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Posts posted by billd766

  1. 18 minutes ago, BritScot said:

    You really need to read the history of this area. Start with the bible moving forward to the last 100 years. Palestine was a Christian country and it was beautiful with beach front hotels and a paradise for holiday makers. Then they starred to take in religious people and as the persentage increased and as directed their 3 books to the letter until jihad started. Israel is attached by rockets every day plus the constant terrorist attacks. Then there are several ceasefire where Israel gave concession only for the ceasefire to be immediately broken. There are many Muslims living and working in Israel but there are no Jew's living in Palestine.  Don't fall for propaganda of terrorists and never forget terrorists have no problem killing their own people to blame Israel.  

    Why would anybody want to read a fairy story written centuries after the event to find history?

    • Agree 1
  2. 16 minutes ago, Ben Zioner said:

    Well I think one Israeli is worth at least 100 Palestinians, so we have have been fairly restrained so far. Now the Palestinians may think differently, but we have the upper hand: rule of war, rule of retaliation. Most westerners disagree for the sole reason that Jews prevail. Wecome back to 1933.

    But that is simply your opinion.


    IMHO each life has an equal value so 1 Israeli life is equal to 1 Palestinian life.


    My opinion has exactly the same value or not as yours. The difference is that I don't preach hatred, genocide or mass murders.


    Thank you for reminding me about 1933 when Jews were being slaughtered. A pity you forgot to mention homosexuals, gypsies, Poles, Hungarians and everybody else slaughtered by the Germans, but of course to you only the Jewish people matter.

    It seems odd that you mention 1933, as it is now the Israelis who are doing the slaughtering, the genocide, starving the population, because, after all 1 Israeli life is worth at least 100 Palestinian lives according to you.


    16 minutes ago, BritScot said:

    I replied to your post in error. My apologies.



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  3. 3 hours ago, Hummin said:

    You forget israel goes on bombing zyria and Iran and other neighbours without direct consequenses, and have done so for decades. 


    Israel is the only super power in the area with nukes, and are supported by the whole western world, even some few  critical voices lately, but thats just politics.


    The whole western world backs Israel


    Israel have done assassination over the whole world, also in Norway in the 70'ies, and they continue stronger than ever.



    IMHO, I don't think that the whole western world backs Israel any more.


    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Srikcir said:

    She was a para-military ranger aka mercenary paid by the Thai military Internal Security Operstions Command (ISOC) to hunt Malay Muslim freedom fighters in the South.

    It's my impression that  ISOC uses these mercenaries to do field patrols to hunt and kill Malay Muslim rebels to minimize exposure of regular Thai military outside of their secure posts. ISOC for decades has maintained the military's State of Emergency in the Southern provinces that deprives resident Malay Muslims constitutional rights. Nowhere outside of the South is there a SOE.

    Yes, her execution was unfortunate but not surprising.

    They are NOT mercenaries, but volunteers who are part time rangers. She was NOT executed but MURDERED whilst off duty, by a cowardly terrorist, masquerading as a civilian and a human being, who was so bold and brave that he ran away

    • Like 2
  5. 12 minutes ago, JBChiangRai said:


    Understood, I hope I am still here let alone driving at 79.

    I can comfortably, carefully and slowly drive to the big village 6 km away and reasonably happy enough to drive to the Amphur village 13 km away. Further than that I ask my wife to drive me.


    I would like an electric trike or 4 wheeler with a roof and a windscreen but there are few to be seen out here, though electric trikes and scooters are getting more popular.

  6. 3 hours ago, JBChiangRai said:


    Why wouldn't you be able to charge it from home? It's never happened to me and I can't think of a scenario other than a power cut where I couldn't, and they never last very long.  That is a nonsense argument.  What happens if your fuel filler pipe falls off the tank? (it happened to me, but it's another nonsense argument).


    I doubt I will be alive to tell you how much a new battery costs, but I am guessing a 1/10th of what it currently costs.


    At 2 years old I got 90% of new price when I sold one and 78% of new price when I sold another, which is better than ICE equivalents.


    What happens to any car under warranty when it breaks down?  they fix it for free, my warranty is 8 years, after that I pay for them to fix it.


    Two garages near my home for BYD and two garages near my home for MG. nearest within 3km.

    Good for you.


    The nearest new car dealers to me are still 65km away.


    You are obviously converted whole heartedly to EVs.


    I am not, and I doubt at 79 that I ever will be.

  7. 11 hours ago, digger70 said:

    Thaksin Has Not Been Seriously Ill At All: Rangsiman 


     That's Great News ,Now he can go to Jail and do his time like a Common Crim

    Do you really believe anything that a Thai politician (or any other countries politicians for that matter) say.


    It doesn't matter to Thailand what anybody on ANN says.


    None of us, and I include me, has a voice or a vote in Thailand.


    So why bother what ahs or will happen to Thaksin.


    It has been agreed with the highest person in Thailand and I don't think that anybody in their right mind, wants to argue with that person.


    It is purely a Thai problem, and one that they alone have to deal with.

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  8. 2 hours ago, JBChiangRai said:


    If you can charge at home, you would never need one so near your house, nearest you would ever need is 150km and with a BYD Seal maybe 300km away.

    Absolutely correct.


    And if I can't charge it at home, then I have a very expensive flat useless battery.


    Come back and tell us all how much a new battery will cost when it needs replacing.


    Tell us all what the second hand value of your EV is worth at 5 or 6 years old.


    You keep plugging the virtues of EV but never mention what happens if it breaks down.


    How many garages can actually repair them, and where are those garages in relation to your home?



    • Confused 1
  9. 1 hour ago, vinny41 said:

    However, for the provinces with the lowest number of EV vehicle registrations last year, Mae Hong Son Province, 1 vehicle

    and not much better in other provinces

    Number 4 is Songkhla Province with 1,614 cars, Khon Kaen 1,409 cars, Rayong 1,283 cars, Ubon Ratchathani 1,190 cars, Surat Thani 1,177 cars, Phuket 1,039 cars and Udon Thani 965 cars.


    EV charging stations and EV's are a rare sight in many provinces once you remove the EV that are travelling from the big cities

    I was up in Kamphaeng Phet city yesterday and I saw about 8 EV in total. There is even a BYD dealer in the city as well.


    For all the wonderful claims about EV its will be interesting in a few years time to see how the owners react, when they have to replace the battery or try to sell the car. That will be when the value of an EV will show its true value.


    For me. at 79, the only EV I am interested in purchasing is an electric trike or 4 wheeler, with perhaps a 100 km range to get me to the shops in the local village 6 km away, or the Amphur village 15 km away.

    • Like 1
  10. On 3/27/2024 at 10:41 AM, JBChiangRai said:

    What range do you need?


    Thailand already has an oversupply of charging stations.


    If you charge at home, and have one of the cheaper EV’s the nearest charging station you will ever need is 150km from your home. And with a larger EV and driving a long way perhaps 500km from your home, but you will find them every 30km on highways.

    Thailand may have an oversupply of public charging stations in the big cities and on the main highways, but the charging stations OFF highway and big cities in the majority of rural Thailand that I know of, are rare.


    The nearest public charging station to me is 60 km away.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. 30 minutes ago, rudi49jr said:


    So what? If someone robs a bank in the US and then heads for Canada or Mexico, does that mean Canada or Mexico had something to do with that bank robbery?

    And who knows where they were actually apprehended? The fact that Russia says they were apprehended there doesn’t mean that they were. 

    It does, IF you trust any news report coming from inside Russia, and disbelieve everything said by the rest of the world.


    I also does, IF you believe in anything that Putin says.

  12. 1 hour ago, BusyB said:


    There won't be a 'next life' That fairy tale is for those who can't face up to the notion of death and haven't understood the real nature of what they think is called karma.


    She will be incinerated. Her ashes and smoke will become dust on the planet. In a few hundred million years our small sun will expand and swallow and melt this planet before it shrivels into a smoldering cinder. No supernova for Sol. It's not big enough. So no chance of any of us even becoming gold dust on another planet in another galaxy in another aeon.


    Anyone who allows a 'monk' to abuse her like that repeatedly is either a bhodhisatva or has extremely low self esteem.


    Dead is dead. One life. Live it well or die sad and lonely. Applies to her and everyone else.

    And you know this how exactly?


    Have you died and come back again? 


    If that is what she believes then good for her. At least she has something that she can believe in. Have you?


    I try never to mock or disbelieve anybody's unless they are trying to ram it down my throat.

    Just because you don't believe in reincarnation doesn't make you right or her wrong simply because she has faith and believes in it.


    It is HER choice to make, and not yours to make for her.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 1 hour ago, John Drake said:


    I have most of those things as well. Run fans and the computer almost all day. But I don't use a/c during the day. Not even in 40 degree weather. I want to acclimatize to my environment. Walking outside after sheltering in a/c all day is miserable. I only use the a/c around 10 or 11pm and set it at 30 or 31. With fans, it's okay. I do turn off lights and fans when not in use. I don't have any freezers, however, and that's one thing I wish I did have downstairs. Are you using the heat for those showers? Two or three cold showers seem like heaven to me. It's so hot right now, that the cold water is coming out hot. My electric bill is almost always under 1000 baht, often during winter it stays around 750 or so.

    I have 2 fridge freezers and now only 1 freezer that are running 24/7. There are always fans on 24/7. 2 are wall mounted near my computer desk and are on low until lunchtime. medium until about 4 pm and on high until about 11 pm. According to my little weather station it is 32C indoors and 33.7c outside. At night they go off and I turn on the fan in the bedroom to max and run the a/c for about an hour to cool me down.


    The water from the shower comes from my storage ongs which are surface mounted outside and the water is warm to hot by lunchtime and my showers are just above lukewarm, but only once a day as there is a shortage of water here in rural Kamphaeng Phet. I have a 200 litre barrel of water in the shower, but even that is not cold anymore.

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Berkshire said:

    Putin's propaganda machine of misinformation will be working overtime on this one.  He might even manufacture some evidence to tie it to Ukraine.  They'll be zero real evidence.  And sadly, some in the west will believe it. 

    As will quite a few posters here on ANN.

    • Haha 1
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