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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. So if Trump gets 4 years for each felony charge he should be getting out of jail when he is 212 years old. Now does this seem fair to you for a paperwork mistake with no underline crime?
  2. Did you know that the judge worked for VP Harris's daughter? so he should have excused himself?
  3. Did you find the underlining crime yet, keep looking as you won't find one.
  4. Yes all the above and much much more.
  5. Even if you are right, felony charges have a time limit of 5 years and this happen 7 years ago. So why go after Trump now? are all you Dems. scared he will win in 2024? Or are you just full of hate?
  6. So, what makes it a Felony when there is no intent to defraud?
  7. Again what is the crime behind the 34 counts that Bragg's never said?
  8. Again, a big nothing burger! So what is the crime of intent behind the 34 counts?
  9. This may not be a good idea to bring them back right now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfTgToyxufs
  10. Again this is very good news as Finland is a strong country that has many miles of border with Russia. I only hope they will all fight together if Russia attacks
  11. My only question is why did Biden let this happen?
  12. North Korea would be better, I hear Kim is fair and there's not too many people left in Russia right now.
  13. Only joking But for Trump to get a fair trial it has to be moved to a different venue.
  14. It's not a moment of truth it's a moment of get Trump at any cost. I don't think Biden will in power much longer and yes the headlights will be on him, we will just have to wait.
  15. The truth is not obvious when the focus is on the wrong people. Bragg is your huckleberry followed by Biden and his family of crime. But most here can't or don't want to see that. It's going to be a sad day for America however it turns out.
  16. Your news? No thanks, I would rather read news from other countries than reading or hearing CNN or MSNBC news.
  17. You can't handle the truth! I hear that in a movie but it applies here. We will all find out tomorrow about truth, lets hope the justice system swings both ways.
  18. Musk is educating us more and more each day, what a great man. https://fb.watch/jGvzsS397g/
  19. When the truth comes out who will look like a fool? But you Dems. only know your truth.
  20. Even Soros is backing away from Bragg. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/soros-distances-himself-manhattan-da-bragg-trump-indictment?dicbo=v2-KHq8lqo
  21. I think I heard it on CNN or was it MSNBC I could be mistaken?
  22. If he is a fair judge he will just throw it out as it is 5 years too late to do anything.
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