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Everything posted by billd766

  1. No dirt trails to most peoples houses though.
  2. There ARE many better alternatives than this lot, but they are not allowed to be viable candidates by the current mob in power.
  3. After I got Tboned and was still riding I would always stop as close to the side as possible and let other vehicles go across the lights first. They can be the statistics instead of me. I still do it in the pickup nowadays.
  4. How was the motorcyclist in the wrong place at the wrong time? He had NO warning that the ambulance was coming from his right side, the lights were green in has favour and red against the ambulance. He did, in fact proceed with caution if you watched the video. So please explain where he went wrong.
  5. Do you have a better suggestion on how to get a container of gasoline to your house if you only have a motorbike?
  6. Well my Fixed Or Repaired Daily Ranger 4 door, 4WD turbo diesel Ranger pickup will be 21 years old in December and has 448,xxx km on the clock. It still rattles on as most Fords do with little C&M and the odd wash and brush up most years.
  7. I got Tboned in Nakhon Sawan a few years ago. As in the above video the lights were green in my favour so off I went on my bike. I got Tboned from my left by 2 old ladies in an old pick up running the red from my left. YES I did look both ways and behind me before I went. Luckily for me I wasn't badly hurt, my bike was rideable after a fashion, the old ladies stopped just up the road plus there was a police station at the cross roads who saw it happen. We both went to the main police station where it cost the old ladies and their family 10,000 baht cash to pay for the damage to my bike where they hit me just under my ass and missing me. 15 minutes before my mate was on the back and he would have lost most of his left leg if he has still been on the back. On a different note out here in rural Kamphaeng Phet most of the ambulances run with their emergency lights on and if they have a customer on board the whoopers and wailers are going full blast. They rarely go through red lights because the incredibly stupid Thai drivers won't pull over for them.
  8. Well after 25 years in the military, 58 years of legal driving and 78 years of age, I haven't killed anybody yet. I suspect that you are trying to make a joke, and failing miserably.
  9. It is actually against the law NOT to stop at a pedestrian crossing, but sadly unenforced by the RTP.
  10. Usually when you are looking for a vet to put the dog down legally. Drom what I understand is that most Thai vets refuse to do it.
  11. I think that the Thai military forget what they exist for.
  12. I suspect that Putin has painted himself into a corner and can see no way out, other than threating the nuclear option. I would think that he KNOWS that wherever he is in Russia there are a few missiles with his name on them. Whilst he might control the button the response has to go through a few layers to get to the launchers and I would hope that some of those people will come to their senses and stop the launches. They must also know that they are targeted too.
  13. I take my son and my neighbours daughter to school in the mornings around 6:45 am here in rural Kamphaeng Phet. We pass 4 schools on the way and I ALWAYS slow down and put my 4 way flashers on. This morning yet another numpty in his shiny white new pickup truck went roaring past on the wrong side of the road doing around 80kph or more in a 50kph limit, completely ignoring the solid yellow line, completely ignoring the rumble strips and the crossing painted on the road surface. Fortunately there were no children around at the time. I get to my sons school which is on a 4 lane highway but there are cones to force people into the left lane and into the chicane before the crossing to slow them down. Me, headlights on, 4 ways on in the left lane, when another pickup pulls out from the side, he did indicate and then he tried to go down the wrong side of the road. A school minibus going in the opposite direction simply blocked him and forced him back to the correct side of the road. He then followed me and tried to overtake me while I am going slow in the right lane to the end of the cones to do a U turn back up to the school. I block him and he had to go via the left lane cutting in front of the car behind him. I dropped the teenagers off and watched as 3 people did a U turn using the school crossing instead of driving 15 metres up the road to U turn. This happens most days on the school run. Of course, as usual, there is not a single cop to be seen anywhere.
  14. That is doing things the hard way. As an ex field engineer I break the biscuits in half at my desk and dunk them. The alternative is a wider mug. That is what experienced engineers do.
  15. IMHO, yes it is to hard for him to simply google ‘dog attacks’ and ‘dog attack deaths’, as that would mean that he is wrong, and has been all along.
  16. The reason that I cannot confirm it, is because it was not my post anyway, so there was no need to thank me.
  17. So you would happier if a child or an adult were injured than a dog? IMHO you are the pathetic one. That one I cannot confirm but here from https://www.shutterstock.com/search/dog-bite-injury?c3apidt=71700000041132092&gclid=CjwKCAjwyaWZBhBGEiwACslQo3yTKl-1WmotiKhHe5ICe_MJFRTLF8Trss36spWZ2WLCOyxywdeTARoCotgQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&kw= are 861 photos of people bitten by dogs. https://www.mayoclinic.org/medical-professionals/trauma/news/facial-trauma-from-dog-bite-a-pediatric-case-study/mcc-20437938 About a child bitten by a dog Photos here https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/family-release-photos-of-toddler-s-horrific-injuries-to-warn-others-after-dog-attack-a7006001.html Or here by a pit bull https://www.gosanangelo.com/picture-gallery/news/2018/01/11/graphic-photos-reveal-boys-wounds-after-dog-attack/109383818/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05CHxu4WKOg Of course you don't have to believe me. You can call all the links and photos fake if you wish to deny facts.
  18. Which will achieve what, exactly? Even more dogs to feed and more dogs to feed and increase the soi dog population even more. What a brilliant plan. Why don't you feed ALL the soi dogs so that they will breed more and then there will be even more to feed and breed, which is the problem now.
  19. Tell that to the people who are chased by dogs and come off their scooters and are hospitalised, possibly facing hospital bills, loss of job and income. As I and many others have said in various posts and threads, why don't YOU take in every stray dog in Thailand, feed them all, keep them all locked up safely until they die of old age. I agree with EVERY dog being registered and licensed plus the owners as well. In western countries this works most of the time, but in Thailand very few Thais will accept the responsibility and if it is forced on them the majority of the owners will simply dump the dogs on the streets. NOW, if you can fix that problem, then in a few years there should be no soi dog problems.
  20. You must always be the Alpha dog, the pack leader. If you can manage that, then you can control the dogs.
  21. Well it seems as though my older neighbour (she has been in BKK for nearly a month now), had a dog killed in a street crash. That left 3 dogs and a bitch. The younger neighbour who has been looking after the house and animals has had her mother up for a while. Somebody took her mother home over the weekend and they took the eldest dog with them. Hooray, only 2 dogs and a bitch left.. The bitch has been busy though and dropped a litter of 4 a few weeks ago and a puppy was taken as well. So the dog population has actually increased by a total of 3. It would have been 5 but 2 were relocated. For Bill Smart, "WE" did NOT increase the population of soi dogs, they can do that all on their own.
  22. No. That is how to gain friends, gain acceptance and improve relationships. Why would anybody want to buy tins of peaches?
  23. And me as well. I wonder how many of the laughing posters here could translate English into Thai accurately with all the correct tones. Not that many. I admire the guy for trying but I think a qualified translator may have helped.
  24. The problem with that is finding a Thai vet to do the job. No matter how much pain the animal is in, nor the fact that it is dying, very few Thai vets will put an animal to sleep. You are talking about a healthy animal. There is a better chance of finding a cop to do it for cash.
  25. Because that would be too easy, and it wouldn't fit with his usual anti Thai rants.
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