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Posts posted by billd766

  1. Living with my Thai child visa extension.

    Thai police order 606/2549 para 7.15 (5)

    I am 63, married for 8 years this coming April and our son will be 4 in August.

    I went this morning and arrived about 10.30 when the wife threw me out of the car and told me to get started while she found a parking space. I collected all the paperwork together at home and brought it all down with me but one thing I found is that the glue pot used to stick your photo on the application has 2 modes, not enough or bugger it now I need a new form and photo.

    Then I sat and waited as the other 29 applicants in front of me plus many agents? went through the process plus the office, whule not closed at lunch time showed a distinct lack of progress for about 45 minutes.

    My turn came and as my wife and son had gone for lunch I called them back when there were about 2 people in front of me and we went up together.

    At first the lady asked for proof of salary or income so I explained that I was applying to live with my son. Oh, OK was the reply. She preferred the passport and tabien baan copies in black and white and not colour so my wife went off and did that and the rest went smoothly except my wife was given another form to sign saying that it was all OK with her and I had to fill in the one for our son as he is only 3 1/2 and shee took his thumbprint as a signature which was a surprise for him. She also gave him a few sweeties which he thanked her for.

    The who;e process took about 20 minutes and we were out of the building in just under 3 hours. I was also due to make a 90 day report next week but I got a small letter stapled to the passport which says that by completing the extension I have also notified them of the 90 days so that report is not due until 21 April now.

    I have a months extension and have to report back on 19th February to collect the visa stamp hopefully. :o

    :D :D :D :D :bah:

    This is a copy of the documents that I brought with me using both Sunbelt and firstly Badbankers information from last year.

    I have a copy in Excel that I would like to pin for anyone else to use if some kind person will tell me how to do it.

    Living with Thai child paperwork reqd

    Sunbelt paperwork Original Copy 1 Copy 2

    Yes No Yes No Yes No

    1 A photocopy and the original of the foreigner applicant’s passport

    2 A photocopy and the original of your child’s Birth Certificate

    3 A photocopy and the original of your Marriage certificate (with child’s mother) which certified by

    UK Embassy in Thailand as well.

    4 a photo of me 4*6 cm to attach to the application form

    5 a photocopy and the original of your wife's ID card

    6 a photocopy and original of the Tabien Baan with wife and child named on the register

    7 a map of the house showing the directions

    8 a photo of the family at the house and about 4 photos of my wife, child and me in front of the house number and some inside

    Child's mother to go to the immigration office with child and me because the officer will interview both parents. The applicant

    will get the consideration time of 1 month and get a long visa after that.

    Posted by: Badbanker 2007-04-22 10:58:47

    Visa Extension over 50 to Support Thai Child (Long)

    Extension of Non Imm "O" based on Age Over 50 and Support of Thai Child Original Copy 1 Copy 2

    Yes No Yes No Yes No

    1 Copy of the National Police Office Order 606/2006 in English and Thai

    2 Passport and photocopies of main page, entry stamp page and visa page

    3 Original Thai Birth Certificate of son and photocopies

    4 Original Thai Marriage Certificate and photocopies

    5 Original Letter from doctor on Hospital Letter Head confirming he delivered my son

    6 Copies of House Registration certificate of wife and son

    7 Copy of wife’s Thai ID card

  2. Congratulations to you both.

    My son will be 4 in August and I am 60 years older than him.

    He came as a surprise to both my wife and me and I still love him to bits.

    Try to help your wife as much as you can.

    Alos try to speak english to your wife and son as much as you can and let your wife speak only Thai to him. That way hopefully he will be able to speak and more importantly understand both languages and get a better life from the start.

    Try to read to him as well and get him interested in books. I read a lot but my wife not so much. :o:D :D

  3. About 18 months ago I was working in Bangladesh, drank a bit too much one night, fell over and bashed my ribs on a chair.

    Four days later it still hurt so I went to hospital where the doctor said my ribs were OK but "did you know" that an artery was partly blocked. Er no I didn't but as I was coming home in a week I waited until I got to Bangkok and went into Bumrungrad for a full check up.

    At this time and 62 years old I had no idea of any problems and put down the fact that I was too fat as the cause of tiredness and heavy breathing.

    I was then about 125kg and far to fat and not exercising at all. I got the price of an angioplasty from them and looked at other hospitals before choosing the Bangkok International Heart hospital off New Petchburi road in Bangkok.

    I was staying with friends and my wife and son came down from up country to be with me.

    My surgeon/consultant at the hospital was Dr Wiyaya Jongsupangkarat and on the morning of the operation after injecting the dye he casually said "did you know that you have two partly blocked arteries on the left sideand would you like both done at the same time"? Er no I didn't and while I am lying here shaved and naked you might just as well.

    Any way he did a good job and I had to go for weekkly then monthly then 3 monthly check ups and I am OK now.

    3 months ago I bought a microlife arm cuff blood pressure tester and I regularly take my blood pressure. This morning it was 115/72 with a pulse of 88 and the average for this month is 113/74 and a pulse of 85.

    I also lost 19kg but iI have put 7 kg back on and only exercise a little.

    I am on 1/2 tablet of Co-diovan a nd 1 of Dilatrend in the morning and 1 tablet each of Orafin and Bestatin at night as recommneded by Dr Witaya.

    I was lucky.

    I hope that Thaipauly has sorted his blood pressure out.

  4. You very welcome!

    Keep CureIt in mind for the next security threats!



    There is a way for to solve every thing but sometimes difficult to find.

    Keep trying and going and on the end of the day may you got what you need!

    Hi Reimar

    For what it is worth I run cureit every 2 or 3 days and after yesterdays run it came back with no virus found.

    Thanks once again.


  5. This paper has some information about the different cassava varieties grown in Thailand: http://www.doa.go.th/fieldcrops/res/0949-3.pdf

    Thanks for that link.

    We have about 16 rai in 2 plots and have been growing cassava fo at least 4 years. KhonWan is only about 26 km away from me directly on the other side of Mae Wong national park but 65km by road and I pick his brain when possible but my wife is not such a good farmer yet and I have what is known in growing circles as the "black finger". basically if my wife does things with plants they grow but if I try they shrivel up and die.

    I am going to try to get 1 plot this year on a 1 year cycle and the other on a 2 year cycle after which they will both be on a 2 year cycle to get the best crop every year.

  6. Hi Reimar

    Every time I see a post of yours it is a MUST read for me and so far the information you have posted has been of use to me and cured problems that I didn't know I had.

    I used to use a genuine Norton 360 from Symantec but I had a lot of problems with it not doing a live update that I complained on their website but they were unable to fix the problem so in the end I binned it and now I use Avast which is free, works and updates regularly.

    I also use Dr web cure it most days and it picks up the odd one that Avast lets through.

    On the other hand both of them picked up lots that Symantec missed.

    I have come to the conclusion that no single single anti virus program is infallable.

    Thanks for all your past help and the future too.

    :o:D :D

  7. My childrens day was not so good this year.

    Unfortunately I missed it this year as my wife and son went off to see his other "Yai" in Petchabun this year. She apparantly may have cancer (as far as I can understand) and this may be the last time that he will see her except for the funeral rites and I stayed home with my mother in law. She is about a year younger than me and on Friday she was feeling breathless and nuai so I had to get her up to the local hospital where she was on oxygen and she came out yesterday (Tuesday). I speak a little Thai and she speaks no English past hallo, morning and OK.

    Some of her friends from the village visited every day and my wife called her as well but I did not go to the hospital as the conversation would have been over inside of 2 minutes leaving an embarrased pair of us inable to talk to each other.

    She seems better now but I am not sure when it will happen again.

  8. I remember diesel being 8 baht a litre for quite a few years; certainly 1998 or there abouts.

    Everyone is going lpg at the mo. Gf advises I can convert my Triton to lpg for 20,000 baht. Been away for a while, so let me search the forum on this... :o

    20,000 b seems a bit low....it is more like 35,000

    I am not sure that it is possible to convert a diesel engine to LPG or NGV.

    Gasoline engines certainly.

    There was a motoring thread recently about it and the guy replaced the engine and gearbox with a gasoline engine and a auto gearbox.

  9. I am in receipt of 2 pensions at this time.

    A military pension and a company pension.

    I queried the UK taxman about paying tax as I am non resident and non domiciled in the UK.

    The gist of the reply was that ANY pension earned in the UK is subject to income tax which is deducted at source provided that the pension exceeds the current tax threshold depending upon your personal circumstances, i.e if your pension is more than your tax allowance you WILL pay tax on it.

    I queried my company pension scheme about taking 25% tax free and they told me that as I am already in receipt of the pension I could not do so and my instant reply was that I now planned to live another 50 years making me 123 when I die. It did raise a laugh but didn't change the result.

    Next year I will be in receipt of my state benefit pension and will have to pay even more tax and get that frozen from the day I get it.

    The UK, a good country to leave but the taxman has a long reach and he will get you one way or another.

  10. When I bought my Ford Ranger in December 2001 I could fill the 70 litre tank for around 700 baht though it was only a little subsidised in those days.

    Now in the village it is closer to 2,200 baht to fill it completely with unsubsided diesel and the gas station is still not making much more than it was in those days.

    I am expecting it go rise higher throughout the year to perhaps 35 or 36 baht a litre.

    That is why we bought a Yamaha Mio Fino scooter 15 months ago as it gets nearly 40 km a litre and is easier to pop into the village etc on that rather than the Ford. Tax and insurance on the Yamaha is less than 1,000 baht a year compared to around 20,000 for both on the Ford. Ranger gin maan mak.

    :o:D :D

  11. If it were me I would look at the price difference between the GPS, the car and first class insurance and instantly decide that the GPS is a nice toy that I can live without but if my car was stolen (with or without the GPS) I would have a much bigger problem as I would have to replace the car.

    I try never to skimp on car insurance as it really isn't worth it. :o:D

  12. Hi cmbe

    I am happy that you have been able to get a borehole dug and water to your house.

    Unfortunately for me the land is mostly rock and stone after anout 1 metre down and when they dug the fish pond the guys said if you want a borehole or a well you will need dynamite or maybe an oil rig drill.

    Current rumour has it that the moo baan got a borehole drilled at a cost of around 1,000,000 baht so we should be OK from this year on but we shall see.

  13. I use a thing called I think a butchers steel which is about the same length as a big knife and it is what a lot of the local butchers in the markets in Bangkok use. My wife uses a small thing and pulls the blade through what I can only describe as 2 grinder blades but I usually end up crashing the blade on the table if I use that one.

  14. as i'm not a Brit i feel quite safe :o

    I am a Brit married to a Thai lady and we have a 3 year old son.

    I read the report from the Independent yesterday and to be absolutely honest I am no more concerned that I was before I read it.

    However if I were to read the BBC news as I do most days and look at all the Brits murdered every day IN THE UK and I had to live in the UK I would certainly be worried.

    Many years ago around the middle 90's I used to live in a small village at Cowplain in Hampshire and my UK wife at the time would not leave the house after 8.30 pm without the dog as she was scared what might happen to her.

    Back in 2001 when I was staying with a friend near Taunton in Somerset I was unhappy going around that town at 5 pm because of the drunks.

    In the UK even small kids are being murdered and it is getting to the stage where you dare not let children go anywhere without being with a trusted adult.

    In Thailand there are a lot of areas that I would not go to at night in Bangkok but up here in the central region I am happy to go anywhere night or day.

    Even my UK wife felt safer in Thailand and I certainly do.

  15. I am going to Suan Phlu in about a week to get a new visa for living with my Thai child....

    For a new visa, go to a Thai consulate. For an extension of stay, go to and immigration office such as Suan Phlu.



    Sorry Maestro.

    I am falling into my usual mistake of mixing up a visa and an extension of stay AGAIN.

    I got the Non-Imm "O" in Penang at the end of October and I am going for the extension of stay based on being over 50 and living with my Thai child.

    My wife keeps telling me that my memory is going and I think she may be right as it is a combination of age 63 and SangSom with soda. Maybe I should take coke instaed of the soda.

    Quote dr_Pat_Pong

    Good luck Bill.

    Thanks Doc I may need it.

  16. Having my locations dictated to me due to the nature of my (ex) work I lived in

    many of the worlds backwaters. Not much oil, gas or gold in the suburbs.

    Now that I can choose where to live I certainly would not choose the boonies of Thailand.

    I suspect that many who live in the provinces do so as the location was chosen by their

    wives rather than themselves.


    Fair comment Naka :o

    I'm one of those types you talk about, but along with the same sentiments expressed by Gary A and BFG(Farang Conn), I am very happy with my lot.

    Would it suit anyone else? I dont give a flying <deleted>. :D:D


    I am with you Dave on this one and I don't even live in KK or Issan.

    I live in a small moo baan in the cenrtal region about 65 km south west of any "farang" bars out in the country with my family and a few farang friends withing a 100 km radius and I love it.

    My wife already had some land here and the main reason we lived in BKK was that I was working there. Job finished and within a year we moved up here. I could NEVER live full time in any of the big cities again.

    :D:bah: :bah:


  17. When I worked in Papua New Guinea last year there was the same problem with the shopping bags.

    However in the fresh markets for about 25 baht you could but half a 50kg sugar bag that had a shoulder strap on it and that made a very good strong re-usable shopping bag. As a white man (aka farang) I used to get a lot of odd looks from the locals for using that.

    My wife tells me that you can get similar things over in Thailand up country but I haven't seen any around here.

    One of the reasons that plastic shopping bags came along was because the shops could advertise on them.

    Going back to the late 50's in UK when I were a lad I used to deliver groceries to customers houses using the bicycle with the smaller front wheel and big basket on the front and we used to wrap things in newspaper and brown paper and deliver the shopping in cardboard boxes.

  18. It is pretty much the same over in the central region away rom the big cities. We live out in the boonies 6 km from the village in a small moo baan where most people know each other and come planting or harvesting time we can always get some help as and when required.

    We have been here full time for about 4 years and lived in Bangkok before that. BKK is very useful for many things such a farang food and good internet/TV connections but it is a terrible place to have to live.

    All my wife's family live around the Bang Na area and they love coming up to the country for holidays. At the moment my mother in law is living with us in the small house which we built while my wife supervised the building of our bigger house. My father inlaw accused her of being a butterfly (at 62) so she came to live with us a couple of months ago. He came up with some of the family for the New Year and asker her to come back to help with her younger son (late 30's and on some medication) plus the 3 grandchildren cooking and cleaning etc and was surprised when she said no as she is quite happy here, chewing betel and playing cards with some of my wife's friends a couple of times a week.

    I was over at a friends house Thursday night and got back yesterday morning and my wife is in Petchabun somewhere visiting our sons other "granny" and I found Mae was a bit breathless and she said that she was nuai. I called my wife (who has the pickup truck) and she got a fried to take her Mum to the local hospital where she is resting with a couple of tubes up her nose breathing oxygen.

    She is in a small room with a/c if she wants it and the normal hospital facilities including unfortunately hospital food. We have o workers wife staying with her most of the time and we get real food sent in every day and the cost is 450 baht a night I think plus medical fees but she also has the 30 baht medical card which should pay for the medication.

    Hope she gets better soon.


  19. I am going to Suan Phlu in about a week to get a new visa for living with my Thai child.

    My other visa to support my Thai wife expired in September while I was working offshore so I had to get another 3 month Non-Imm "O" visa and start again.

    As far as I can tell you need to be over 50 and have a Thai child. It seems as though there is no need to prove income (though I can) BUT your child and wife (legal or defacto) MUST be present at every renewal of the visa along with all the relevant paperwork. I am following Badbankers advice from last year on the documnets required as well as some from Sunbelt. Also it seems as though you need photos as well since the last couple of months.

    I will update the forum on my luck with my visa as and when it happens.


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