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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. It's only 1200km, who knows maybe she will meet you half way? Isn't love grand, this remines me when I was 15 years old with so much energy to burn off. Lets hope she still lives there.
  2. Just what is a object??? A bird, a plane, a balloon what??? Show us some pictures before it is shot down. If you don't have any answers maybe we can help you.
  3. Are there no pictures of the last 2 objects that where shot down? Surely the pilots would have taken many pictures before shooting them down?
  4. This object, could be a UFO from outer space, if so we could be in a world of trouble, If you find it always look for the made in China marking as they put it on everything.
  5. Well I hope the eagles are not flying too high. Is Joe getting a little trigger happy?
  6. Almost 200 countries in the world, if all gave 5 million baht it would a good amount. Thailand also sent a team of workers there to help find the people berried in the rubble. Good on you Thailand!!!
  7. We all know who started this invasion, and I agree with you, there must be a time to say no to Ukraine to prevent ww3.
  8. It would be nice if all these tourist had something to do when they arrive. Like things that are different here than back at home. A reason to come here? Bad roads and air pollution and rip-offs need to change first.
  9. God a male or a female? We will all find out one day and all God asks is for us to trust in HIM!
  10. It was a Chinese doctor that said what I said but this article might say it better. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.04.20053595v2.full
  11. They say the large number of deaths in China is due to the air pollution there. Where the pollution is heavy the covid becomes airborne. This is why a lot of old people that never leave home get covid.
  12. Yes it's the perfect balance covid down 30% air pollution up 30%. Keep your mask on guys.
  13. Right, you mean the bills that are crippling America with debt, the one that had so many pages that nobody could read in time, the one where all you Dems. jumped on board with a handful of Rino's. Biden if he was in charge which he's not is trying to destroying America. It's a shame you can't see this but one day you will.
  14. Neither has Biden, two more years of hate and BS and do nothing.
  15. It's a shame, that a few here can't see the forest through the trees.
  16. The stupid replies are mostly from Democrats just paly no attention to them.
  17. Sorry Joe, we may need the guns to shoot down all the low flying balloons coming from China.
  18. Of the 3000 register balloons how many are 200 ft wide? Maybe somebody should have told the F-22 pilot he could be shooting down a USA weather balloon. Think again. https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3288543/f-22-safely-shoots-down-chinese-spy-balloon-off-south-carolina-coast/
  19. One would think if a slow moving balloon was flying over the USA in Trumps time somebody would have seen it. A photo taken from the ground or a pilot would have reported it. The BS from the Pentagon and the Media is again untruth.
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