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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. I love a fighter and that she is. More should be like her and fight for the future of America.
  2. Staying in Florida is cheaper tax wise.
  3. Good on you Ron, stick to your guns. The shareholders of Disney might not like this move away from Florida as it is only political.
  4. His polls went up right after the town hall event and are going up poll after poll. You might be better off throwing RFK in as his polls are going up.
  5. That's exactly what the Dems. think. so sad. It only makes Trump that much stronger. When will you Dems. see the light and start thinking for yourselves?
  6. Maybe if Biden learned how to cut spending in areas that does no good for the average American it might get passed.
  7. Have you read it Russia, Russia, Russia?
  8. After 4 years it tells us things we all ready know. So lets hope Mr. Trump gets a copy.
  9. And the whole world would not have so many problems right now. Lets hope he wins in 2024!
  10. A.I's are doing a lot of these jobs right now. So when the A.I.'s do all the jobs what do these people do? Most don't speak English. Who is going to pay for all of their needs? Also Biden has no policies on the border just let them all in.
  11. Taking away jobs from American citizens is crazy. No other country in the world is doing this to their own country. Let's hope this craziness stops soon.
  12. The southern border is being over run and nobody seems to care. 11,000 in 24 hours What's coming next year zero?
  13. Maybe not but he would be electrically charged for a long long time.
  14. It wasn't the marine's intension but it happen. Maybe if there were cops on the subway things would be different.
  15. Wow, you may not see any women riding the subway again as no man is going to jump in and help them if they get into trouble.
  16. It pains me to say this but I am starting to like CNN.
  17. Isn't he just great! No cheat sheets, no whispers, no walking away when the questions get too hard and a lot of important things to say. Trump 2024 coming at you in 3D.
  18. Try jury misconduct on his appeal.
  19. What Evidence??? No proof just hearsay.
  20. A rape case but he wasn't charged for rape. This is justice? 5 million is a good payout better than any book sale Trumps lawyers are working on his appeal so this may never happen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOGD9UcrVW8
  21. When Title 42 ends, there will be a lot more of the same. So what will Biden do? People coming from over 160 countries, in time most may think life was much better in the country they left.
  22. This is bad, and when they run out of T-55 tanks? Will they throw kitchen sinks at the Ukraine soldiers?
  23. Before everyone jumps on this guy maybe he was just trying to beat the red light? But in the end many things went wrong. RIP to all that died and my condolences to the many families that are suffering.
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