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Posts posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. THIS is what i think the OP is referring to.

    I was in there as late as last year. Are people saying its now "no longer there"?

    (There IS a "Thips Fashion" not as far towards Walking Street as the above, but i think that place sold ......fashion, as the name suggests HERE)


    Penkoprod nice photo, and exactly what I meant.

    Sure the food wasn't the greatest but it wasn't the worst either(tried royal garden food court lately?)

    And by gawd the price was right. It was also a nice place to people watch.

    Now, the best budget place for western grub on beach road is probably baywatch.

    If you take a walk along Beach Road, you will see lots of those one storey shacks (for want of a better word) with a bit of scrubland behind them, just BEGGING for a developer to come along and buy them out. Even bigger plots further up Beach Road. As Mr Zimmerman said.....The Time's They Are A'Changing !!!!!

    As you say....a lot of character going out of Pattaya at the moment. Whether people liked the restaurant or not.

    One of the 1st places i ate as a matter of fact. Full breakfast @ 35 baht, and a BIG mug of tea !!!! :)


    It was the first "regular" place I ate at, too, but in the end, too cramped, and the food no better or cheaper than many other places, so I moved on.

    Still, sorry to hear that it's gone.

  2. ^Well at the end of the day you shouldnt worry what other people think about thailand. Regardless whether its true or not these people will think the same and funny thing is if you ask them if they been to thailand and the answer is NO. Prostitution is way of life in thailand, and should be looked at as a model for the rest of the world.

    BTW - you keep concentrating on Pattaya, most people in the world could not tell you where it is or have ever heard of it. Now Bangkok they have... :)Remember Thai people do not care what foreigners think of them - you are farang and do not understand the thai way. :D

    Are you really serious about these two comments? Thai prostitution as a model for the rest of the world. What exactly do you mean? Do you mean that the rest of the world should have prostitution in your face on every corner of every city in the world?????????

    Thai people do care what the world thinks of them. All the thais I know and that is a lot say they hate the image and feel put down. I may be farang but do understand the thai way of life as my grandfather is thai, my wife is thai and my children are thai.

    Are YOU serious?

    If Thais hate prostitution that would be hypocritical to say the least, given the huge Thai prostitution scene, or is it just that they don't like foreigners knowing about it?

    I also doubt that they care about the Pattaya scene as so many come to Pattaya to live and play. If they were offended, they'd go elsewhere, surely?

    Where in Thailand is prostitution on every street corner? Pattaya is huge, and the "scene" is in one tiny area. If you don't like it I suggest you avoid Walking St, Beach Rd, 2nd Rd, Naklua and Soi Buakow ( ? spelling ). I doubt you will feel "offended" anywhere else.

    I don't think Brit was suggesting all the world should be like Walking St, just saying that it is more honest to have it out in the open, rather than hiding it away as at present in most western countries. Prostitution is rampant in London, but supressed and extremely sleasy. I'd much rather have the Thai model.

    I was about to reply in much the same vein, till I saw your reply which I support 100%.

    Any Thai complaining about "farang" prostitution is just being a hypocrite.

    Personally, I do wish the western world had Walking Streets all over. Then I wouldn't have to go all the way to LOS! However, the nearest thing in London- Soho- is a real sleazy place in comparison, full of clip joints and sleazebag pimps. Yuch!

  3. Thailand needs national unity

    From: The Australian

    April 20, 2010 12:00AM

    The alternative is street fighting among political proxies

    THE army was back on the streets of Bangkok yesterday, sending a signal to the Red Shirt protest movement that they should lift their siege of the city and a message to the world that everything was under control. Neither is believable, Thailand's problems run much deeper than the damage done by a large and very well organised protest movement. The Red Shirts support former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, deposed in a military coup in 2006. They want an election, which the exiled Thaksin's side would be likely to win. Despite widespread claims of corruption against him, his policies, including free healthcare for all, make him the darling of the rural poor. But no matter how decisive an election outcome, a vote would solve nothing unless it was accepted by Thaksin's opponents, who despise his populism, sneer at his supporters and can put their own private army on Bangkok's streets. These Yellow Shirts occupied the airport for two months at the end of 2008, and there is talk of their taking on Thaksin's supporter.

    The stand-off in the streets places Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva in an impossible position. He was appointed, rather than elected, and has no credibility with Thaksin's camp. And the stand-off in the streets is a problem for the army, the usual arbiter of who governs. It seems the generals are loath to either shore up Mr Abhisit or, as they have often done before, take control themselves. The Red Shirts have too much popular support to be easily suppressed and there are suggestions there is sympathy for Thaksin's cause among rank and file soldiers. This was once the sort of situation solved by advice from King Bhumibol Adulyadej. But he is old and ill and shows no sign of intending to intervene.

    And so it is up to the politicians. Mr Abhisit wants elections at the end of the year but last week army chief Anupong Paojinda called for an early poll. Given his tenuous position, the Prime Minister has little choice but to agree. Yet unless the political warlords agree to respect the popular vote and unless the winning side undertakes not to wreak revenge on the loser, the results will not matter much.

    Without a government committed to national unity and an end to the existing entrenched animosities, Thailand faces the prospect of power going to the side with the toughest colour gang.

    I would expect better from The Australian. At least get some of the facts right.

    "including free healthcare for all" - not quite. It was Abhisit who made it free (only because it cost more than 30-baht to collect the 30-baht).

    "Yellow Shirts occupied the airport for two months" - 9 days.

    "He was appointed, rather than elected" - since when was he appointed?

    "can put their own private army on Bangkok's streets" - what's he talking about?

    "Mr Abhisit wants elections at the end of the year but last week army chief Anupong Paojinda called for an early poll." - failing to mention that the end of the year is 12 months early.

    "Without a government committed to national unity and an end to the existing entrenched animosities, Thailand faces the prospect of power going to the side with the toughest colour gang."

    There is very little chance of a national unity government. Unless the reds are in control, they won't accept it.

    What's this about "free" health care???? My TGF had to pay 15,000 bht the other day to the hospital. Doesn't sound free to me.

  4. If the avenue has to change its profile downward to be viable i think this will be a significant and sad indicator for pattaya as it may prove that at least for now there is no high end retail opportunity. RGP is on the decline and Central's monopoly just seems to be unstoppable.

    ???? There is no high end retail opportunity where they built Avenues. Perhaps north of Central Rd where all the resorts are, certainly in Jomptien, where Central Festival should have been built.

    I was at the opening, and even then I knew it was doomed. What were they offering that wasn't already available, and usually cheaper?

    BTW, this subject has already been done a few times, and I support the "make it a GoGo and bar beer complex" vote then, and still do. If the Beach Rd bars moved there, at least you could go down Beach Rd during Songkran without getting wet!

  5. How old are you? They have been using ice for the last 20 years and probably long before. blink.gif

    Not true in Pattaya. My first was in '96, and no ice water. Maybe a little bit that I didn't notice, but a few years later too much ice water everywhere.

  6. This is my OPINION, so no need to get worked up if disagree, but sometimes I think Thai's never progress mentally from their teenage years.

    Certainly a lot of the ones I have met act like teenagers ( me, me, me ) with no thought for the consequences of what they do. But then, for me that's part of the charm of Thai women.

    I don`t know if you where referring to me but I am not saying you are wrong but do you have the same exposure to western girls as you do to Thai girls ? If you don't then how can you make the comparison ?

    Is 28 years in a female dominated occupation ( in western countries ) sufficient? I have worked with hundreds of western, African and Phillipino women, enough to know the difference between a western woman and a Thai woman. Prefer Thai ( or Phillipino ) women any day. Much more sanuk.

    Easy to understand. A woman from another country wouldn't even look at you. What's the difference between a western and a Thai woman? The Thai you're talking about is poor, easy to manipulate.

    You're so psychic! You know all about me from just a couple of things I've written, LOL.

    FYI, I've tried the "western" woman, being the "good husband" and all that, got the usual exploitation rap.

    Yes, Thai women are probably no different when it comes to "exploitation", but so long as one doesn't lose one's head ( unless you want to discuss particle physics etc ), they are way more sanuk, IMO.

    At least I don't have to be handsome and rich before they'll even talk to me!

  7. Oh, and 71.8 baht/£ wasn't a blip either, the exchange rate had been fairly stable at around 68-72 baht/£ for a for a few years around that time.

    I believe in the early 1990s and earlier it was about 30bht/UKP

    and in 1996 it was 45 to the pound, but given that most things that I buy/ use have doubled in price I'm WORSE off at the present exchange rate. I'd need an exchange rate of over 80 to the pound to be as affluent as I was back then.

  8. This is my OPINION, so no need to get worked up if disagree, but sometimes I think Thai's never progress mentally from their teenage years.

    Certainly a lot of the ones I have met act like teenagers ( me, me, me ) with no thought for the consequences of what they do. But then, for me that's part of the charm of Thai women.

    I don`t know if you where referring to me but I am not saying you are wrong but do you have the same exposure to western girls as you do to Thai girls ? If you don't then how can you make the comparison ?

    Is 28 years in a female dominated occupation ( in western countries ) sufficient? I have worked with hundreds of western, African and Phillipino women, enough to know the difference between a western woman and a Thai woman. Prefer Thai ( or Phillipino ) women any day. Much more sanuk.

  9. Simplest system that I've used in Thailand ( when at the beach ) is a plastic rubbish bin ( a few Baht ) of whatever size suits, with a black plastic rubbish bag over it out in the sun. At night, empty hot water into one of those insulated chilly bins normally used to hold ice. Sure beats a cold water shower in the morning.

  10. does the fact that Thais still ride motorcycles along Beach Rd during Songkran tell us something about the Thai psych?

    This is nonsense. It's hard to avoid Beach Road if you live or work in Central Pattaya. It has nothing to do with Thai pshych.

    It's not nonsense. If driving a bike is dangerous, get off and take a baht bus. Not hard. Or would you rather risk being maimed for the rest of your life?

    You lost track of the debate and you're being extremely dramatic.

    Allow me to guide you through it.

    Most of the Thai workers in Pattaya ride motorcycles. Thais do not stop riding their transport because of this water throwing because they need to get around even during Songkran. They need to work and get to work...therefore....

    Thais riding motorcycles along Beach Road during Songkran tells us nothing about Thai psych. Riding motorcycles for them is a necessity. It's a one way street and hard to get around when going to certain locations.

    Foreigners more than likely have options because they don't work here. They can stay away if they wish.

    I personally avoid riding around Pattaya during daytime hours in Pattaya because I don't enjoy being a target. Although I appreciate it can be dangerous, I'm skilled and aware enough on a motorcycle not to be worried about being "maimed for the rest of your life". I just dislike the sensation of being hit with ice water while riding.

    I disagree ( as is my right ).

    It is well known that if you ride a bike down Beach Rd during Songkran idiots will throw water in your face, potentially causing an injury accident.

    If you don't work ON Beach Rd, there are other ways to get to your work place without using Beach Rd, which are less likely to involve a face full of ice water.

    If you do work on Beach Rd, you can leave your bike in one of the many car parks elsewhere and take a baht bus. Believe it or not, Thais use them too!

    Complaining after falling off your bike about the idiots throwing water is as pointless as someone who lives in Pattaya complaining about the traffic or the crime.

  11. [quote name='eljeque' date='2010-04-15 08:56:57' post='3507890

    I thought the rules were sundown ending and no use of the PC guns

    Judging by your number of posts I'd have thought you'd know there are no "rules" in LOS, or were you trying to be ironic?

  12. Do they feel weak and insecure going it alone? Are they paranoid and see danger where none is imminent? Is it insular thinking? Is it a superiority complex among Thais ["We are better than anyone else"]? A sense of entitlement to treat visitors and expat workers any way they want because this is their country? Is it revenge, then? Is it a class thing, where hi-so don't do this but middle or working class do?

    Possibly all of the above

    How does the above tie-in with Buddhism which preach nothing but peace and kindness, unlike some other religions I can mention?

    It doesn't, but as Thais don't practice Buddhism ( when did you last meet a vegetarian Thai? ) any more than followers of other religions practice theirs ( thou shalt not kill etc ) it's irrelevant.

  13. This is my OPINION, so no need to get worked up if disagree, but sometimes I think Thai's never progress mentally from their teenage years.

    Certainly a lot of the ones I have met act like teenagers ( me, me, me ) with no thought for the consequences of what they do. But then, for me that's part of the charm of Thai women.

  14. very obvious why the gentleman is here - for the bars and bar-girls.

    how can you expect someone like that to care for anything apart from

    their own sexual gratification?

    after many years here, i never talk or interact to the style of person

    you describe, its all too predictable:

    1. dont have money to live in england, hate the weather, hate the government

    2. have ex wife who is a witch

    3. young girls in thailand, very cheap 1000 baht per pop

    4. met in cowboy/nana/whatever and fell in love

    5. she have 1 or 2 kids back up north from 1 or 2 previous thai guys who dont

    take responsibility

    6. married, had to pay huge sin-sod, had to pay for the buffalo to go to the vet,

    had to build new mansion for MIL

    7. picked up a few words of bar-thai, wofe speaks a few words of bar-tinglish

    8. live happily every after in the land of smiles, until the $$ runs out

    I have a small daughter, and for sure will be returning to melbourne

    very soon so she can begin pre-school, and get a good education.

    I am very happy you will bugger off from Thailand


    if you think all farangs are like that,you are very sad indeed.


    Perhaps he can tell us how he feels in a few years time after his divorce, when the wife took him for everything he's got, and he has to pay child support, so he can't even come back to LOS for the "cheap girls".

    ( for the terminally humourless- that's "tongue in cheek". Heaven forbid that I'd be making a judgement about someone of whom I know nothing! )

  15. My wife are now the guardians of a boy who is almost 7. We have only had him since last summer. His mother died and his dad is not interested. I speak Thai, but I have a long ways to go. All day long there are things I want to say to him, explain, teach, I really want to be a real dad. But I continually find there are words missing and there are so many moments that pass where I don't say a thing. My wife is good and she translates a lot for me, but I desperately want to improve my Thai and I can't think of a greater motivation to do so. I am working on it all the time.

    But in the meantime I am really impressed with the English he has picked up and there times now when we can communicate in English, and that is very encouraging. I am glad he is a sharp kid, it makes this whole thing a lot easier.

    I can' imagine what would be going through the mind of the guy mentioned in the OP. I don't envy him one bit, he must feel like a visitor in his own home.

    He is still young enough to learn english. If possible, find an english program school where he can study in english as well. My son who is nearly 7 speaks both thai and english though his thai is stronger. If he doesn't know a word in english he asks my wife to translate. He studies in the thai program, by the way.

    As for the OP, it seems the father spends hardly any time with the two younger kids, whom I assume are his biological kids. There's now way they can't speak english if he raised them! He doesn't speak thai so that's not the reason.

    i doubt op is biological poppa. or he would take interest in speaking to said kids.

    i bet its one of those marriages made over a beer!

    Got the rose coloured glasses on have we?

    The world is full of fathers who have no interest in their children. I've paid enough tax to support them that I should know!

    And if we're being so sarky about him having "a marriage made over a glass of beer" what about the thousands of Thai men who abandoned their wives and children, or is it different for them because we must have "low expectations" of Thai husbands ( for those that don't understand- that's sarcasm ).

  16. the bars here have the water containers out and two or three farang outside throwing buckets of water into the faces of all the motorcyclists that go past, weird thing is I dont see anyone going into the bars or any drinks being sold and all the tourists I meet that spend money left to get away from it

    The farangs throwing water all have bought drinks in the bar of which they are standing outside. In case you hadn't noticed, most of the bars in Pattaya, other than a fortunate few, have few patrons most of the year anyway, due to a massive overbuilding of bars in fun city for the past 10 years or more.

    Also, if you were to hang around long enough, throwing water into motorcyclists faces is by no means an exclusive farang sport.

    Considering that the same thing has happened for the past 14 years at least, does the fact that Thais still ride motorcycles along Beach Rd during Songkran tell us something about the Thai psych? If I get hit in the head with a bucket of water, I wouldn't go back, unless I wanted to get hit again. If I stay in Pattaya during Songkran ( I'm avoiding it this year- had enough ), the only person to blame for me getting wet is myself.

    that maybe true, my experience tho is that 90% of the time its farang, if I leave my room it will be the same 2 or 3 farang that drink at the same bars that will totally drench me (and everyone else that walks or rides past) 8 hours a day every day for 7 days, you can see that nobody is enjoying it except for them with their sadistic temperaments

    a couple of days is fine, especially for the kids, but for guys that are the type that try to pick fights with people to be able to this for 7 days is excessive in my view

    One night while walking back alone to my hotel up a small soi off second Rd, a fat ( youngish ) farang that I think owns a guest house named after a well known UK sitcom ( from many years ago ), as he's always there, took great delight in soaking me, despite the fact that I obviously was not participating in the mayhem, and there were no other people around other than ourselves. What a d**kh**d.

  17. does the fact that Thais still ride motorcycles along Beach Rd during Songkran tell us something about the Thai psych?

    This is nonsense. It's hard to avoid Beach Road if you live or work in Central Pattaya. It has nothing to do with Thai pshych.

    It's not nonsense. If driving a bike is dangerous, get off and take a baht bus. Not hard. Or would you rather risk being maimed for the rest of your life?

  18. After you have been around for a while and speak Thai you may not be asked for money. A lady comes to town because she has financial obligations.

    But the picture that was painted for her in her village was not the reality that confronted her.

    The woman is frightened and confused. She is wearing low heeled shoes, an old bra, granny panties and she has a farmers tan. She doesn't ask for money she only asks that you get her out of the bar, preferably out of Pattaya.

    You can tell the fear is real. She needs a knight on a white horse to rescue her. If you say no, which you almost have to because you probably already have a Thai wife, and come back in a couple of weeks you will find a different woman. She will be a bar girl.

    Would she have made a good wife? Would she have tried to fleece you later? When would she have asked for money? Who knows.

    The kid from California who wrote the OP should have kept his mouth shut and read this forum for a couple of years. Or somehow gained some knowledge of Thailand.

    What he saw in a week in Pattaya was but a blink of an eye in the constantly changing landscape that makes up that little stretch of interesting real estate.

    Every day for more than a couple of years I walked from one end of Soi Buakao to the other.

    It was an educational and recreational experience. I ate in a different Soi most days and chatted with the locals along my walk.

    I've done the 5 AM bar crawl at Thai joints and all the other odd and unusual things that are available to see in that sordid couple of miles.

    I fed the Soi dogs on my way and handed out roast chicken parts to the ladies who were hungry.

    Now I am a respected citizen in another Thai town. Can't do stuff like that anymore. I miss it sometimes.

    I think I knew my little part of Pattaya pretty well. Sure I've been rolled and drugged and fallen in love and more than once. I have had good things happen to me and bad things. I have seen hard women and soft women who would break a heart of stone. One woman stole my passport and three others stole it back the next day and returned it to me.

    Pattaya is the rule of life and the exception. Just when you think you have it figured out it surprises all over again. No use in sitting alone in your room.

    I anxiously await the OP's next post after his next vacation about my girl is different and how much he should pay for sin sod.

    the above post is so very true! I love Pattaya, I love everything about (except the friendly tailors who insist on calling me matey and want to shake your hand. Try giving them an extra long hug for as long as possible its funny as hel_l, they don't wanna be your best mate the following day, it works everytime) Its alright people slating the place but they went there knowing what its like. Its almost a bit hypocritical. I'm married got a few kids now and we bought a place on the edge of the city, Pattaya is not all sleize as some people claim. If I want a "crazy night out" i go into Pattaya, soi 6/7 and walking street, if I want a quiet night I'll to Jomty or even as far as Si ratcha. Theres something in Pattaya for everyone.

    Just one other point, someone posted earlier on about pulling a girl, buyin her drinks all night the meal etc and getting laid, they somehow implied that picking up a bar girl being differant. I dont see a differance at all, I can recall several times in the past in the UK chatting up girls buyin them drinks and a meal etc etc spent a fortune in the hope of gettin some action and ended up getting nowt but a phone number. at least with a bar girl you know what your gettin at the end of the night!

    If you dont like sun sea sand sex and fun in general stay away from Pattaya, the cotswolds may be more your thing.

    Ta for reading, Pat

    Working in a female dominated occupation, I got to know women quite well, so they would tell me things that they wouldn't normally tell blokes.

    Can say that some women go to pubs knowing that guys will buy them drinks, food etc in the hope of some "action" later, but they ( the women ) never had any intention of taking it further, just wanted a "free" night out. They even laugh about the "stupid men that think they'll get some action for a few drinks"!

    I much prefer Pattaya where you know what you're getting.

  19. After two days of Songkhran, Monday and Tuesday, 114 people are dead and hundreds hospitalized. I have not yet see figures from today Wednesday. Most of these victims were on motorbikes. Why do you want to know details about the "accidents"? But you can try contact Bangkok Post.

    I somehow doubt these accidents are because of water throwing. More like the drunk too much.

    I agree. Plus driving with far too many people on one bike.

  20. last year in pattaya

    it was dry out after dark

    except on the last day/night sunday the 19

    i am expecting this monday the 19th to be crazy

    i hope sunday night the 18th isn't too bad

    in general the thais wont drench if you show your disdain, are eating or talking on the phone etc...

    in general the farang use the time to assault you no matter what you are doing

    just from my own experience

    results may vary


    Fantastic, I will pretend to be on my mobile phone until after the 19th!


    That won't work. I've seen people ( Thais as well as farangs ) deliberately soak people's mobiles. I had some Thais deliberately throw water at me when I was taking photos.

    This attitude that it's all just the idiot farang causing mayhem is just BS. Just as many Thais doing the same. Remember who is providing the water in the first place. Wouldn't last long if everyone had to carry all their own water supplies.

    In any event, there's usually so much water flying around you can't avoid it anyway.

    If you don't want to get wet, just wear a raincoat or poncho. Works for me everytime.

  21. implies that it he is falling short of his duties. If that is not gonna upset someone, I don't know what is?

    If you had not used that inflamatory language I would not be making this point but you seem to have no idea how "superior" such terms make you sound. In Pattaya I think you'd be lucky not to be taking your dinner through a straw...


    i CAN think of a few guys who would have stuck the dinner down his throat,plate an all

    Charming :)

    Amazing how threads degenerate , why can't people just debate or just give an opinion on a subject instead of getting worked up about it and getting involved in tit for tats, ahhh the world of internet forums. :D

    IMO, people get worked up about SOME posts, because we've all had some d***h***d criticize us but been unable to punch their heads in, in the real world, and we are able to respond to some poster who evokes those feelings of frustration and anger in us, without actually ending up in court, in cyberspace.

    Not to say that I believe the OP meant his post to come across like that.

    I had to remove some parts of the quotes to be able to reply

  22. Seen it quite a lot too. Is a shame & shows a lazy nature imo. Maybe he wasn't interested in having the kids & only had them under pressure from his wife & therefore couldn't give a monkies about talking to them or the benefits of having english skills from a native speaker? This sounds a bit harsh but tbh I've see what appears to be this exact attitude from quite a few foreign men l(living in Thailand full time) over the years. Either got trapped by pregnancy or had kids to keep the wife happy & have zero involvement in their upbringing beyond living in the same house as them. Often it seems (to me) that they don't want anything to interfere with their self involved life in Thailand & the kids are the pure domain of the mother & her family.

    Sad for the kids whatever the reason.

    I would agree with what you say about him not being interested with the children, but to say it's child abuse is a stretch too far ( other reply ). In any western country the single mother brigade is out of control ( I know, I've been paying tax to support them for years ) but at least he is supporting them ( so far as any of us know ). Don't have to live in LOS to not give a monkey's about your own children.

    Why does everyone put HIM down, when their mother is just as much to blame for their lack of English speaking skills, or do you all think it's HIS full responsibility?

    As for his lack of Thai language skills, I can understand that, as I've been trying for donkey's years to learn, but still rubbish. Just can't get my head around all the tonal stuff.

    As for the OP, perhaps he got irritable because he thought you were being judgemental or some other reason. If I were out for a day with my family, and some stranger started criticizing ( not saying you were intentionally doing that, but things often get misconstrued ) me, I would get pretty stroppy myself.

  23. While LOS tears itself apart ( in Bangkok and the deep south ) and looks set for greater instability, Britain seems to be edging towards recovery, but the baht remains below 50 to the pound! Just how bad does it have to get before the baht falls?

    Not that I'm hoping for more deaths etc, just for a more livable exchange rate.

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