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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. Yes the whole family is sweating the out come. It has taken far too long to be where we are now. So lets hope that justice will be served for all those involved
  2. It's a shame Mr. Trump has to try and recall ever knowing this lady, on something he didn't do 27 years ago. Is she writing another book? Is she after a quick buck? Or is she just trying to be in the spotlight for once? Again, the truth will always come out in the end.
  3. With Poland building up it's forces to become the strongest country in NATO. Russia better think hard for continuing this invasion.
  4. What about the 85,000 illegal kids can they now get good jobs?
  5. Sit back and have a Bud Light I hear they are going cheap. It will all come out shortly.
  6. It's all coming you just have to wait. Funny how you didn't see this coming?
  7. If you do the crime you do the time, it's as simple as that.
  8. A long time ago I was looking for a black star Safire. I looked in many shops in Bangkok but didn't like what I saw. The star was not very prominent so I looked at the blue star Safire and it looked great. It is a synthetic stone but looks far greater than the black when the sun shines on it.
  9. If someone kills Putin would the war really be over?
  10. Thanks Jesse, your always good for a laugh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WQo0uFFVAI
  11. Life goes on even if they shut down the Government as only 17% gets shut down. It would be better than letting the Dems. going on a norther spending spree, as the country is going broke.
  12. A figure of speech, as they all love him as they can see his greatness.
  13. Most Russians that die are the ones who never wanted to go there in the first place. The Russian people must get rid of Putin. Only than can we have peace in this area of the world.
  14. This good news for Elon Musk Mars flight in 2029. I sure hope it goes well, another Hugh step for mankind. https://www.businessinsider.com/starship-spacex-elon-musk-reusable-rocket-mars-moon-launch-2023-2
  15. Money the root of all evil. At 71 why would he want to give so much pain to others?
  16. Lets not go to Goo Goo Land, Joe is just too old for the job. His Approval rating is now 37 per cent and going down. No hospital can save you from old age.
  17. Is there a doctor in the house? His heath looks bad [ and it's not getting any better] than he should step down or get some real doctors to check him out.
  18. Yes, she doesn't know much. She doesn't know what year, what month, what day it took place.Is she sure it was Trump or someone that looked like him? Her story is full of holes, but one thing she knows,he has plenty of money and she wants to get some.
  19. That's right, and your party is the party of book them than let them go?
  20. The doctors here like to cut, this is where they make good money. The pills you are taking now are they working? If they are stick with them you will be much happier.
  21. Why is all this happening now, 40 years after the event? Does this have anything to do with 2024? https://fb.watch/k9sq9d41HG/
  22. Disney just went too far out in left field, stick to what Disney does best showing all of us a great time! Good on you DeSantis if the CEO doesn't like it there, they could always pack-up and move to a blue state.
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