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Posts posted by billd766

  1. .... Nepal4me could you lead me to more information on getting 30 tonnes per rai yield for cassava. Thanks, Issangeorge

    Hi Nepal4me

    I also am interested to read further information on this. What is its name? Any links or written info you can scan? From where can the stems be purchased? Cost? Extra fertiliser - how much extra? What's the recommended spacing?

    I'd like to try 1-5 rai myself.



    Me too


  2. I agree that decent labor is hard to find. My wife and I talked about mun Thai and she told me that I wouldn't be happy because since she couldn't get help, all her time would be spent in the fields.

    Hi Gary

    Labour can often be secured by lending relatively small amounts of money (with or without interest) months in advance on the basis that the debt is repaid in labour.

    It is also very useful (necessary could be a better word) to form strong friendships with a number of people in your village. This usually ensures mutual support during cultivation and harvesting. Your, or your wife’s, active participation in the fields will pay dividends in terms of encouraging your labour/friends to maximize their effort.



    When my wife hires the workers to plant (replant) rice she works right beside them in the paddy. I really hate to see that because she comes home at noon to cook a meal for me even though I tell her not to. She then comes home about dark and her little butt is dragging. I told her to hire an extra worker but she says it is her job to work with the hired help. She also works in her parents rice paddies because she says it is responsibility.

    TW cooks your meals and works on the farm,Geez Gary you won the lottery, She wouldnt be interested in giving lessons in "How to care for your farang husband " would she? I will sign my T/W up now. :o

    My wife worked in the fields last harvesting time though she didn't cook my lunch. However she used to make a double portion for my dinner the night before and I used to eat the second half for lunch. I could always make a couple of sandwiches and she taught me some basic Thai cooking so I don't starve.

    This month she just opened a small shop and quick food stall. She does noodles and Thai and her friend does Isaan food. She is always sold out of noodles by the time I get there for me dinner.

  3. Well I suppose it depends on where you celebrate Songkran. I live out in the boonies 65km from Khampaeng Phet and when we go out it is mostly around the villages until the day we actually go to KPP.

    Around the villages it IS fun and in the pickup we always slow down for the small kids to "get the farang" ie me at 63. Most of it is good fun and yes the Thais love it when they get the chance to slap all the powder on me which mostly is not talc and comes in many colours.

    It is mostly good clean fun, after you slosh the gunk off and very often you fill up with water at somebodys hosepipe and have a drink as well.

    The driver always stays dry and you have to be quick at times to shout out something like "mai dai khun kaprot" and you are mostly left alone. The big problem with driving is that when you get ambushed and stop a lot of the time they shove a bottle of lao khao at you and tell you to have a slug. I manage now to stick my tongue in the neck of the bottle and appear to drink a lot while the tip of my tongue gets drunk. It tastes horrible.

    Last year my son was nearly 3 and he started to enjoy it a lot more but when the Thais see small kids they don't dump lots of stuff on them while the farangs in KPP do.

    This year who knows what he will be like?

    :o:D :D

  4. My Ford Ranger double cab 4X4 is now just over 6 years old with 165,000 + km on the clock, regularly serviced.

    I has been used as a car, bus and most other things including ahuling loads of building stuuf for the houses and the shop. I had a front suspension problem abot 3 years ago which was fixed under warranty, a new battery every couple of years, a leaky radiator about 6 months ago that I replaced and found later I could have got fixed locally and I replaced all the tyres at 120,000 km but they still had a few '000 km left on them.

    It is reliable, still in good condition and all the minor dents and scrapes (mine and not my wifes) are fixed every couple of years by the insurance.

    Would I buy another one?

    Tomorrow if I had the money and I would go for the Wildtrack.

    To me the Toyota looks like a barge on wheels, I don't like the Isuzu and the Triton looks like a bathtub. The Mazda is similar to the Ford so why would I want to change to something different.

    The thing I dislike the most about the Ford is the lack of cubby holes in the cabin even in the new models.

    On the other hand if I really had big money then I would buy the Ford 250 that I saw in Papua New Guinea. It was RHD so OK for Thailand and I think a 4 or 5 litre turbo diesel and it goes like greased lightning.

    However if it was availabe on the grey or any market here it would be about 7,000,000 baht which would keep me in Ford Rangers for the rest of my life. :D:o:D

  5. They just started this week down hwere we live on the edge of the Mae Wong national park though so far there are less numbers of the fires and they seem to be burning less but it is early days yet.

    It seems odd as all along the roads are the signs saying don't set fire to the forest but no-one burns the boards down.

  6. I have been coming to/living in Thailand since 1993 which makes me a sort of old timer but not necessarily any wiser than a lot of people.

    I have followed this thread from the beginning and I was not going to reply to the post at all.

    However for what it is worth, in my personal opinion Danny and his lady are very lucky to have each other, he more so as she helped and took care of him after the accident without having to do so. She could at that stage have just walked away and found another farang with less problems if she wanted to.

    The fact that she didn't indicates to me that both cared more for each other than a casual wham, bam, thank you maam relationship.

    She has a responsibility towards her parents that most westerners never have and while the reasons for the debt of her mothers is immaterial she still feels obligated to help as much as she can.

    I am making an assumption that DAnny has explained his current circumstances to her as best that he can and that she understands a fair amount of it.

    He is still finding work hard to get which I understand only too well especially as he is self employed, in his 40's and with a specialised skill set which pays well but has a limited number of jobs.

    He also has an existing family and cares a lot about his children and also his child here in Thailand. His family in the UK are able to get limited support from the government through the socila welfare schemes and are unlikely to starve.

    I suspect that in the future his relationship with his UK wife will be terminated and a divorce settlement will come along where his UK wife and family will be awarded an amount but given a good solicitor he will also be able to live his own life and possibly be able to provide for his child in Thailand.

    What needs to happen is that he needs to get a reasonable job to get back on his feet again and reshape his life in the way he wants to. After that he can plan for the future.

    Once you get financially better off then help X and her family as she helped you and if you afre as lucky as me it will be repaid in many different ways.

    I think that it will be unlikely at least in the short term that he will be able to get his Thai lady and child into the UK because the powers that be over there will need evidence that he will be able to support them financially and provide a home for them and should that no be forthcoming they will in all probability not get a visa.

    As an aside I was married and seperated in the UK and tried to get a tourist visa for my wife to visit me and it was rejected on the grounds that

    "the address that she will be staying is not the same as yours" (I suspect my UK wife would not have been too happy if it was)

    "She does not seem to have enough attachments to return to Thailand at the end of the visit" IE she may well become an illegal immigrant.

    My feeling is that Danny has found a very nice lady who he now has a child with, accidental or not, and they wish to be together. The fact that he met her in a disco in Pattaya, a bar in Bangkok, a coffee shop in Phuket or anywhere esle in Thailand matters nothing to them and equally should mean nothing to anybody else on this forum.

    Good luck to them both and I hope that it all works out well for them.

    For the doom merchants and the naysayers, it is not your problem. They are consenting adults and presumeably old enough to make up their own minds.

    Danny do the best that you can for her and the family with what you can.

    My best wishes to you abd your Thai family.

  7. One of the teachers at the village school asked me again last night if I would go into the classroom with a Thai teacher who speaks English and help out.

    While I understand the need for a work permit swe live waaay out in the boonies and I don't think anyone would bother to check.

    Oddly enough this is the second school in the area to ask me that.

    What should my reply be?

    I am 64 this year mostly retired with 0% teaching experience.

  8. note to the above, I was never married but have the court order giving me full custody of my daughter.

    Here in phuket they did not ask for pics or my daughter to go with me.

    It would be a real inconvince to travel to bangkok and go on the assumption that i can get the extensiion and not place the money in the bank and then have them tell me NO.

    Something that bother me about living here is things can change so fast. My daughter is going to go to school in the states next year because we both agree that she will get a better education there than the international school she is in (which costs me over $14,000/year now)

    So i will no longer be able to get the extension if they ask her to come with me. A own a house so have now put it up for sale as what happens if i cant get the extension? After 20 +years in Thailand i will find myself unable to stay. To much stress.

    Yes i know i can get the retirement extension but it is not easy to come up with 800,000 in the bank for 3 months.

    Cambodia looks better ever month to me.

    Billd , let us know how it coes out but am sure u will get it. How did u get this: 5 Original Letter from doctor on Hospital Letter Head confirming he delivered my son.

    I cant possible get this as The hosptial where my daughter was born is gone.

    Plus this is wrong; "

    Extension of Non Imm "O" based on Age Over 50 and Support of Thai Child

    You do not get an extension for support, that is gone, now it is for living with.

    Another thing that gets me; You have all these condos being built and sold to farnags cause they tell ya you can own 49% of them. What they dont tell ya is just cause you own a condo does not get you a visa.

    Whats is going to happen to all these people when they find they can not get a visa to stay at their home??

    Sorry Richard

    Item 5 the letter from the Doctor confirming the birth of my child was from Badbanker and I left it in by mistake. They did not ask me about that.

    As for the Extension of Non-Imm "O" based on age over 50 and support of my Thai Child is based on the fact that

    1. I did get a Non-Imm "O" from Penang last year in October using the fact of my being married and having a child.

    2. I am 63 so I qualified for the extension by being over 50

    3. When I went for the extension I asked for it on the grounds of living with/supporting a Thai Child.

    The words were mine and not necessarily the Immigration Departments and If I cuased confusion please accept my apologies.

    Now as to the fact that in Phuket they did not ask to see your daughter (the court order I suspect is the same as having the childs mother present) makes me think that they were under the impression that the extension that you asked for may not have been the one they were willing to give.

    It is a known fact that each Immigration office has the same rules to work to BUT that they can also ask for additional information and quite often they do.

    The picture thing came up as the head man in Suan Phlu was replaced apparantly and this was one of "his" rules and there was a thread about it towards the end of last year.

    I can also understand your reluctance to go to Bangkok on the offchance that it will be different.

    We live about midway between Chiang Mai and Bangkok and I have always used Bangkok before so it is normal for me to do so. We tend to go down on a Sunday and get everything sorted out before and then try on Monday when they can tell me what is missing or required and this then gives me the rest of the week to get it correct.

    Fortunately for us we can stay with friends so it is not too expensive and gives my wife the once a year trip to Bangkok to see the family and go out shopping without me.

  9. hey;

    I got my 1 year extension based on the fact i am over 50 and living with my thai daughter. When they asked why i wanted to change from my retirment extension i told them i dont have enough money in the bank.

    HERE in PHUKET they required i show 500,000 in the bank for 3 months even though is showed them the requrements in thai.

    What ya gona do, Argue with them?

    the head of immmigration responded in the Gazette here, " Although you dont need to show a minimun income, you must show that your income is enough to allow you to responsably provide u can care for her" Not exactly what the extension is really based on, "

    I have heard that they do not require any money in bangkok via Sunbelt but have not had anyone say they received their extension on their own there.

    As i have said and we all know each and every immigration is a law unto itself.


    I went down to Suan Phlu with my wife and son and using a combination of Badbankers information from last year and some of Sunbelts at the end of the year I applied on my own.

    So far they gave me the extension but I have to go back on Tuesday 19th February to pick up the stamp.

    I will stress that it was done in Bangkok and I had to show no money at all though my wife and son had to be there. My wife had to sign 1 form and I filled in another for my son who then had his right thumbprint taken as his Thai writng skills at 3 1/2 are not quite up to the mark yet.

    This is the paperwork I worked from.

    I took the originals and 2 copies.

    I will report back to Thai visa next week when I come back from Suan Phlu.

    It may pay you in the long term to come to Bangkok for your visa though they may ask you why you didn't get it done in Phuket.

    Living with Thai child paperwork reqd

    Sunbelt paperwork

    1 A photocopy and the original of the foreigner applicant’s passport

    2 A photocopy and the original of your child’s Birth Certificate

    3 A photocopy and the original of your Marriage certificate (with child’s mother) which certified by UK Embassy in Thailand as well. Mine was certified by the Thai Minisrty of Foreign Affairs.

    4 a photo of yourself 4*6 cm to attach to the application form

    5 a photocopy and the original of your wife's ID card

    6 a photocopy and original of the Tabien Baan with wife and child named on the register

    7 a map of the house showing the directions

    8 a photo of the family at the house and about 4 photos of my wife, child and me in front of the house number and some inside

    Child's mother to go to the immigration office with child and me because the officer will interview both parents.

    The applicant will get the consideration time of 1 month and get a long visa after that.

    Posted by: Badbanker 2007-04-22 10:58:47

    Visa Extension over 50 to Support Thai Child (Long)

    Extension of Non Imm "O" based on Age Over 50 and Support of Thai Child

    1 Copy of the National Police Office Order 606/2006 in English and Thai

    2 Passport and photocopies of main page, entry stamp page and visa page

    3 Original Thai Birth Certificate of son and photocopies

    4 Original Thai Marriage Certificate and photocopies

    5 Original Letter from doctor on Hospital Letter Head confirming he delivered my son

    6 Copies of House Registration certificate of wife and son

    7 Copy of wife’s Thai ID card


  10. To increase the battery life make sure you switch the fob off when not in use otherwise pressure from other objects in your pockets can cause it to activate and reduce battery life!

    Regards Nibor.

    Switch it off ? really ? It is permanently switched off until you press it to open or close the car.

    Sorry I should have qualified that statement for the sake of the pedants, if your fob has an on/off switch like mine do then switching it off is a good idea. The reason for doing this is in my original post.


    Mine has a cover to slide over the buttons and I often forget to close it which is embarassing while my wife is driving and my remote keeps trying to set the alarm etc. It took me a few minutes to work that one out as we were driving down a bad road at the time and I was bouncing around in the seat and nudging the centre console at the time.

    Stupid boy Pike. :D :D :o

  11. What a rude question.

    It's none of your business would be my answer. :o

    Same as me, then - in a bar. :D

    Phew! Was beginning to think I was the only one to meet mine in a gogo! - 17 yrs ago and still happily together.

    Me too.

    15 years ago and still going strong through good times and bad.

    What is the difference between then and now.

    Nothing really except for a 3 1/2 year old son who is a cross between the most wonderful gift she could ever and a pest at times. but I wouldn't be without either of them.

  12. From personal experience I have had a Ford Ranger more than 6 years now with 165,000 km on the clock. It has been mostly trouble free with minor dents and scars (all mine and none of my wifes). I had the front supension legs replaced together as one was faulty and I paid for the other. The radiator developed a leak so I replaced that last year.

    I replaced the battery every couple of years and all the tyres (Michelin) I changed at 120,000 km.

    I had a Toyota Vigo for 4 months in Papua New Guinea last year and it was like driving a barge. I don't like the Isuzu as I have driven my father-in-laws quite a lot and to me the Mitsubishi Triton is downright ugly. The Mazda is a Ford or the other way around and if I had the money lying around I would but the new Ford Ranger Wildtrak.

    However this is just me personally. :o:D :D

    Others will swear by Toyota, Mitsu etc.

    Test drive them all and remember servicing is also where you live. Up here near Khampaeng Phet I usually go down to Nakhon Sawan 125 km away as I have been going there for years though there is now a dealer in KPP but I live out in the boonies.

    In the cities you wouldn't really need a pickup truck.

  13. Well Pete, Some of us live out in the boonies. It's not a matter of how much we pay. I was paying for the very best TOT Ipstar package available. The 1024/512 service. It stinks! I am now using GPRS which is faster than any Shitstar service I had. Some of us have no phone line and it's very unlikely that we will ever have one.

    Hi Gary

    I live out in the boonies 65 km southwest of Khampaeng Phet and only 4 km from the nearest landline.

    We have been waiting 4 years now for a connection and one was promised for January


    Maybe my calender is a bit fast but it still has not got here yet. I use AIS and EDGE which works fairly well most of the time but is a bit slow in the evenings. It costs me 500 baht for 250 hours of unlimited downloading except that it is limited by the speed of the download and that works out to around 8 hours a day.

    If I spend that much time on line I may as well give up on life as there are much better things to do.

  14. I am 63 and elegible to the living with my Thai child extension of the Non-Imm "O" visa.

    Prior to this extension I had a Thai wife support extension for about 3 years which expired last September while I was working offshore.

    When I returned in October I had to do a visa run to Penang to get a 3 month Non-Imm "O" visa and I took the copy of marriage certificate, birth certificate, proof of pensions etc and got that easily.

    2 weeks ago we all went to Suan Phlu as we live In Khampaeng Phet province with no really close Immigration offices.

    I got the forms etc and waited about 3 hours as it was busy and nearly lunchtime as well.

    My number came up and the lady asked for proof of income and I explained that I wanted to go the Living with my Thai child visa. She said OK and we went from there. As our son is only 3 1/2 she inked his right thumb and put it on the extra form I had to fill in and my wife had to fill in an extra form as well. We were out in around 15 minutes and I have to go back on 19th February.

    It should be OK.

    I followed Badbankers example from last year and the main difference from then is the need for photos of the house and family et.

  15. I was in the Big C carpark at Nakhon Sawan last year, parked the car (Ford Ranger) and set the alarm using my wifes remote and left mine at home 125km away.

    Finished my shopping and went to open the car and load it. The remote wouldn't unlock the car so I just used the central locking on the door. That of course set the alarm blaring away and I couldn't start the car either. I managed to open a window but it just wouldn't reset so I closed the window and went to the car stereo place (who also do car alarms) but they had closed down.

    I went back to the car and fortunately after about another 6 tries I managed to reset the alarm. I got home OK and tried my remote and that worked so I went to the village the next morning with both remotes and changed both batteries which were a couple of years old.

    The moral is to take both remotes, just in case you start the car and run the aircon and stupidly lock the car with the keys inside. Been there and done that but my wife was only 10 minutes away at home with her remote. :D:o:D

  16. I saw this item on the BBC news online this morning

    Woman faces trial over apple core

    Ms Badger chose to stand trial at crown court

    A woman is to stand trial at crown court for allegedly throwing an apple core out of her car window.

    Kate Badger, from Cornwall Road in Tettenhall, Wolverhampton, refused to pay a £60 on-the-spot fine after the alleged incident in March last year.

    The 25-year-old appeared before magistrates in the city where she elected to stand trial at crown court.

    The case was adjourned until 12 March. If Ms Badger is found guilty she could be sent to prison.

    She denies a charge of "knowingly causing the deposit of controlled waste, namely an apple core, on land which did not have a waste management licence".

    I can understand and accept that if she does not pay the fine then she could go to prison. I do think that it is a waste of time, resources and money to do so.

    However I am confused that it has got this far over an apple core which in itself is bio-degradable and therefore may act as a fertiliser in a small way and possibly may even grow into a tree which in turn would benefit the country also in a small way.

    Perhaps it is me that has lost the plot but all of this over an apple core? Who has legislated that an apple core is controlled waste and what land is or is not designated with a waste management licence and by whom?

    I suspect that the barmy army is taking over the country where I was born.

    I am glad that another country, namely Thailand is allowing me to live here.

  17. Monday morning 8h45 enter the building of the Land Transportation to get the new driving license.

    Add prepared all the documents:

    - passport

    - copy of passport

    - doctor's certificate

    - certificate of residence from embassy

    - expired thai driving license

    After checking my document, I got a queue number.

    Waited 5 minutes

    Re-checking of the documents + picture taken

    Got the new license.

    Exit building: 9h00!

    The good news is that unlike the 1 year driving license, you can renew the 5 years thai driving license, 3 months before expiration.

    I was driving today along Sukhumvit 105, when I was stopped at a police roadblock (they are there almost on a weekly basis).


    I was later told that the police do not have the right to keep your driving license.

    Is your time not worth more ? i couldnt be bothered to run around with a principle,. ,id pay, its thailand, .as for the license, whoever told you that the police cant keep your licence is misinformed,they can,.

    The cops when confronted with a person fluent in Thai, recognised that I did nothing wrong, and the supervisor let us know that I should not have received a ticket in the first place ... so, I don't see any compelling reason to just go and pay the fine, in this situation ...even if we are in Thailand.

    As for the police keeping the license, this is the practice yes, but do they have the right, in the first place?

    The recommendation was to keep a photocopy with me and hand it over to the cops.

    If they want to see the real one, show it but keep it with you.

    If I cross a red-light I would pay the fine ... but not when they stop you so that they can meet their quota.

    As for my time, I quite enjoyed the 10 minutes with my wife, asking them who did wrong, when they wrote a ticket without any reason.


    I guess I don't follow your reasoning of you did nothing wrong. You drove with an expired license!

    In the U.S (at least in my state), there is no grace period and driving with no license, or an expired license, is considered a fairly serious offense. If you have no license in your possesion you may be detained (arrested) until your identity and proof you had a license can be ascertained.

    If you are not a resident of the state, your license is confiscated and you are issued a ticket which is also the receipt for your license. It must be presented at the police station or court and is returned upon the payment of a fine.

    In your defense, checkpoints of any kind are not legal in the U.S. (personal freedom issue). You can only be stopped if you committed a violation. Of course the big drawback to that is you would be given a violation for the offense you committed AND the expired license. :o

    As checkpoints are legal and common here, I would say you were rightfully busted. TIT.

    As far as I knew having been driving in Thailand since 2002 you were not allowed to renew your 1 year licence until after it had expired and I assumed the same would be correct about the 5 year licence.

    However thanks to singa-traz I can renew mine up to 3 months early.

    Now as it is not due until may 2553 or next year in old money how can I change the address to a different province since I no longer live in Bangkok but in Klong Lan Khampaeng Phet province.

    Also is there an age limit to obtaining a licence as next year I will be 65?


  18. My wife does a superb massaman also panang neua but I don't think she has a recipe as such.

    She does it much the same as SBK but perhaps the quantities and some ingredients are slightly different. She has taught me as well but if I use the same ingrediaents it always comes out a bit different.

    dam_n it is 10 am and now I feel hungry but we have run out of most stuff though it is market day this morning.

    Hope she brings something nice home.

  19. Interestingly enough I've come across a couple of places that actually specialise in Beetles. There's of course that one in Pattaya, and another one not that far out of Bang Na.

    There is also one just past Chon Buri as I remember.

    Slightly off topic (though Thailand releated through me) my son in the UK a few years back sold his old mk1 Golf Gti, his aprtly rebuilt Beetle and maxed his Mums credit card and bought a one owner 1964 Beetle 1200. After 18 months he had lowered it, put in a Porsche 2 litre engine and gearbox, uprated running gear etc and resprayed it. He also put in a nitrous oxide kit and it was street legal. He won first in class at the Volkswagen show at Epsom that year but blew first gear while doing time trials at Ford airfield the followng year. :D:o:D

    It is still going strong.

    He first got interested in Beetles when he was 13 and he is now 30 and a regional manager for Fiat trucks in Southampton.

    I wish I had some fun like that at his age.

    :D :D :bah:

  20. Ok I’m up for it, Defy anyone to remember any of these. :D

    First record I bought was a 78 vinyl of Alma Cogan forgot what year. We had one of those windup gramaphone players with the big trumpet. Propably be worth a small fortune now.

    My most favorite songs apart from more recent ones are:-

    Only Sixteen - Craig Douglas Only_Sixteen___Craig_Douglas.mp3

    Baby don’t go - Sonny & Cher Baby_Please_Don_t_Go___Sonny___Cher.mp3

    Lots more but can’t mention them all.

    Nostalgic Daffy.



    I remember them both also Alma Cogan on the Billy Cotton band show, Sunday afternoons on the Light Program.

    I also remember "borrowing" my Mums transistor radio and going down to Poole Park on Sunday afternoons to hang around with my mates listening to Top of the Pops with Alan Freeman.

    The days of innocent enjoyment.

  21. RusticCharm can explain desmos and maybe spell them better. It is a positive closing of the valve rather than trusting a valve spring to close it. I was joking about such cam closures for a cupholder.

    Sorry, PB; was just pulling your leg re spelling. Yeah, as an ex-mechanic and long-time Ducati owner, I'm familiar with desmodronic valvegear. Mind you, one can probably find desmo cupholders on a Merc or something. Actually, I reckon the Fino's pretty good. I like the way owners all feel the need to stamp their own personality on them. A bit like Beetles or 2CVs. If I could find a decent Lambretta I'd love to have one in Thailand and burden it down with all the mod paraphernalia. You're right; if you enjoy what you ride, it's not wussy.

    Waay back in 1963/63 I had a 1958 Lambretta Ld 150 which would run for ever at 50 mph but increase that to 55 mph and it would overheat and die. Wait 10 minutes and would be OK.

    That was my first experience of maintaining vehicles as I changed the transmission oil but it looked a bit low so I filled it up. Bearing in mind it was a 2 stroke anyway for a few days it was like a battleship making smoke. It was just like being at the lights in BKK in the old 2 stroke days when the lights changed.

    It was a 6 volt system with no battery and direct lighting and horn. The faster the engine ran the brighter the lights and the louder the horn.

    My mate Willie Wilson was cooler than me as he had a 175cc Triumph Tiger Cub.

    They were the good old fun days. :o:D :D

  22. To go one stage further I found this on the BBC news website this morning.

    Please read down to the bottom.

    I am 63 and I remember the original Lolita film and the book and also Lady Chatterly's lover which somebody at the school had but the is un-elected PC people gone crazy.

    Woolworths withdraws 'Lolita' bed

    Dominique Swain played the young girl in the film, Lolita

    A film adaptation of the novel also met with controversy

    Bedroom furniture for young girls with the brand name Lolita has been withdrawn by Woolworths following complaints from parents.

    A parenting website said it was in "unbelievably bad taste" to give the bed the same name as a novel about a sexually precocious young girl.

    Woolworths said the £395 Lolita Midsleeper Combi was withdrawn when the matter was brought to its attention.

    Vladimir Nabokov's 1955 novel became famous for its controversial subject.

    The story of a stepfather's sexual obsession with a 12-year-old girl has been adapted for film twice: first by Stanley Kubrick in 1962 and later in 1997 when Jeremy Irons played the lead part of Humbert Humbert.

    It has become a name that is synonymous with sexual precocity and the fact that it is tied to a girl's bed - it literally couldn't be worse taste

    Catherine Hanly, parenting website editor

    Catherine Hanly, editor of parenting website raisingkids.co.uk, was among the parents to complain about the furniture advertised on the Woolworths website.

    She said a Woolworths press officer had told her staff running the website "had no idea" of the word's connotations.

    "I expect a company like Woolworths to actually know what it means and the connotations and stuff," she told BBC Radio Five Live Breakfast.

    "It has become a name that is synonymous with sexual precocity and the fact that it is tied to a girl's bed - it literally couldn't be worse taste."

    A Woolworths spokeswoman said: "Now this has been brought to our attention, the product has been removed from sale with immediate effect."

    She said the suppliers, who advertise the product on the Woolworths' website, would be asked how the branding came about.

    I wonder who gave this person the right to promote her own views as the most important in the way that in international company runs its own business.

    She may not even have been alive in 1962 which by my adding of fingers and toes a couple of time came out as 46 years ago this year.


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