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  1. IMO most of the Trump haters on here don't understand him, so they try to make him fit their preconceived ideas, which is impossible. Trump doesn't fit in any category known to western people.
  2. At least you said one thing I agree with- your last sentence.
  3. No disagreement from me on that, and yes, Eastern Euro women are definitely hot ( as seen in Pattaya ).
  4. I responded to your post saying "NATO would need to get it's act together and take Putin on, get rid of the dictator and give the Russian people free democratic elections" and you replied with something that has nothing to do with giving Russians democracy. BTW, the Russians have a different culture from western nations.
  5. Unless one had to go back, one would be mad to do so IMO. It's going to a shambles for years, though if one has to go back a job in the US mines would probably pay well.
  6. I see heads exploding on AN, LOL. BTW, Trump doesn't give a monkey's for the "old way" of doing things in Euroland which gave us 3 years of slaughter in Ukraine. I don't care who he votes for in that farce- the UN- as long as it stops young guys like I used to be getting massacred in the trenches. Seems some on here think it's OK for lots of boys to die as long as it's not their kin. Pity they didn't have the balls to go and join in to support their cause.
  7. I doubt that includes the shambles running the EU currently ( or Britain ).
  8. Deal making usually involves quoting a higher price than one is prepared to accept to close the deal, but you knew that, right? Who's the daddy? LOL.
  9. No such thing and never has been IMO. I'm not "free" to not pay taxes or ignore the speed limit.
  10. How many battles has Zelensky been in then? Must be a few if he's so brave. Wearing that silly cos play uniform doesn't imbue him with valour.
  11. I'm sure he doesn't want to end up like Mussolini, or that Eastern Euro guy, and has a sub loaded with his loot waiting in Odessa to take him to Argentina.
  12. Isn't that what they tried to do in Afghanistan for 20 years, and look how that turned out? As seen in Ukraine, countries invaded by the enemy ( NATO in your case ) don't tend to welcome them with open arms.
  13. Sure sure. That's why Churchill agreed to give all those countries to Stalin, wasn't it! Take on the Soviets, armed to the teeth with American weapons delivered by the R N, and having conquered Europe past Berlin, what could possibly go wrong with that little scheme? BTW Churchill was right at the end of WWII, should have gone through this then, before everyman and his dog got nuclear. Fixed it for you. Thankfully we haven't got to WW3 yet, never mind 11
  14. Trump must own you! Topic isn't about Trump but you felt compelled to say something about him.
  15. Absolutely right. In most western countries he'd have to pay for the damage he did to the car. Lame farang thinks he's some big shot because he's got an expensive toy to ride around on. If I had been there I'd be laughing like a drain.

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