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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. Now that is a lot of bad things you are saying about President Biden where does all this hate come from?
  2. Sorry, are you talking about Biden as your description of him is very good. Now if it's Trump you are talking about you need some real proof, not the BS the Dems. come up with.
  3. This might upset some Dems. as they would like to see him in chains. This hearing is not about the law it's only purpose is to make Trump look like a criminal so he doesn't run in 2024. Watch out for the big back fire as it is surly coming.
  4. It should say LOCK HER UP!!! Russia, Russia, Russia and show up the 33000 emails you destroyed!!!
  5. Do you think this is why Biden wants to run again? After all he spends most of his time sitting and he is the current President.
  6. Yes, leave Biden alone as he has done so much for the country. We got to get Trump for something, now let me see? He can't be perfect as we all have faults? Trump 2024 has a nice ring to it, don't you think?
  7. Some Dems. have a different meaning to MAGA like Make America Garbage Again. The truth will all come out one day and sorry will be the first word on there lips?
  8. This has been the worst in the 20 years I have been here, hopefully when the rains come it will be gone.
  9. Justice system? or just us system? It will only make our support for him that much stronger. Wait until the shoe is on the other foot!
  10. One would think even if you were asking for directions in Russia and being a westerner that would be spying. Now lets see what president Biden does to get him back home.
  11. About time, this will only make him stronger. I bet if you took a poll now most Democrats would not want him indicted. Trump 2024 you can take that to the bank.
  12. He won't be doing any jail time, maybe a ankle bracelet for a few months. But it is nice to know that no matter how much money you have and what countries you go to, there's no place like home.
  13. People wear the mask today for the ail pollution not covid.. In my area it's been in the hazardous range all week so if Thai people or myself want to wear a mask it has nothing to do with you.
  14. Gun control is not the answer. The best we can do is to have a armed police officer in every school. Expensive yes, but if this needs to be done than do it.
  15. If Thailand opens there doors too them many more will come. Is this the bridge too far? Who will pay the price for this unjust invasion?
  16. A lot of new things are coming in this changing world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jxzkIjOUSw
  17. It's all going to change when the AI's are replacing them, than what are they going to do?
  18. This is all true and it's just the start. So how are the millions of illegal's that are crossing the southern border in the USA going to find jobs? Most have a low education and are unskilled.
  19. Hate is what brings it out. Some people just want to push this every where they go and many are cracking up over this. Lets hope it ends soon, and things get back to normal.
  20. Kim is lonely and misses Trump! Maybe if Trump was in power all 3 counties could test their missiles together and there would be no war games.
  21. I have a Sharp Mod. fp-f30ta-a which I got from Lazada aboyt 3 years ago. Works good and little noise and yes can get replacement filters.
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