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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. Why can't the news say transgender? Is it really that hard for the lefty's to say?
  2. North of Chiang Mai it's been in Hazardous all day. What is the next step beyond Hazardous? Death perhaps?
  3. Yes . because he's crazy, and that's why so many Russian's are going to new countries to wait out the war nonmatter how long it takes. This also has a Hugh effect on the Russian economy..
  4. This might help? https://www.wsj.com/articles/biden-administration-lifts-sanctions-on-more-than-dozen-former-iranian-officials-energy-firms-11623347091
  5. Sanctions on sanctions no money no nukes. Why does everyone have to spell it out to you guys?
  6. The proof is the deal doesn't work with these people. If Biden did what Trump did they would not have nukes very soon.
  7. Putin doesn't want to start using the nukes, he wants a third party to do his dirty work. This invasion is going way too far and must end.
  8. There's no place like home, no place like home, no place like home, click your heels 3 times and your home. Welcome back?
  9. All of America has been wide awake for the last 2 years but all they see is more pain each and everyday.
  10. Trump put a end to this crazy deal Obama made because it was going nowhere. And look at Iran now, days away from having the nukes. Some countries you just can't trust with deals. Like the Russian USA, UK deal, when Ukraine gave it's nukes to Russia not to invade Ukraine? Down the same rabbit hole.
  11. What are you smoking? Biden sent us on this path to where they get the nukes. Biden has done so many things wrong since he has been in power, why can't you guys see this?
  12. Maybe he should pick a different country other than Iran as he has already let them go nuclear or soon to be.
  13. Try breathing this AIR, I have to mask up everywhere i go. https://aqicn.org/map/thailand/fang-hospital/
  14. If Mr. Trump was standing with a water gun in his hand, how many here would say please don't shoot me?
  15. Stop making up lies, if you had ANY proof what's so ever you would have used it by now!!! Maybe you should try and get him for J-walking that he might have done 50 years ago. Look at Biden he's your man and his day in court is coming soon.
  16. Right or wrong all the Dems. want to do is get Trump. You have nothing give up your witch hunt. https://fb.watch/jsUiphzfqG/
  17. Well I guess it's better than saying it was a weather balloon? So many sighting every year, we must remember[ The truth is out there!]
  18. You watch way too much CNN? Andre the giant? you must be older than me?
  19. They say everybody has a twin, but I think Joe Biden may have a few that look just like him?
  20. Let's hope you keep supporting Biden in 2024, you maybe the only one in your party that does.
  21. First, I hope Hillary doesn't keep you up at night. Second yes, what ever the factual truth is revealed about Biden and his family.
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