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  1. It's too late for them to backtrack now. We've seen them in all their clown glory. Happily they got their big shoes in their rear end when Trump won. All they can do now is bleat impotently on forums like AN.
  2. If he upsets the usual wokistas he's worth it.
  3. To answer your topic, yes, That's the only reason I'm still on here.
  4. He's got 4 years to do it in, and hopefully many will self deport. If they can walk from the Darien to the border and climb over the wall, they can do it in the opposite direction through the gate ( don't have to climb back over the wall ). Bye bye illegals, don't come back.
  5. Generally they can by asking for proof of citizenship- Not hard to do.
  6. Seems like you have a slight obsession with the present POTUS to come up with all that. Do you have any thoughts on the previous draft dodging incumbent of the W H telling lies and giving his son a pardon when he said he wouldn't? I won't hold my breath waiting for a reply. Meanwhile in the real world, Trump is POTUS and laying waste to everything the woke hold dear. Enjoy the next 4 years- 😪
  7. I must be mistaken, but I thought loss of freedom was the point of prison. Up to me any serious crime would result in loss of freedom for life. The rest of us would be better off without criminals being released into society. I'm also a fan of solitary confinement for anyone convicted of a crime involving injury or death. Non violent crims should not be subject to violence while serving their time.
  8. It is an opinion forum, and I suspect that none of the posters actually know much about what they post ( including myself- getting in before the trolls ), which is why they cut and paste so much. Some posters do nothing but cut and paste.
  9. IMO the only reason China "collaborates" with western companies is to steal the tech. They've been doing that for decades.
  10. Is that an attempt to deflect from the serious nature of what I wrote, or because you are as spaced as your emoji?
  11. There isn't as much profit in infrastructure as there is in screwing the serfs. Meanwhile, watch out for the tech heads q'ing up to get a chip implanted in their brain as it's going to make their lives so good.
  12. That may not be too far off the real plan. When there are billions of $ in profit to make, one can always see the dead hand of the 1% at work. Follow the money.
  13. Dig into any woke politician or celebrity life and probably find a hypocrite lurking there. Al Gore probably the biggest one of all.
  14. Just add it to the very long list of all the idiocies that Trump has been accused of being involved in, and been proven innocent of. Expect more such idiotic accusations. It's all they have.
  15. Trump haters minds are always busily searching for something new to bring up, even when the topic is nothing to do with whatever they dredge up to post. Hence the deflection posts about what Trump signs with and pointless comments about Epstein files.

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