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Posts posted by billd766

  1. On 3/7/2024 at 4:01 PM, Mike Teavee said:

    30,000 + Passport Fee!!!


    Try 11,000 (12,000 if you want the "Jumbo" passport) which includes the passport fees, eg...

    https://thaivisa-express.com/uk-passport-application-thailand/#:~:text=The cost of an adult,passport and our service fee.


    For proof of address, just go into your Bank & ask them to print any letter in English with your address on it (Bank Statement should do the trick) 

    I live in rural Kamphaeng Phet and sent my passport off to Paul Aslett at Thai Visa Express on Monday 11th March.


    It saves me having my wife to drive me to Bangkok, an overnight stay at my BIL in Samut Prakan, a visit the next day to VFS, wife to drive me there and hang around and then the 350 km trip back home. Then when VFS call me, we have to do the whole thing over again.

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  2. 1 hour ago, scorecard said:


    And you obviously haven't read the response I've given numerous times to your point, which you have submitted more times than one can count.


    One last time:  Yes the generals should be charged tried and punished. 

    You are almost correct when you say "Yes the generals should be charged tried and punished".


    However they have NEVER been punished, yet Thaksin has, for a far lesser crime.


    Now why would that be, and why are you not complaining about that?

    • Agree 1
  3. 3 hours ago, billd766 said:

    I don't hear or see you complaining about all the generals walking around freely, without be charged with the crime of treason, by virtue of stealing the whole of Thailand by way of a military coup.


    That is a far greater crime that any that Thaksin is alleged to have committed.

    To the poster who posted a confused emoji.


    Please respond to this post and explain what is confusing you. I may be able to explain it better if you tell me why you are confused.

  4. If I were a conspiracy nut, (which I am not), I would love to dig deeply into this.


    It does somehow remind me of an alleged quote by King Henry II of England back in 1170 about the then Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Beckett.




    While the quote was not expressed as an order, it prompted four knights to travel from Normandy to Canterbury, where they killed Becket. 


    The phrase is commonly used in modern-day contexts to express that a ruler's wish may be interpreted as a command by his or her subordinates.


    It is also commonly understood as shorthand for any rhetorical device allowing leaders to covertly order or exhort violence among their followers, while still being able to claim plausible deniability for political, legal, or other reasons.

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  5. 1 hour ago, scorecard said:

    Why? 'De facto party boss-cum-convict on parole' is an accurate title.


    He committed real / serious crimes and was convicted and sentenced to jail. It wasn't a kangaroo court in any way. 

    I don't hear or see you complaining about all the generals walking around freely, without be charged with the crime of treason, by virtue of stealing the whole of Thailand by way of a military coup.


    That is a far greater crime that any that Thaksin is alleged to have committed.

    • Confused 3
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  6. 10 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Driving passengers in your vehicle is dangerous, and it degrades the nation. It is a very important job, and denying that right to a local could utterly destroy the economy. Glad the "joint task force" is focusing on such important work. They will single handedly help to increase the GDP and employment. 

    Where I live in rural Thailand there ARE no taxis, motorcycle taxis, baht buses or ANY form of public transport.

  7. On 2/28/2024 at 7:14 PM, steven100 said:

    This is the best news I've heard in 2 years since Russia invaded Ukraine illegally, killing thousands of civilians and shooting POW's in the head...


    Go in and slaughter Russia .... go after Putin and destroy his palaces.  Destroy everything Russian.  And if Putin or Lavrov or the other puppet try to use the Nuclear tactic, tell them you'll blow Moscow of the face of the earth with a Nuclear and an Atom at the same time.   Stop cowering to this murderer. 


    Teach Russia a lesson they'll never ever forget ....  put them back 100 yrs,  no heating,, no fuel, no electricity.


    Let's get it on  !!



    SOURCE https://www.yahoo.com/news/ukraine-russia-war-nato-eu-150248389.html






    I like the idea, but not for the entire Russian people. For Putin and his war cabinet, yes, for the military, destroy the bases and the equipment, but try to keep the casualties low if at all possible, yes. For the general population, no, try to keep casualties to a minimum if possible.

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  8. 19 hours ago, billd766 said:

    I have known my Thai wife for 30 years and been married to her for 24 of them.


    She is no longer the slim long dark haired beauty that she once was.


    So what.


    We have a 19 year old son and a reasonable life together, and as I get older she is  taking care of me more as my health is slowly deteriorating. If I want to know what she looked like back then, I can turn my head and look at a small photo of her, or go to the fridge and look at a bigger picture.


    I am more than happy with my wife and would never consider replacing her with some younger and better looking woman.


    Why would I even need to think about it?

    As usual, just lately there is always some stupid person who posts (anonymously) a laughing or a confused emoji.


    Perhaps it is time to bring back the names associated with emojis. I doubt if it will stop the posters, but it will identify them for other people to see and know who they are.

    • Confused 1
  9. 47 minutes ago, it is what it is said:


    logic would suggest; decide what number is acceptable, control numbers with sterilisation and transfer excess animals to another suitable location. surely, it can;t be too difficult.

    Unless you live in the "suitable location" where the excess monkeys will be moved to. Why should your location be chosen to dump their problem on?

  10. 17 hours ago, CartagenaWarlock said:

    Prudent people keep money stashed away in other countries and Switzerland, oh no, the stash spot of stolen wealth of Nazis. 

    The rule of the Nazis ended in 1945, some 79 years ago. Those people who were Nazis back then would be close to 100 years old now.


    Welcome to the 21st century. There may still be a few neo Nazis around, not as many as Putin would have you believe, but why would they stash their money in Switzerland?



    16 hours ago, steven100 said:

    Sorry. Wrong post.



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  11. 2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Well, nothing ever happens in a vacuum. The reaction was intense, but it was at least to some extent prompted by ex-pats who simply do not behave themselves. Most of us treat our hosts, and our host nation with some respect. Granted I do not show much respect to the nation's leaders here on this forum, but that is a different story. They do not deserve respect. Most Thais I know feel the same way. I do show a lot of respect and kindness towards most Thais. And that is what counts. They are only asking to be treated with decency and respect. I do not think that is an unreasonable request. And I do not think most Thais are xenophobic. I have felt that before, elsewhere. Believe me, it does not feel like this.


    I find most Thais to be kind, and hospitable, but they do not have much tolerance for foreigners who behave like total idiots, and there is nothing wrong with that. I don't either. Urs David Fehr was a complete butthead, and proved that over and over again. It is likely even his mother was thankful when he left Switzerland, and will be disappointed if he returns. Now, he may be heading back. I am hoping this publicity follows him around, wherever he goes, like white on rice. He richly deserves that. 

    In response to the first part of your post.


    I live in rural Kamphaeng Phet. I am 79 and walk with a stick.


    Normally at my local pharmacy where I went this week the lady behind the counter normally helps me down the 2 steps. This week, a lady customer opened the door for me, and helped me down the steps. This morning at the bank where I got some money from the ATM, I had a short conversation with the couple who sell mangoes from their pickup, then a lady who works at the local daily market stopped and we had a conversation in English. She had noticed that I hadn't been around lately and asked if I was OK.


    Most of the local Thais in the village are helpful and friendly, certainly to me, and probably to the few other farangs around.


    Then again, this is a small rural village and not a place like Phuket, Pattaya or Bangkok which are IMO, overcrowded with tourists and farang residents, pricing the local Thais out.


    We have a more relaxed and slower pace of life up here. Sure there are always the odd silly locals and farangs but people know them and avoid them wherever possible. The smiles that the local Thais give are genuine and not fake.


    As for the second part of your post, I cannot give a response, simply because I am fortunate enough not to live, or even visit the areas.

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