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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. If you do go back make sure you take a good lawyer with you just in case there's trouble. There are a few countries left that gives the death sentence for small amounts of drugs entering the country. You would think the UN would have stopped this by now.
  2. She is like a bad smell that Joe can't get rid of. This team of dumb and dumber won't even last 2 more years RFK Jr is coming up fast in this horse race. Maybe his running mate might be Don Lemon?
  3. Delivering what pizza?
  4. His party is against him, he has many health troubles and it shows. Who is pushing him to run again in 2024? The party? I don't think so. VP Harris? Maybe. The wife, good chance. Well it must be the whole crime family looking to make more money. Good Luck Joe as you will need it.
  5. Anyone who loves America and protects the constitution!
  6. I think a part of all of us has died. God save the Queen!!!
  7. I guess what Fox thinks is, if we sack Carlson it all goes away. But I'm not sure that it will.
  8. Sounds like multi- lawsuits coming to Fox news?
  9. Does anyone know why he left?
  10. Poor Joe, no body wants him to run in 2024, only his rich family.
  11. I wonder if Tucker and Don Lemon might form their own Media news. Now that would be some unbiased news.
  12. CNN changing? Kicking all the Dems. out? Kick a few more out and I might start watching it again.
  13. Poor Hunter the smartest man that Joe knows, https://fb.watch/k5TKTmK4BJ/
  14. Only the Russian people could stop this invasion. The more Putin drafts it's people and the closer Ukraine missiles comes to inner Russian cities, the sooner this ends. Making Putin and other war criminals pay for their crimes may be very hard to do.
  15. This could be what's coming next? https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/will-putin-use-chemical-weapons-in-ukraine/
  16. Than they are at a stalemate so if the USA supplies Ukraine with the big guns Russia will use theirs and Russia will win. As I said the only thig that will stop Russia is Russian people.
  17. Again Trump, Ukraine will not defeat Russia only the Russian people can do this. Ukraine are losing people at a very high rate. The more advanced weapons America sends the closer we are to world war 3. Time for talks, no?
  18. Every time there's talk about NATO or the Ukraine Trump comes up again. Most here never talk about what Biden is doing as he has been in office for 2 years and has caused a lot of suffering for American people. The invasion in Ukraine needs to end not go on and on and on.
  19. My weather station said sunny for the next 10 days. But I almost lost my roof from strong wind and rain over the last 2 days. Their forecast is very bad, with no warning of any trouble ahead.
  20. Four and still counting? So Joe said he's the smartest person he knows? Is that the face of a real smart person? Again I am sure they will be jailing this crime family very soon. Than you will be telling me how good RFK Jr is.
  21. The house of cards are falling in on the Bidens, the truth will set your free and remove you from office.
  22. People are not perfect, they make mistakes like this guy did. When I was traveling overland many years ago people told me to watch out for people putting drugs in your bag as Iran has the death sentence for drugs, even in very small amounts. I am not a drug user but unknowingly drugs can be planted in your travel bags one day and what would you say than?
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