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Posts posted by billd766

  1. 10 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    A curse on the American Putin loving maga fascists who are blocking vitally needed military aid to Ukraine in their brave defense against the murdeeoous aggression of expansionist Russia. 

    A good curse would be


    "May the fleas of a million camels (a thousand camels would not be enough) infest the multiple crotches of the gop, their fat so called leader, and ALL the magadontians who support them, and may all their arms be to short to scratch them".


    And may the war-mongering Putin, his war-mongering cabinet, and all his war-mongering supporters be infested with a thousand leeches each.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. I have spent the last hour digging around the internet, not Lazada, and there are 3 companies in Bangkok, one that does casings here 



    also here 




    and they sell sausage casings and sausage sausage stuffers here 


    and the other company does a lot of different seasonings.




    I had to do a fair bit of back and forward work searching for odd bits.


    I have a George Foreman meat grinder that I bought in NZ years ago with a sausage stuffer attachment and I used to have/still have/but I have NO idea where it is now, separate sausage stuffer that I used a few years ago. I can't even remember if it was a vertical or a horizontal stuffer, push down or crank handle. 


    The problem that I found in making sausages is unless you are making them commercially or you really really like sausages, is that after the first 5 kg or so that you eat you get bored with them. It is also a lot of work for a small quantity.        



  3. I am thinking about making sausages again here in Thailand.


    Does anybody know where I can order online, seasonings and sausage skins?


    I used to order that stuff from a company in the UK called Weschenfelder and get a mate to hand carry it. I sent them an email last month asking if they could post stuff and they don't send offshore now, as the cost of shipping it is 4 or 5 times the price of the items.


    I used to get the skins from Makro, but they came in a 1kg frozen lump of various lengths and all tangled together.

  4. 4 hours ago, Stanton681 said:

    Can’t advise on installation of the flashing lights, sorry.


    I bought it at an independent store on the ground floor of Big C in Nittayo Road, Udon Thani. I had looked elsewhere but this particular shop stocked a very good selection of trikes. 

    There were 3 versions of the X6-3: 500w, 600w plus the version I bought, 700w. It has 3 forward gears and reverse, disc brakes, full set of lights, and indicators, built in alarm and masses of storage space.


    The 600w version @ 16,900฿ was attractive but on the day I went to buy,  the more potent-looking 700w had appeared. I was able to test both models and the 700w had a more comfortable seat (the 600w sloped back), which was wider and upright. Important for me.


    In 1st gear it reaches 28kph (17.4mph), in 2nd 38kph (23.6mph), and in 3rd 48kph (29.8mph).


    It’s a great vehicle, I looked around for a year before finding this one.

    I too am in my seventies (mid).


    Thank you for the update. I am just in the early days of looking at the moment. Sadly I will need a very long extension cord to keep it charged up to get it home as I live in rural Kamphaeng Phet about 800 km away.


    Locally there is only 1 short uphill bit close to the house, and the rest of the road to the big village is fairly flat.

  5. 3 hours ago, scottiejohn said:

    Of course you must remember why the RAF and it's members are called "crabfats" and "Royal April Fools" don't you?

    They were formed on 1 April 1918 (April Fools Day to the UK) and all crabfats are dressed in a dull grey uniform and only move sideways!


    PS; Greetings from an ex fish head!


    PPS; Chocks away!



    In the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s our uniforms used to be a blue hairy one for working, and a better blue one for No 1 dress. In the early 1960s I was issued KD in Bahrain which I think was post war stock (just) and some decent KD in Singapore in the late 60s and early 70s. In Germany I was issued with combat kit and even NBC kit and a gas mask.


    I have no idea what sort of uniform they wear now.


    It is nice to know that we have spread our web around the world, even to the backwaters of Thailand.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Stanton681 said:

    It’s a Lion X6-3, cost 19,900฿.


    It already comes with factory fitted LED lights and they can be switched on anytime. The headlight, however, will also be on.

    I too have back trouble and am very grateful for this set of wheels.


    3 hours ago, Stanton681 said:



    Thank you for the information. The led lights I was thinking about are the flashing ones you around on cars etc but they are 12v, and the trike has a 48v battery. Not a big or insolvable problem. The Lion website is terrible to read.


    Where did you buy it?


    There are some other models for sale , at higher prices, naturally, including 4 wheel models and come with a roof to keep most of the rain off, (if it ever does rain this year).



  7. 33 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    I was not quoting you, I was asking you a question. Which you presumably don't want to answer.

    You are doing it again. Giving my answer before I get the chance to read it.


    You don't need me at all.


    Simply post what YOU think I will say without me reading it.


    I am busy and I will get around to ANN when I am ready.

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  8. 1 hour ago, radiochaser said:

    He had Secret Service agents present at Mar A Lago.    I have had to perform work in areas where the secret service provided protection.  No one should have been able to access the area where Trump had the documents stored, without the secret service allowing it.   

    Even after having a background investigation for a top secret clearance with SCI access, two back ground investigations as a federal agent for two different security clearances, it was difficult to impossible for me to complete some work in areas where presidents and ex presidents were present.  This even when I had an additional background investigation to work places such as democrat and republican conventions, I would be denied access to areas and I was supposed to be there.  

    Can you suggest a way that someone from the general public would have had access to any classified documents in Trump's residence, when the secret service was present when that member of the public was not supposed to be there?  

    And what is the job of the secret agents there?

    To protect Trump?

    To protect the property?

    To protect the documents Trump claim that he never had.

    It seems from the reports that the documents were dumped in a toilet at Mar-a-Lago. 

    Is it the task of the secret service agents to follow every single person working at Mar-a Lago and every single person who visits Trump 24/7, even to the extent of going to the toilet with them and waiting while they completed their business, then escorting them back again?


    What about when the public were to be there, when staff were present and guests were invited.


    Did the secret service even know that the documents were even there? If they did know, then why did they not report it up through the chain of command?

    • Like 1
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  9. 1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

    True, and ever since, Palestinians have sworn to wipe out Israel. They have never accepted the 1947 UN mandate which established the state of Israel.

    Trying to reason with Palestinians on this subject is like trying to reason with a rabid dog.


    The rabid dog being Netanyahu and the Zionists.

    • Confused 4
    • Agree 2
  10. 4 hours ago, atpeace said:

    Where are you pooping?  The Mekhong river is 50 meters away from me so it would be better than most.  I've had a few nightmares of water and electric being cut simultaneously and woke up sobbing.

    Upstairs, as we had the septic tank emptied a couple of weeks ago.


    I am following the old saying,


    If its yellow, let it mellow.

    If its brown, flush it down.


    The government water was still of at 4pm, but it was back at 5pm. For how long??????


    People (including my wife laughed at me a few years ago when I moved the 6 ongs to a slab behind the kitchen and added 14 more and cross connected all 20. I added another 6 more several years later but they are isolated from the others.


    There is a klong across the road, but I think you can walk across it in a few places now and not get your feet wet.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Dogmatix said:

    Let's have a snap election and boot out PT in favour of MFP.  Then Yingluck will have to continue her extended shopping trip to Harrods.

    That will 1.  be up to the Thai government when and IF the next election will be, 2.  It is up to the Thai people how they vote, and 3  it will also depend on the result and whether those in power will allow the vote to stand.


    Whether Yingluck returns or not depends on many factors but getting right down to it, if the person at the very top wants to allow her to return, nobody lower down can stop her returning.

  12. 4 hours ago, jippytum said:

    Good. I hope this killer terrorist rots in the hell hole she chose over the UK. 

    I doubt that she has killed any more people than you have, hiding anonymously behind your keyboard.


    Granted what she did was the height of stupidity but at 15 with a home background and a future like she would have faced it, may have been just a lark to begin with.


    What 15 year old nowadays or even then know what they want yo do for the next 50 or 60 years of their lives.


    Having said that I still wouldn't want her back in the UK.

    • Agree 2
  13. On 2/18/2024 at 12:46 PM, Confuscious said:

    I was last week a few days in Pattaya and watched these "vehicles"  driving on public roads (the side walks were all occupied by parked motorcycles or selling stands) and many of them were developping a decent speed.
    My question: is a Driving License required for these vehicles and why/why not?
    Why is a driving license required  for vehicle "A" and not for vehicle "B"?





    I like the red third one best. I don't use a wheel chair (yet) and #2 doesn't look particularly safe to me.

  14. 3 hours ago, Stanton681 said:

    Mine, an electric 3-wheel, is economical to run. Charging via a separate charger takes from 6 to 13 hours depending on how low the lead-acid battery is. Electric bill is minimal.


    It’s top speed is 48kph and range on a full charge is 45 kilometers.


    Could you please tell me what model you have and how much it cost. Would it be possible to fit some 12V led lights to it to make it easier to see, even in daylight.   


    I live 6 km from the big village in rural Thailand and I use my pick up truck to get to the shops and back. and back.


    I am 79 with bad knees and a bad back.

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