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Posts posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. What the reds need to eventually realize is that Thaksin is no longer (maybe he never was) capable of bringing about controlled reform. The return of Thaksin to a seat of power will only guarantee a more violent era. There is far too much opposition in the establishment for Thaksin to return to power peacefully, and the only predictable result would be complete destabilization of the nation.

    A Thai revolution is possible; the red shirts have all the necessary ingredients. My hope is that Mr. Abhisit will have enough time and foresight to make some publicized shifts in the favor of the poor before the upcoming election, coup, or ousting by any other means. My fear is that the door is open for the hammer and sickle to find a place on those nice red shirts and flags.

    You are quite right, the reds need to find themselves a new leader, but who and from where?

    One big problem with holding an election now or in 9 months time is, how can it be made free and fair. I don't image the Thai authorities allowing a UN style observer. Vote buying is endemic, from Or Bor Tor through to the highest level.

    The other big problem is, are Thailands institutions ready for democracy? Can the elitists except an election where a socialist party wins, I tend to think not.

    Can the military separate itself entirely from politics and except the peoples choice? Probably not.

    Can the judiciary be apolitical?

    Then there's the whole question of the un-mentionable.

    So the cycle continues, coup, military installed government, attempt at democracy, coup.

    Finally, as Farangs who live, lived in or visit Thailand, who are at best, guests of the Kingdom staying on 12 month renewable non-immigration visas, why do we even care? Thailand has been this way for many years. Too many Farangs look at Thailand through a western prospective. Maybe democracy isn't the best thing for Thailand.

    It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.

    Sir Winston Churchill

    British politician (1874 - 1965)

    You ask why we care.

    Personally, I care because the things I enjoyed about LOS before toxin were to a large extent "damaged" by him and his sidekick puritanical, and should he return, I would expect more of the same.

    To mention just two of the things to which I refer, the beaches, which have been largely ruined by Koh Chang type greed, and the night life, which was just brilliant in the mid 90s, and has yet to recover to its former glory.

  2. OK, I may be sticking my neck wayyyy out , but does democracy really work anywhere? 51% of a popular vote telling the other 49% how it's going to be? Maybe what Thailand needs (as well as the rest of the world) is a republic, but then again my father always told me to never argue about religion or politics, because it is a no win situation, so enough said. :)

    America is supposed to be a republic but, now it's all about social welfare and wealth redistibution.Hope it works out better here than it did there.

    Yeah since Ronald Reagan did the biggest tax INCREASE in American history, know what you mean, shame isn't it?

    There are other models these days other than western style democracy. A lot of countries are looking at the success of China, with its one party system, and wondering if that is actually a better model (also Singapore).

    I lived in Singapore in the 70s, and consider it to have been a "model" country. Just doesn't work for the person who wants to be "different" though.

    There were unfortunately some bad side effects, eg the students comitting suicide because they failed their exams.

    On the whole though, I'd rather live in a country which is in reality a "benevolent dictatorship" ( which Singapore was then- don't know about the present ), than a mess like Britain, which is a political and social shambles.

  3. The guy in a well known bus/boat to the southern Gulf islands company who thought I should enjoy being completely soaked ( including my bags ) when I went to check in for the bus the day BEFORE the Songkran mayhem officially started. Unfortunately, the office is close to Kao San Rd.

    When I told him in no uncertain words what I thought of it, he took offence, and started screaming at me in a very un-Thai manner. What a really great guy, a credit to Thai customer relations!!!

  4. Tiger, the "kid" is just engaging in the old tactic of distracting from what you are really talking about ie being treated like a load of s**t in your own shop, by attacking you with some completely irrelevant stuff. No doubt next time the "kid" is being double charged at some Thai national park or such, he will add a big tip, and bend over for them to give him him the royal salute of the boot.

    In a life time of being treated badly by people that shouldn't, I wish I could have the opportunity for some small revenge on occasion. For that, I envy you.

    The myth of rampant double pricing has been debunked many times over the years and the threads are chock full of examples. The point that seems to have missed many of holier than thou types is that;

    1. The "Red shirts" are continually belittled as having no ethics and as being dishonest. And yet here we have one of the "superior" farangs intentionally cheating a group of people based upon their presumed political beliefs. If the farang is so superior, shouldn't the farang take the moral decision and do the right thing? Or are ethics and integrity only for the dirty "red shirts"?

    2. The people that constantly blame Thaksin and denigrate the "red shirts" have a tedious position that goes along the line of "You can't say that because there is corruption before Thaksin, what was seen under Thaksin was no different. Corruption may be part of Thailand's social fabric, but we superior farangs say that Thaksin should be held to a different standard". And yet here we have a sterling example of the moral paucity, the blatant hypocrisy that says, Yea let's stick it to these people. Without even knowing who these people are, it's the presumption of guilt. This suggests hypocrisy. The reality is that this isn't about red or yellow shirts, it's just about those slaves getting uppity, isn't it. What did the overcharging achieve? You say it's to get back for the double pricing. Ok, but if you don't have the balls to tell these people, how will they know that the local decision to charge non residents for access to public parks paid for by Thai citizens, is being protested?

    If you spend your life plotting revenge, you can't be too happy can you? There is more to life that hoping to get back at some guy that ha nothing and is powerless. If you want revenge, go after the oligarchy that controls the nation's real estate and holds the flow of capital. The threads of TV do indeed provide a revealing insight into the dark miserable unhappy lives of so many. I really am beginning to understand what motivates alot of people's comments.

    Since when has double pricing been a myth? You've obviously never been to Samet, then!

    You're still using the "distraction technique". he never said he overpriced them because of their politics, but because of their attitude.

    Yes we all know that LOS has always been corrupt, but Thaksin elevated corruption to excessive heights; too much even for the Thais to stomach.

    I'd rather get revenge on some ba***d dissing me to my face, than just feel PO all day because I couldn't do anything about it.

    As for the "oligarchy that controls the nation's real estate and holds the flow of capital" in the west they are called the ruling party, and there's not much I can do about them, let alone the ones in LOS.

    I'm waiting for the revolution though.

  5. Sorry, please elaborate about the bags, as I don't get it. Are they for the shoppers purchases, in which case why didn't you just buy the cheapest thing they had for sale? However, yes their attitude sucks.

    Yes, correct, normally you get a red bag when you buy something. You see, the thing is, I want a BIG red bag, so just buying anything small to get a bag would only get a SMALL red bag, which I don't want. I wasn't really expecting success to get my bag, but I was hoping they didn't treat me (to my view in a racist way) like a funny dog to be laughed at and mocked, not worth the time of day. Its not like they were busy. The store was EMPTY. These bags are very sturdy and can be used to carry other stuff around town (while advertising their store), but they do eventually wear out (thus my current need). I am not sure I will buy something really big there just for the bag though, but I was happy to PAY for a bag. No go.

    Got it.

    Perhaps you could try going to the greeting cards section and buying one of those really BIG cards that would only fit in a big bag. Just a thought.

  6. Be real or not...I believe it is the norm for most governments world wide to find ways to eliminate pension incomes. People are living too long and causing such a drag on the finances. How dare those old farts take away from the young and more able and in POWER.

    Pretty soon people will not get healthcare after a certain age or they will be taxed for living too long.

    HOWEVER, as we oldies will soon be the dominant voting demographic, I expect things to get much friendlier! Grey power rulez!

  7. "In both countries, $700 a fortnight is considered a small fortune, much more than the earnings of many working full-time, who would consider themselves relatively well off"

    This sounds very much like an April Fools joke to me.

    40k Baht a month a small fortune???

    My GF earns 6k a month as a waitress. To her, 40k would be a small fortune.

    As my budget will be 15k a month when I get over there, 40k would be a small fortune to me too.

  8. Your talking about people that are mean with themselves here, the people that have large amounts of money but live their lives as if they were on the bread line, they go through their whole lives saving for the future, these people are never going to die, they will spend their whole lives living as a poor person has to.

    Their bank books will have to be prized from their dead frozen fingers. it's very sad but they are the biggest loosers acquiring the money to enjoy themselves but never being able to do so :)

    Could not be further from the truth. Are you aware that you can make money with money ? The more money you have, the sooner you can stop working. I feel sorry for losers that waste all their money and never get ahead. They are just like a poor person, they have no assets, they have no cash and they always have to worry about keeping a job.

    But surely you are a bigger loser if as undercover has said you live like a pauper to attain wealth and then when you have indeed attained your dream of wealth you continue to live like a pauper never to enjoy the fruits of your frugal living?? I am not saying this applies to you personally and if you intend to enjoy the fruits of your labour one day then the very best of luck to you,but there are indeed many people out there who's lives have fallen into this trap.For them enough is never enough.The money growing in there bank accounts is like a drug and although it will not kill them like a drug it will indeed still be there for someone of a more spendthrift nature to enjoy long after they are gone. At least a so called loser has had some enjoyment spending his money ...what enjoyment has the so called "winner" had who dies with all his treasure securely locked up in the bank vault whilst living the whole of his life as a miser.Who is the real loser in this senario? It is also very important to remember that wealth in life is not just about money although I acknowledge to be financially comfortable certainly helps..

    Well said. I always think it's a tragedy when I hear of someone who died leaving a lot of money.

  9. Oh I finally have something wonderful to contribute to this thread!!!

    I recently bought a Honda Wave 100cc motorbike. Its not as fast as my C70 which I have modified but it is very sensible and reliable. Anyway I remembered an old trick last night on my way back from town.


    You would be amazed how much gas you can save by slipstreaming a large vehicle down the highway. I was able to reduce a 1/4 throttle for about 8 kms by sitting behind a bus in its slipstream. The lack of wind resistance means you almost get sucked along in the vortex created by the bus. If I can do that everytime I will save a fortune!! :)

    Oh yes, I've done that too, but it only works till the truck driver brakes suddenly, and you drive right up the exhaust pipe!

  10. ok here goes.

    having a load of red shirts walk into my wifes shop and order kutieow nam tok and tom yam and not even have the manners to say krap or ka. order a load of beer, water and soft drinks in a manner like they owned the place and looked at me like i was something they had trodden in.

    still got my own back in the end, when it came to asking for the check bin. they were lost for words that not only did a farang understand what they were asking for, but that i had bumped the price up from the usual of 30 baht a bowl to 40 and added an extra 5 baht for the beer and 2 baht for the soft drinks and water.

    moral of the story, whats good enough for the natives in this country is even better for the farang that owns the shop in bangkok.

    You're lucky that the red-shirts are mostly country bumkins from up north...or else they might have reported you to emigration ... last time i checked they weren't giving out work permits to Farangs to work cashier in noodle shops :)

    Add to that the customers must have been decent people as they obviously accepted the bill and paid.

    It seems to me that this small noodle shop operator, this captain of industry, this major engine of commercial enterprise, this source of intellectual capital for the nation, should have been grateful that he had customers that came into his noodle shop and bought anything. Considering the abundance of noodle shops and 7-11s in this country, a wise entrepreneur is appreciative of obtaining customers. At least he didn't say he spat in the broth. However, I'm sure his exacting noodle shop hygiene standards wouldn't have allowed for that. Nice business ethics too. Hypocritical too as the double pricing of some services was used as an excuse for a one off cheating of people that held political views he disagreed with. Instead of exploiting these people, he could have shown how tough he was and refused to serve them. Too scared or more likely too greedy to have done that, I reckon. Had to make the ext 2 baht per bottle. I don't know what's more pathetic, taking delight in the reprehensible behaviour or in just being morally bankrupt.

    Jeez and is it any wonder that Thai officialdom has zero respect for many of the foreigners in Thailand. I can't get this scenario out of my head now; Hey you Thai man, I run a noodle shop, you are wrong, do as I say, I am king of the noodles. Thaksin is bad, he knows nothing about anything. I run an important noodle shop. I know. You will respect me. I am farang and am king of the noodles. You are lucky I come to Thailand. Without me, there would be no noodles and my beautiful lady friend would have to use her PhD toiling in some dreary job. I am important to the economy, no one can make noodles like me. I am noodle man, Redshirts bad.

    I am beginning to get a better picture of some of the more vocal critics of the redshirts. It isn't particularly reassuring.

    Tiger, the "kid" is just engaging in the old tactic of distracting from what you are really talking about ie being treated like a load of s**t in your own shop, by attacking you with some completely irrelevant stuff. No doubt next time the "kid" is being double charged at some Thai national park or such, he will add a big tip, and bend over for them to give him him the royal salute of the boot.

    In a life time of being treated badly by people that shouldn't, I wish I could have the opportunity for some small revenge on occasion. For that, I envy you.

  11. OK, glad you started this rant-a-thon. I was tempted to do the same after what happened to me today (and yesterday).

    Walking down a sidewalk there was a lot of messy electrical work going on with wires all over the place. So some workers were having a break, they SAT DOWN on the sidewalk completely blocking the path. There was no way through without backing up a long way or walking directly into a maze of dangerous looking, possible live, wires. I know, I know, we as westerners are supposed to take the most disgustingly rude local customs with a smile and a mai bpen rai, but not today. I gave them the the look of death and loudly rudely just walked over them. The look on their faces was priceless. Yes I know it was insulting and they might have beat me up, but what would you call what THEY did?

    The second one, much more ambiguous, but also pissed me off. I went to Central and found a cashier that was sitting around after noticing she had some of those lovely red Central bags in stock. I have shopped at Central before and I will probably (but now not so sure) shop there again, but then I just wanted one of those BAGS. I know its a weird request but I like to use them to carry around other shopping, they are very sturdy, and they look good. So first I determined whether she spoke English and she seemed to pretty well. Then I politely asked if there was a way I could BUY a red bag. At this point there was another clerk there, a man. I expected this wouldn't be easy, and was doubtful of my success, but I wanted to try. What bothered me was their rude REACTION. They laughed at me. No! I then tried to explain to them why I wanted the bag and that I was willing to pay for it. Now I do realize they don't normally sell the bags BUT if they had an ounce of customer service mentality they could have called a manager and asked if they could sell or give a bag. Eventually, an even ruder no like I was disturbing their social hour, and I must admit I was so disgusted by the bad attitude that I said a bad thing while walking away.

    Sorry, please elaborate about the bags, as I don't get it. Are they for the shoppers purchases, in which case why didn't you just buy the cheapest thing they had for sale? However, yes their attitude sucks.

    My attrocities, just to name a few: the sales lady at Watsons who refused to serve my GF because she was doing her makeup, the bi**ch in the Nana Kodak shop who said I was lying when I asked for some film negative envelopes, and I said I had bought some there before, the bi**ch in Tony's tailor shop who refused to give me the accessories to a suit delivered without them, the little s**t who conned me onto the slow bus to Pattaya from Ekamai.

    I love going on the skytrain and getting out at Siam. I always stand in the middle of the doors and barge directly into all the impatient people trying to push their way onto the carriage before we get out. Sometimes it helps to be "big", lol.

  12. IMO it's not possible to have any attitude bad enough towards the red shirts to feel shame about it.

    These people support someone who is probably the most corrupt person ever to live in Thailand, and they do so only because he lied to them that he would make their lives better, as it's doubtful he actually changed their lives in any real and sustainable way.

    I also doubt that he ever gave them a satang of his own pile of loot, preferring to steal the middle classes money to give it to the north eastern poor via ill thought out, and unsustainable schemes.

    A return to LOS by toxin and his cronies would be the worst thing that ever could happen to Thailand, IMO.

    If he ever returned to power, I'm sure we could see more Koh Chang attrocities perpetrated on all remaining beaches, and probably the night life, which has regained but a shadow of its former glory, would be given the final chop.

  13. I gave up staying at Chaweng Beach years ago, as it is impossible to realax for all the bl**dy planes landing.

    The best thing that could happen to Samui airport is that a very large hole would open under it, as in "Carrie", and swallow it up!

    If there is any sense in the world, the airport will be closed, and a high speed hydrofoil boat service will start, but it's Thailand, so pigs will fly first!

  14. Oh dear, mention the word paedophile and out come the "castrators". Hope they're never on any jury, as they seem to be happy to "hang em high" without any evidence!

    Perhaps there was a translation problem, but as said already, a SUSPECT is not guilty of anything, till proven so.

    I'd just like to add a couple of things:

    all ( so far as I know ), children are procured for the adults by THAI citizens, but when was the last time anyone suggested increasing the penalties for procuring children, and when did you last hear of the procurers being punished at all?

    If there are no procurers, probably no more farang paedophile crimes would be commited.

    there are other forms of child abuse being openly perpetrated on the streets of Bangkok and Pattaya, Patong Beach et al. I refer to the forced use of young children to sell stuff to people, especially late at night. How many of you "castrators" are prepared to do anything about them? None, I'll bet, because you wouldn't be able to get all hot and bothered about it!

    Indeed, on Walking Street in Pattaya, every night, a very young girl is forced to do contortions for the public. The ever so vaunted Tourist Police Volunteers see this going on every night, and do NOTHING. This young child will likely suffer permanent spinal injury as a result of being made to do this while she is too young. I hope that none of the readers of this forum contribute to this blatent child abuse by giving money.

  15. I'd never use a travel agent in LOS if I could do it direct. Don't trust any of them after many bad experiences.

    As above, go to the South bus station in Bangkok. You could combine it with a day out in Bkk.

    I'd also never go on a private bus if I can avoid it. They are rubbish, in my experience, and also have a high incidence of theft from bags in the luggage compartment.

    There's 2 different VIP set ups. one has 3 seats across, and the seats lie almost flat. Expensive.

    The other has 4 seats across, but less seats in total than the regular bus. I can't sleep on the bus anyway, so don't use the 3 seat across version.

    Unless you're Thai size, don't take the seats directly behind the stairs, as there's no leg room.

    I also don't recommend the very front seats, as in the event of an accident, you're through the window.

    i just went to the bus station in pattaya,with the usual language barrier..i know about 7 standard survival phases in thai but it looks like i can get a bus directly from pattaya to the southern terminal. is that right? how long does it take if i left pattaya about 12 noon? i am just gonna try to get a vip bus when i get there..i wonder if there will be seats available as a walk on?or can i buy a vip ticket at the pattaya bus station? thanks again to all!!!

    Yes, last time I went there was a direct bus to the Bangkok South Bus Station. Takes about 3 hours.

    The overnight buses usually leave from about 7pm on. If you can't get seats from one company, there are a few different companies going to Phuket. If no luck direct to Phuket, you could go to Krabi, and get a local bus from there to Phuket, or even take the ferry.

    If travelling on a public holiday you have little chance of getting a ticket on the day, but most other times if you go early enough should be OK.

    Don't think you can get the ticket in Pattaya bus station, but I've never tried.

    If you've never been overnight intercity bus before, it's a bit adventurous, especially trying to work out where you're supposed to eat ( follow the other passengers ) and indeed, what you're eating at the midnight restaurant stop. Of course, being a THAI rather than a tourist bus service no one speaks English! Just make sure you know your bus number ( as there's lots of buses stop same place ) and where it is ( they all look the same ), and check with the bus "hostess" how long before the bus leaves again ( and of course, don't leave any money, valuables on the bus ).

    Just a final warning. It can be very cold on the bus, so I always keep an extra shirt with me.

    Personally, I love travelling on the Thai buses, as it's often the only time I'm not in the tourist sector, and can experience a bit of Thai culture.

  16. I'd never use a travel agent in LOS if I could do it direct. Don't trust any of them after many bad experiences.

    As above, go to the South bus station in Bangkok. You could combine it with a day out in Bkk.

    I'd also never go on a private bus if I can avoid it. They are rubbish, in my experience, and also have a high incidence of theft from bags in the luggage compartment.

    There's 2 different VIP set ups. one has 3 seats across, and the seats lie almost flat. Expensive.

    The other has 4 seats across, but less seats in total than the regular bus. I can't sleep on the bus anyway, so don't use the 3 seat across version.

    Unless you're Thai size, don't take the seats directly behind the stairs, as there's no leg room.

    I also don't recommend the very front seats, as in the event of an accident, you're through the window.

    i just went to the bus station in pattaya,with the usual language barrier..i know about 7 standard survival phases in thai but it looks like i can get a bus directly from pattaya to the southern terminal. is that right? how long does it take if i left pattaya about 12 noon? i am just gonna try to get a vip bus when i get there..i wonder if there will be seats available as a walk on?or can i buy a vip ticket at the pattaya bus station? thanks again to all!!!

    Yes, last time I went there was a direct bus to the Bangkok South Bus Station. Takes about 3 hours.

    The overnight buses usually leave from about 7pm on. If you can't get seats from one company, there are a few different companies going to Phuket. If no luck direct to Phuket, you could go to Krabi, and get a local bus from there to Phuket, or even take the ferry.

    If travelling on a public holiday you have little chance of getting a ticket on the day, but most other times if you go early enough should be OK.

    Don't think you can get the ticket in Pattaya bus station, but I've never tried.

  17. The NuLabour machine hates the indigenous British people, partly because of the people's rich history of independence from and distrust of, authority.

    That is why NuLabour:

    * floods the country with immigrants and expects the locals to adapt, not the newcomers

    * removes all meaningful educational standards

    * eliminates history from the Museums to replace it with something 'relevant'

    * orders the police to show much more tolerance and protection to ethnic and religious minorities than to the main population.

    ... on and on and on.

    They have gutted the country in a scant 13 years, and the true tragedy is that the British people don't realise that this process cannot be reversed. If they did, they'd all be scrambling to enter LOS, no matter how dire the exchange rate.

    Are you the BNP's Thailand rep? Nick Griffin was on the BBC last year, and attempted to justify almost the exact arguments mentioned above. There is always the chance you're just winding us all up, however, so maybe I'll just ask one question:

    When you say "indigenous British people" - what do you mean? As I understood him, Nick Griffin means white people. Do you?

    Well I saw him too, and I disagree. I think he was talking about people of a "similar culture". If a black person was born and grew up in Britain they are just as "British" as a similar white person.

    What many British people are saying is that persons of a different culture shouldn't be allowed to dominate the country at the expense of "British" culture. Stories in the papers of schools not being allowed to have nativity plays at Christmas because it "might upset other faiths" do nothing to encourage good relationships with immigrants.

    Incidentally, try going to Saudi and building a church in Riyadh. Snowballs in hel_l spring to mind, yet the Saudis were allowed to build a mosque in London.

    When people bang on about how Nick Griffin is a racist, it's the old classic propaganda method of distracting others from the real message he's giving. I watched the show, but from what the politicians were saying about him, they must have seen a different show. Of course if you tell everyone often enough that he's racist, eventually most people will believe it. I think Hitler used that tactic!

    I think the government would do better to work out why the BNP is doing so well and do something about that, than just bang on the old propaganda drum.

    And before you start accusing me of being a BNP member, I'm not a British citizen, but having worked there for 10 years I can say that newlabour seem to be antiwhite, anti british culture, anti white members of former British colonies and I can understand why many are turning to the BNP out of frustration with the ruling clique, who seem hel_l bent on destroying what remains of "old" British culture.

    Every year, there is a parade along the Thames, I went many times, but never saw any groups representing British culture. Nope, never saw a group of Morris dancers. Wonder why?

  18. The NuLabour machine hates the indigenous British people, partly because of the people's rich history of independence from and distrust of, authority.

    That is why NuLabour:

    * floods the country with immigrants and expects the locals to adapt, not the newcomers

    * removes all meaningful educational standards

    * eliminates history from the Museums to replace it with something 'relevant'

    * orders the police to show much more tolerance and protection to ethnic and religious minorities than to the main population.

    ... on and on and on.

    They have gutted the country in a scant 13 years, and the true tragedy is that the British people don't realise that this process cannot be reversed. If they did, they'd all be scrambling to enter LOS, no matter how dire the exchange rate.

    Well said.

    I saw it all happen, and many a time I would ask one of the few remaining Brits in the hospital why it was all happening, and they didn't seem to know or care.

    Given what has happened, it's not surprising that the people despise politicians and the BNP is doing so well!

    Quite frankly, I find it hard to explain why a country that ruled a substantial part of the planet not so long ago has degenerated so far. Perhaps most of the intelligent people got killed off in the trenches 1914-18. I can't think of a better reason, but I'm willing to be told.

  19. I'd never use a travel agent in LOS if I could do it direct. Don't trust any of them after many bad experiences.

    As above, go to the South bus station in Bangkok. You could combine it with a day out in Bkk.

    I'd also never go on a private bus if I can avoid it. They are rubbish, in my experience, and also have a high incidence of theft from bags in the luggage compartment.

    There's 2 different VIP set ups. one has 3 seats across, and the seats lie almost flat. Expensive.

    The other has 4 seats across, but less seats in total than the regular bus. I can't sleep on the bus anyway, so don't use the 3 seat across version.

    Unless you're Thai size, don't take the seats directly behind the stairs, as there's no leg room.

    I also don't recommend the very front seats, as in the event of an accident, you're through the window.

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