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Posts posted by billd766

  1. 5 hours ago, curtklay said:

    Make Yingluck eat it.



    Make Prayuth and all his extended family eat it for two meals a day every day until it is all gone.


    After all it happened on his watch.


    He promised many things as I remember.


    Stopping corruption.


    Overhauling the police, the military and the civil service.


    Returning happiness to the Thai people.


    I wonder how that lot turned out in the end.


    • Sad 1
  2. On 3/20/2024 at 12:08 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

    I'm not sure if you are referencing the members of the electoral college, or those that elect them.


    The electoral college is here to stay as it's enshrined inn the constitution and IMO not even one small state will ever vote to replace it with a majority vote.

    I was referring to the members of the electoral college.


    However, IMHO nothing is enshrined for ever, or there would be no amendments to the constitution, and there are many.

    • Like 1
  3. 14 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I've been of the impression for many years ( decades) that there is something very wrong with the American justice system, and it's more about money than justice.


    Nevertheless, IMO a senile Trump would be better than Harris, as IMO she is likely to be installed as POTUS within a year should Biden win. Biden and Harris, IMO, are at the very pinnacle of what is wrong with Washington, that causes so many millions of Americans to despise it so much that they'd rather have Trump than HRC, who was a Washingtonian to her very core.

    But it is the choice of the US public who will become POTUS, with some help (or not) from the electoral college). I wonder who elects the members of the electoral college. They seem somewhat un-necessary nowadays.

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  4. 15 hours ago, daveAustin said:

    👍 Kudos. That’s the way to do it. Hopefully it will wake up the rest of the country to do something about this farce. 10M pee’d off Thais on the streets might make a difference. 

    If 10 million Thais didn't stand up and protest at every military coup, where will they find 10 million because a bunch of students are unhappy.


    I can understand the students protesting about other students who were jailed by the previous government, but threatening "action" if Thaksin is not put in jail seems a waste to me.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, jerrymahoney said:

    This was a civil trial. Trump et al were found liable, not guilty. And he has 6 more days to maybe pull a rabbit out of the hat.

    And do you truly think he will be able to pull the said rabbit out of the hat in 6 days?


    It will be interesting to see if he can.


    The bond companies as thee don't want to be left with an unpaid and unfulfilled bond, No 'friends' anywhere will 'lend' him any money as they also won't see it repaid. He can try to sell some of his properties, but as the assessors don't work for him, the sales will be at rock bottom prices anyway, I very much doubt if even his MAGA supporters can came up with that much in 6 more days.


    Despite all of his boasts it doesn't look as though he has that much money laying around doing nothing.


    Why don't YOU start a Go Fund me for Trump as you always seem to defend him.


    I have an odd 25 satang he can have if he is really desperate and is willing to pay all the charges up front.

  6. 12 hours ago, Ms Tigger said:

    Taking a look at the recent news, in which foreigners have absolutely not covered themselves in glory, might give you a tiny clue. Add to that the influx of Russians, who seem to have the social skills of a grumpy, ignorant rhino with haemorrhoids, constipation and a superiority complex, and you probably have your answer.

    What a wonderful response.


    Thank you for brightening my day and giving me a good laugh.

  7. 20 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    I don't agree with splitting assets when I have done 95% of the earning. And 100% of the houses, cars, and kids education.



    I do and I have made provision for my current Thai wife to get 50% of my pensions for her life as well.


    I am 79, she is 58 and we have been married for 24 years next month.


    I never had that much hair to start with and what is left is fading from grey to white. Her long black hair is now shorter and grey.


    However se is still the same woman I met 30 years ago and married 24 years ago.

    • Like 1
  8. 13 hours ago, dinsdale said:

    Rubbish. Dripping taps everywhere. Bucket/bowl showers with lots of bowls. I shower (real shower) for a few minutes maybe a bit more. When it's hot I'll chuck a couple of bowls over the head just to cool down. Longer hot shower when it's cold cause I do like a hot shower when it's nippy in the morning. I lose count how many bowls the missus uses and the kid. Water may be precious but it's very cheap here.



    And where do you live?


    I have lived in rural Kamphaeng Phet next to the Mae Wong national park for 20 years, and I have logged the weather reports for most of that time, but I lost all my records before 2016 when my pc crashed and died.


    How long have you been keeping records?


    4 years ago the drought at this time of the year was so bad three water tanker/fire trucks were out 6 days a week delivering water to outlying villages that had none.


    Fortunately our group of villages got connected to their main supply about 3 years ago but even now the main water supply is shut off during daylight hours.


    You can walk across the klong over the road in a lot of places at the moment, and not get your feet wet. In 2011. the klong was 25 metres wide in places and nearly 4 metres deep at the bridge. Also in 2011 the klong in the big village was about 250 metres wide and flooded the village crossroads for about 100 or more metres each way.

  9. 4 hours ago, sherwood said:

    We had a good wet season and yes Songkran is a money maker but it doesn't grow food.

    The rains should come again soon.

    I hope so.


    I have 2 x 3,000 litre storage tanks for fresh rain water. One is just about empty. and the other is down to about 1,000 litres.


    The good thing is that I managed to replace all the water pipes and taps in the cooler dry season. Now all we need is a couple of weeks of good rain to wash the roof and fill the tanks.


    The bad thing is when it rains the blasted scrub grass grows like crazy, and at 79 it gets harder to cut down every year.

  10. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Rubbish. Even if he managed to kill every Hamas, another organisation will take it's place, if not inside Palestinian areas outside israel's reach.

    Human's always strive for freedom, and unless israel gives Palestinians freedom israel is doomed to be attacked till there is a homeland for Palestinians.


    The present conflict ensures a steady supply of fighters to any Palestinian organisation that will fight back, as the boys that saw their families killed grow up enough to become fighters. Their heroes will be those that kill israelis.

    Welcome to the forever war.

    IMHO the only way that this war and genocide will end and the hostages released, will be when the Israeli people remove Netanyahu from power and proscribe the Likud party as a terrorist organisation. The were proscribed in the 1940s once before for terrorism.


    It would be down to the Israeli people to do it legally through an election, though the Israeli allies and weapons suppliers would have to do their part, as would the banks and financiers.

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