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Posts posted by billd766

  1. 2 hours ago, Moonlover said:

    I answered your post in error. My apologies.


    45 minutes ago, ouagadougou said:



    I went ahead and completed the transaction.  First step was to choose reason for transfer ..... as depicted in my screenshot above.  After that I was prompted with a few more additional questions regarding annual income, source, approx total amount of yearly transfers etc.  Then I was asked once again to choose the reason for the transfer .... which returned to the usual list of options including Funds for Long Term Stay.


    Thanks everyone



    Good for you.

  2. 1 hour ago, ouagadougou said:



    Recently tried to send money through Wise and the option "Funds for Long Term Stay" is no longer available.


    What's the best way to increase chances of the transfer being recorded as coming from overseas?


    Thank you


    It was there on Friday afternoon 15th March 2024 around 5:30 pm (at least for me).


    I had to scroll down to the bottom of the list to find it.


    It shows on my Bangkok bank bankbook as an FTT and on the bank statements as an international transfer.

    • Like 1
    • Agree 1
  3. 11 hours ago, Na Fan said:

    Yeah I know. The trolls and donkeys are the reason why I hesitate to post here in the first place. And I really only do it when I sort of need to for one reason or another.


    But thanks for the kind words. They are indeed appreciated.



    I have a similar problem on other topics and TBH I am getting bored with some of the comments and the posters of the 'confused' emoji, who never respond when I ask why they are confused.

  4. 48 minutes ago, Gandtee said:

    Do you have evidence that he didn't? He was Prime Minister at the time. That's where the buck stops. Or should.

    In your opinion, which is just as valuable as mine, or not, he committed a crime. You have no evidence that he did commit a crime, but you believe he did and therefore should be punished.


    My view is similar to yours, except that if you allege that he committed this alleged crime, you need cast iron proof and evidence that he actually DID commit a crime. Evidence that you don't appear to have.


    I could allege that you for example broke the law on les majeste and that you should be punished. The problem I would have, is that I have no evidence, and quite rightly, the charge would be thrown out, simply because of the lack of evidence that would stand up in court.


    What you believe, and what I believe, are meaningless unless it can be verified and backed up.


    If you wish for another example, Thaksin was legally the PM of Thailand from 2000 to 2006. He won the election in 2000 and won the 2004 election with an overall majority and did so openly and legally. That is a fact.


    He was illegally removed from power by a military coup. Another fact. Were the coup leaders ever punished for that. No. Another fact.


    Going into a grey area, if there had NOT been a military coup, would Thaksin have been charged or not?


    BTW if you claim that he did, it is up to you to prove it, and not me to disprove it.

    • Confused 2
  5. 21 hours ago, Gandtee said:

    He is very privileged to be able to do so without spending a day in prison. Meanwhile another not so privileged young person is serving a twenty five year prison sentence for writing something. Double standards?

    Meanwhile, every general still alive who has participated is still walking around completely unpunished, without even a 500 baht fine or giving a wai.


    More double standards?


    BTW how many of those not so privileged young persons did Thaksin send to jail? Try looking who was responsible for that.


    Is Thaksin responsible for the "Boss" walking around freely? Or is that just more double standards?

    • Confused 2
  6. I have to admit that I am confused.


    It seem to be all about a secret deal.


    A deal. so secret that "everybody" knows about it, and has done for years.


    If it is secret, how come "everybody" knows about it.


    quote from the OP


    "after dissolution of the Move Forward, said the partisan source who only spoke on condition of anonymity."


    "The unidentified powers-that-be"


    It sounds like the rumour mill is running flat out with nothing in the way of proof, except perhaps the anonymous partisan source, and possibly the unidentified powers-that-be.

  7. On 3/13/2024 at 10:45 AM, Na Fan said:

    Hi all


    Posting here as due to the complexity of the situation it doesn't really fit anywhere else.


    Looking for advise, and I'll try to summarize best I can.


    - Person of Laos origin, lives and works in Thailand

    - Married a guy from Norway, was married for 8 years and has been to Norway several times

    - In the process of applying for residence permit in Norway, passport and documentation is at the Norwegian embassy here in Thailand for a year now

    - Got beat up severely (repeatedly) by the (ex-)husband, made police report with photos and all. Police took no action.

    - Wants to get divorced, but is now being blackmailed by the spouse (wants ring back, wants police report annulled or won't sign divorce papers)

    - Marriage has NOT been registered anywhere  outside of Norway


    Of course there's lots more to it, but that's kind  of the gist of it.


    What can one do to assist here?


    I'm European and married to a Thai myself, so I am somewhat familiar with the fact that things quickly get complicated when multiple countries get involved.  But with this I guess I'm somewhat in over my head. But I've been asked for advise and I'm trying to help best I can.


    Some questions I have:

    - What if the current visa application is simply abandoned, passport cancelled and a new one is gotten? Can we just inform the embassy of that fact, rendering the current application null and void, and solving that part of the equation?

    - What about a divorce at an international level. We can't afford expensive lawyers. Looking for things we can realistically do ourselves. Either here in Thailand (we're here), in Norway (we do have some contacts there), or in Laos (family is there).

    - What if we were to just ignore the fact she's married in Norway. Could she get married legally elsewhere in the future?

    - Any other important things one should not forget?


    Thanks for any feedback





    Thank you for at least trying to help the lady, As you can see by some of the responses to your posts, many posters here are too wrapped up in themselves, to care about anyone else.


    Some posters have made sensible suggestions.


    At least one other poster is simply to stupid to be allowed out on his own.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 22 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    Truman had a pretty good reason, it was obvious Japan was not going to stop at anything, they had a completely insane emperor who bowed down to the commanders of the Armed Forces, who in the jaws of defeat, would not give up. Things are quite a bit different in Russia. Putin is creating a war out of thin air. He obviously enjoys murdering women and children. That is just who he is.


    I think you're comparing rambutans to pomelos.

    IMHO Emperor Hirohito was not completely insane at all, but completely under the power of the military and the government who controlled ALL access to the Emperor.


    He was a figurehead with all the trappings of authority but no actual power or control.

  9. 4 hours ago, nauseus said:


    The main point of historical note is that Scampton was the home of the famous 617 Squadron, RAF - the Dambusters. More recently the Red Arrows were based there. The MoD wants to close Scampton but others want to see the base and museum retained as a heritage centre. 


    Sky News are just pushing this far-right nonsense out of all proportion. The photo in the story with the most people in it is not anywhere near Scampton! 

    Save our Scampton for what? If some group wants to save ex RAF Scampton, then all they have to do, is buy the place from the MoD (at a discount and then the problem (and the cost) will be solved and belong to the new owners.


    I doubt if the new owners will allow the immigrant housing plan to go ahead, which solves that problem, it saves the cost of running and keeping Scampton open, and there are oyhr ex RAF bases that can be used.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  10. 13 hours ago, StreetCowboy said:

    If no-one else appoints one, a volunteer is better than ten pressed men

    Assuming that a POTY is even needed, and what qualifications would be required of both the posts and the poster.


    How many candidates should be required, should a ballot be carried out of all available members, should the votes be secret or open to everyone?


    Going by this years self appointed choice, anybody could say the they actually are the POTY. However IIRC from the original you could not propose yourself for the position.

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