place 65km away a couple of weeks ago and that was a bit rough but the Fino made it easily even over the very rough track to his house but it is not something I would want to do daily.

    Out here in the sticks the Fino is very good and I now see them tarted up like the old Vespa and Lambrettas that the mods used to ride complete with many lights and mirrors.

    I get about 40 km/litre and bimble along around 80km/hr which suits me as I am 63. One day I had a flashback to being a 17 year old again and in the middle of a u-turn I opened the throttle wide and slid on the dirt ending up on my right side with gravel rash to my right knee and elbow, bashed ribs where I brought my right arm in and thumped my head on the road. :D :D :D

    Fortunately I was on my own (I would never have done it with my son on the bike) and I WAS wearing my helmet.

    Pride does come before a fall and experience doesn't count for much when you get stupid.

    When I got home all my wife asked me was what about the bike. Bugger the bike, what about me? You are old and stupid anyway was the reply. Thanks a lot honey, I love you too. :o:D:bah:

    In the UK a long time ago I used to have a Kawasaki 250 which was OK but not so good on a longer run or up hills. I replaced that with a Honda CX 500, V twin, watercooled shaft drive bike and that was good.

  16. Some guys talk about these great systems. That's fine except some of us live out in the boonies where we are lucky to even get a D-Tac signal and the only usable signal comes from AIS. AIS is usually reliable but to say it is slow is a compliment. CDMA? What is that. True has absolutely NO signal at all.

    I am with you Gary.

    I live 6km from the village where there is DTAC, AIS and True and 4km from the end of the landline. We have been waiting more than 4 years for a land line and the local AIS site now has EDGE put in especially for me as I bitched to AIS for 2 years about the service.

    All you people that complain about getting "only" 256 or 512 kps have no idea how lucky you are with an internet service.

    My Nokia 3110c also tells me that I get 115kps on Bluetooth which is absolutely correct BUT ONLY from the Nokia to the PC. From the base station to the Nokia if your are really lucky you May get 15kps and that will only be if the nearest site is not fully used.

    On the other hand living out in the boonies my quality of life is soooo much better.

    I have been in Bangkok since Sunday to do my annual visa run and I find that it is so polluted, the traffic is terrible and nobody smiles or asks how you are unlike the village at home where life is slower and much better.

    Tomorrow we go home again. Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


  17. I suspect that my wife will shoot me in about 20years time when she catches me in bed with a beautiful young Thai virgin girl. By then I will be in my mid 80's.

    Of course the scenario may be the same but she may die laughing instead saving me the job of looking for a younger wife as she will be in her 60's by then.

    :D :D :D:o

  18. I came down to Bangkok yesterday from Klong Lan where I live and somewhere around Uthai Thani was a Mk1 Ford Capri and on the side of the Nakhon Sawan to Bangkok main highway was a Mk3 Ford Cortina of the coke bottle style. I can't remember where as I had just woken up (my wife was driving).

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