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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. Try, right after Ukraine defeats Russia.
  2. A pipe dream to get more young votes.. He really needs to quit and find hos marbles.
  3. This is stupid, we all know that if NATO admits the Ukraine into NATO now it will be World War 3.
  4. History making, Biden and Harris will go down as the worst pigeon pair in history!
  5. All built on lies, heads should roll.
  6. Lets hear the tapes so we can make up our own minds, all this talk is going nowhere.
  7. Sounds like a boxing match. Does it really matter if the girls are a little overweight? What about the pilot and cabin crew? Does it natter if they are overweight? If you want them all at the same weight hire AI'S.
  8. I have a Ford Aspire 2006 4 door and I am finding a very hard to find a custom fit set.
  9. As big as Russia,Russia,Russia. If Trump goes to jail he will have a lot of roommates all Democrats.
  10. Funny, your against him now but if his poll numbers keep going up as Biden's numbers are going down, will you support him or go down with Biden?
  11. Yes a dark day for America, but the Dems. can't see this. As it must be all the smoke coming down from Canada getting in their eyes.
  12. A very dark day, equal justice I think not.
  13. Lets all see if they are wearing masks again. Their burn off will only last days unlike ours that last months.
  14. Are the Dems. thinking twice about Biden? https://www.wtaj.com/hill-politics/rfk-jr-s-rising-profile-triggers-democratic-jitters/
  15. Area 51 must be all jammed -up, maybe the Government will tell us all the truth one day? I hope it's not like the episode on the Twilight zone, where humans were on the menu.
  16. RFK will be leading the Democrat party in 2024 and you can take that to the bank. As far as talking to dead, many people see them, but only few talk to them.
  17. Some Vets. are old like me but we know there is only one flag for us and that is the American flag
  18. I'm sure Russia and China need a break too and have the weekends off.
  19. It's very simple, just put everything back the way Trump had it.
  20. Is Ole Joe really running the WH? For how long? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVINb-hytA8
  21. In the end it's all up to you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F6_3Fyz0jA
  22. Your close, try 100%.I guess it may mean a new beginning, big Government will see to your every need? Go woke, go broke.
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