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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. Again, we will just have to wait and see if this judge just throws it all out.
  2. It's not against the law, and what proof do you have that he did?
  3. Anyone with a name other that Trumps would not be having a hearing. Give up, he is running in 2024 and he will win by a landslide.
  4. These charges are so stupid I don't think Trump evens needs a lawyer. Anything to get Trump, is there no shame left here in this world?
  5. Be nice, nothing your Dems. ever do stick to Trump, not even these Trumped-up charges.
  6. It's a face of a great and loyal judge. I hope he takes the right path.
  7. I am sure Trump will get a fair and honest trial just look at his face?
  8. Nice, you got me for always telling the truth and it's not the 1st of April
  9. I watch a lot of news just not the ones that you watch.
  10. True Trump supporters never give up, but I'm not sure about you Biden supporters?
  11. Why even have a Grand Jury, just tune into CNN. The most unpopular news media in the world.
  12. That's right jail the farmers, and we can live on can tuna?
  13. What are you scared of? Trump is just a rich man trying to MAGA
  14. If you have family there ask them if they are better off with Biden.
  15. That would make him perfect which he is not. But America would not be in the dark hole that is in right now if he was in power. It's a shame you and others can't see this.
  16. Not only is the air pollution making us sick but guess who maybe coming back? Mr covid-19 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfTgToyxufs
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