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Posts posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Visited Pattaya Park the other day, and noticed a large hotel development next door that appears to have been abandoned mid build. There is also the very large concrete building near Alcazar on Second Road ( with the Sushi restaurant on ground level ) that remains mainly empty after at least a year.

    With the present very low level of tourists ( even for low season ), and the deteriorating world economy, rising air fares etc etc, are the new big developments ( Central Festival, the condo next to it, the new place currently building next to The Avenue ), and indeed The Avenue itself, destined to become "ghost buildings" like all those ones in Bangkok after the '97 crash?

    There are still loads of Asian tourists ,and that demographic is increasing as far as i can tell .The building next to the Avenue is going to be a high class Hotel by the way .

    If your "loads of Asian tourists" is referring to the ones that go around in huge tour buses, I have yet to see them shop anywhere other than Mike's Shopping Mall.

    Just what Pattaya needs, another high class hotel!

  2. Simplest cheap option:

    Take bus from North Road bus terminal direct to Bangkok South Bus Terminal. Go early.

    Find Hua Hin ticket office ( not that easy the first time ), plenty regular buses throughout the day. Food court nearby for breakfast.

    Once in Hua Hin, guest houses all over the place near the bus destination, or if you have booked ahead, it's really small, so can walk, or take a trishaw. The Tuk Tuks are rip off bandits.

    Thank you for the detailed reply. There are 2 options for Bangkok destinations at Pattaya North station: Ekamai and Morchit. I'm assuming Morchit is the south bus terminal you've mentioned. You mention "go early." Is this because there are infrequent buses or is it each 30 minutes like the Ekamai bus? How long is the travel from bkk to HH? Once in HH, how far on foot is the beach from the bus station? Thank you.

    No. Morchit is the NORTH bus terminal.

    Perhaps they've cancelled the 3rd option of the direct bus to the South Bus Terminal, but that's what I used last year. If that's so, there are various options. Personally, if I was on my own, I'd go to Ekamai, take the sky train as far west as it goes, then a taxi to the South Bus Terminal. If I was with someone else, I'd take a taxi from Ekamai, as it would work out about the same cost.

    There might be a connecting bus from Morchit, but I always get confused in that place, it's so huge.

    There's also the train option. The train station is just around the corner from the bus stop in Hua Hin. You can get sky train/ subway train direct to Hua Lumpong from Ekamai.

    I say go early, as it's a long day's travel, and you don't want to be getting to Hua Hin in the evening ( unless you've booked accomodation ). I think Hua Hin buses go every half hour.

    I think it was about 3 hours travel from Bangkok.

    The beach is no more than a 10-15 minute walk from the bus stop ( it's only a shop house ), but it's not a beach such as in Pattaya. There's no road along it. The big hotel occupies the entire beach in town, and condos/ hotels line the rest of it. There is only 1 major access to the main beach on the south of the town.

    Other than expensive places along the coast, all accomodation ( except a few places built over the water, next to the sea food restaurants ) is in the town, away from the shore.

  3. Visited Pattaya Park the other day, and noticed a large hotel development next door that appears to have been abandoned mid build. There is also the very large concrete building near Alcazar on Second Road ( with the Sushi restaurant on ground level ) that remains mainly empty after at least a year.

    With the present very low level of tourists ( even for low season ), and the deteriorating world economy, rising air fares etc etc, are the new big developments ( Central Festival, the condo next to it, the new place currently building next to The Avenue ), and indeed The Avenue itself, destined to become "ghost buildings" like all those ones in Bangkok after the '97 crash?

  4. Simplest cheap option:

    Take bus from North Road bus terminal direct to Bangkok South Bus Terminal. Go early.

    Find Hua Hin ticket office ( not that easy the first time ), plenty regular buses throughout the day. Food court nearby for breakfast.

    Once in Hua Hin, guest houses all over the place near the bus destination, or if you have booked ahead, it's really small, so can walk, or take a trishaw. The Tuk Tuks are rip off bandits.

  5. So much for Democracy. I'm getting out of here while the getting is good beforethey shut down the main airport in Bangkok. I certainly don't want to be stuck here during a Revolution should it come to that.

    Being selfish, I hope they do, so I have a reason not to go back to work ( and I'm having such a fun time ).

    Seriously, it's going to cause a lot of trouble for a lot of people that have nothing to do with any of it. That's what always happens when people stop talking and start fighting.

    If gatherings of 5 or more are banned, does that affect the bars???

  6. OMG that sign is so BRIGHT, at times IT IS BLINDING. Also it is just showing advertising, so what is the relevance to Walking Street?

    If that is an example of the new mayor's "better Pattaya", I dread to think of what is to happen to the place.

    It's probably there to give the stationary baht buses banked up along Beach Road something to watch. It had to be bright so they can watch it from as far back as Garden Plaza.

    You can actually see it from the north end of the beach, in daylight!

    It's got to be a scam.

  7. Hua Hin

    the songthaews only run about every 15- 20 minutes along the main road.

    the roads in town are 1 car wide ( no pavements ) and the locals try to kill you with their cars.

    there's hardly any bars with girls.

    the beach is even worse than Pattaya, and so encroached you can't walk along it at high tide.

    accomodation is more expensive.

    unless you have a vehicle, the 1 shopping mall is a long walk after the songtheaws stop running in the evening.

    there's no equivalent of Walking Street.

    the huge hotel right in the middle of the town is an eyesore.

    the tuk tuks are a rip off.

    the bus depot is a shop house, and has hardly any seating.

    there's nothing to do at night ( unless you walk miles to the mall ), except eat at restaurants, drink in a bar or go to the IT shop.

    I tried to think of something nice to say, but all I could think of is:

    has some nice seafood restaurants over the water.

    was able to buy a better sun hat than in Pattaya.

    Forgot to mention that the Railway Station is actually very picturesque. So 3 nice things, then

    Sunhats available from the tourist tat stalls on the access way to the beach. Much better than the ones available in Pattaya.

  8. Pattaya tourism is down 30% this year. Combine that with bad exchange rates, higher plane fares and costs back home and tourism is down. Not to mention it is the low season. Wish I was there, but very busy right now.

    Pattaya is still a pretty decent town. I love a town I can walk around in, easily hop on Baht bus pickups, easily hop on motorcycle taxis etc. Lots more to do in Thailand, but for a few weeks of easy going, Pattaya is pretty tough to beat in my opinion.

    Bad exchange rates! That's the understatement of the year!

    The pound dropped 2 bht in the week I've been here. The way it's going, we'll be back to pre '97 rates again, but with bht costs twice what they were then. Given I work for the British NHS, and my present income is worth LESS than what I earned back in '97 the future is looking bleak for me in Fun Town.

    Just as I was about to retire and move here, too. Bummer.

  9. Pattaya,Pattaya love it.

    Me too...just about when I was 8 years old:

    Sorry, it's an old postcard and my shaky hands, but should convey the idea:

    Was that taken from Pattaya Park tower? I was up there yesterday, and the view is amazing.

    It's only from that height one can realise that whatever the past, Pattaya is no longer about us farangs, as there is a vast city of Thai residents, and our little corner of it is just a speck in comparison. No wonder few signs bother to include English translation anymore.

    I was also up at the food fair north end of Beach Road, and not a single sign in English.

    I guess that we are becoming irrelevant to Pattaya, whatever we may like to think.

  10. And the last page has still got buggerall to do with the OP, just the cold, lonely, jealous and socially challenged beating their gums again.

    Very true, NanLaew.

    How quiet is it in Pattaya?

    I'll judge for myself in a few days.


    You'll be welcome. It really is very quiet.

  11. Hua Hin

    the songthaews only run about every 15- 20 minutes along the main road.

    the roads in town are 1 car wide ( no pavements ) and the locals try to kill you with their cars.

    there's hardly any bars with girls.

    the beach is even worse than Pattaya, and so encroached you can't walk along it at high tide.

    accomodation is more expensive.

    unless you have a vehicle, the 1 shopping mall is a long walk after the songtheaws stop running in the evening.

    there's no equivalent of Walking Street.

    the huge hotel right in the middle of the town is an eyesore.

    the tuk tuks are a rip off.

    the bus depot is a shop house, and has hardly any seating.

    there's nothing to do at night ( unless you walk miles to the mall ), except eat at restaurants, drink in a bar or go to the IT shop.

    I tried to think of something nice to say, but all I could think of is:

    has some nice seafood restaurants over the water.

    was able to buy a better sun hat than in Pattaya.

  12. My only gripe is with the title of the topic.

    I didn't find any mention of Pattaya in the article.


    Pattaya is briefly mentioned in the 3rd sentence but I agree it should belong in Travel or other topic rather than just Pattaya.

    Mods ? :o


    The article is clearly attacking Pattaya with it's reference to transvestite shows ( unless there are busloads already going to Phuket ), and making the case that Chinese tourists should visit OTHER destinations than Pattaya, so IMO it is a Pattaya related article.

    Bye the bye, IMO, the transvestite shows in Pattaya ( Alcazar and Tiffanys ) are top class.

  13. Pattaya, you either

    A Love it

    B Hate it

    C Grow out of it

    I grew out of it like a few of my amigos, but we all visit from time to time. A long term friend (20+ yrs) used to frequent regularly for naughtiness, he came back last month and was shocked at how downhill the product has gone and he got a ticket to the Philippines.

    After his trip he told me the Philippines had changed for the worst too, so it's not just Pattaya.

    I can tell you exactly when it started to get worse, and it was when toxin's right hand man puritanical destroyed Thailand's ( farang ) nightlife by imposing all sort of restrictions relating to opening hours, shows and ( un ) dress. I was in Pattaya when the Bangkok Police arrived en mass to "crack down" on Fun City. Never been the same since. Enjoyment factor down, petty crime rate up.

    Mind you, still better than anything in the great hypocrytical PC west, especially the UK. If you want to see real sleeze, go to Soho, where the clip joint reigns supreme.

  14. NO. I think this forum is a great place to share these stories. In my mind, it is extremly funny to listen to the stories.

    I enjoy my time in Pattaya, but it is always a good idea to remind folks, even long-stay folks, of the potential dangers of getting involved with these girls. (It is best to stay alone and not invite them in to take over your life or share your life).

    I have no mission...only to state that honesty is the best way to share opinions.

    I think there are people on here that feel as if they need to defend their lives here and their choices. (Perhaps, they are stuck in a bad relationship and cannot get out)???

    Anyway, the game is fun, if you know the rules. However, if you forget the rules of the game and get involved, then you may be one of the unlucky ones to get hurt down the road. I think you are reading about the truth from several posters, myself, postthai and cali and others who enjoy the fun and games, but have been lucky enough to keep these angels out of our lives on a full time basis.

    So, enjoy the entertainment and have fun. Just remember, it is a game and one should not engage in defending these ladies.


    So, pay the money, have your fun and move on quickly. A friend once told me that the #1 thing to remember in Pattaya is to

    change your ladies like you change your underwear, every day!!!

    Innovator, while true in many cases, definitely does not apply to all working girls.

    My first "proper" TGF was with me for 4 years and the last, 8 years. Neither of them was overly concerned with money, and never, ever asked me for any ( up to you ).

    On all my long stays ( when not with either of the former ) had the same TGF for 2-3 months. Of course, there was always the occasional "bad apple", but fortunately not often.

    I find the routine of trying to find a "new one" every night is really quite boring.

    Of course if you're blind drunk, or willing to go with anything, it really doesn't matter, does it!

    Beware if she is always on the phone speaking English, asks for more money than agreed/ advances on payment, needs to go away for the night to see mother/ sick friend etc. There's probably hundreds of warning signs in total.

    The best "rule", that I ever read was "don't spend what you can't afford to lose".

  15. Hmmm innovator have you ever been to a thai bg's room? Most share a room with 4/5 other birds....thats prob about 90% (thats the real reason they don't want to go to their room because lets face its not very nice when you share it with so many other ladies)

    Well said, I was about to say the same thing, when I saw your reply.

    My last TGF shared with 4 others, 3 slept in the bed and 2 on the floor ( assuming none of them got bought out for the night ).

  16. I would like to applaud Thailand for the "King requested" soft approach to solving the cause of the current political protests in Bangkok. The fact that there may be a few disruptions to train travel is a peaceful way of Thai workers showing support for the protesters. I fervently hope that it will remain non-violent! This type of protest in some 'third world' countries, like N. Korea or the U.S.A., would have already been snuffed out by mass arrests (by brutal force if resisted, or even imagined to be resisted). Homeland Security would assure them all a place to stay for many years and America would start filling those FEMA relocation compounds close to Washington.

    So, well done Thailand. Keep up the good fight for honest governance!!!


    Well said. Samak and his cohorts of the PPP (a reincarnation of the TRT) are/were just lackeys of boxhead. He came back hoping that some how he'd be able to control things from behind the scenes. For once, in this uncetain democracy, the courts stood up to somebody with seemingly unlimited power and he was sent packing. All of a sudden Samak and his cronies have had the the rug pulled from under their feet. The only legitimacy they've got is from that uneducated, missinformed, bribed rabble from the North East. The educated, middle class from Bangkok and the south don't want them there. They know that in the long run they won't do an ounce of good for this country. Abhisit is the real leader in waiting. The sooner we get rid of this bloody corrupt, incompetent lot the better it will be for everyone. Thaksin and his ilk have had their day. They were greedy beyond belief. Lets not forget that back in 2001 when boxhead won his fist election it was based on a bribe - one million baht to all villages up North. The second time around the threat went out that if those same people, who'd accepted the bribes, didn't vote TRT, then the bribes (loans) would be called in. Boxhead was back in power again. Being of greedy bloody chinese descent he, and his entourage, just couldn't help themselves could they. When they sold Shin corp, if they could've just done the right thing and paid a bit of tax, then that coup probably wouldn't have occurred. This whole bloody ongoing mess is of boxheads making, that's the reality. I've got alot of respect for the average Thai. The truth is they put up with a lot of shit because they're genuinely polite and descent people. But they've also got pride and when something gets to a point where it stinks - as this does - then they do something about it. Good on them, they've got my full support.

    Well said Megalithic, it's all about toxin, and till he's out of the picture for good this unhappy circus will continue to go round and round.

    While I do not know what life was like for the rural poor under the last Democrat Party Government, the PM Chuan Leekpai ( I think ), was, seemingly, widely respected and life certainly seemed ( from what I could see ) to be getting better for the average Thai. Definitely, there was little petty crime against farangs. Once toxin took over, it was pretty obvious that he was out to steal as much as he could from the country, using middle class tax money to bribe poor rural voters into keeping him in power, and using the courts to suppress any opposition ( it was all in the papers during that time. He was so overconfident that he didn't even shut down the press ). No wonder anyone that cared about Thailand was against him. Since he came to power and all the years since, Thais have been unhappy ( from what I can see ), and petty crime against farang has undoubtedly risen.

    Anyone supporting PPP is clearly supporting toxin, and a continuation of the plundering of Thailand.

    Incidentally, I doubt Thailand has ever had anything resembling a true democracy, but that does not give anyone the right to openly steal everything they can, just because they happen to be in government.

  17. Thai image needs boost in China

    Nouveaux riches opt for other markets


    Thailand should recreate its image among Chinese tourists in order to secure this market in the long run, say experts in the Chinese tour market.

    Today, the country's image among Chinese travellers is quite poor. It is plagued by low-quality travel agencies, which have put unattractive tour programmes such as transvestite shows on their itineraries.

    There are a lot of tourism destinations besides Pattaya to be promoted, such as Hua Hin, Koh Samui and Chiang Mai, said Shen Bo, the executive vice-general manager of the Shanghai Airline Tour International (Group) Co.

    If Thailand does not take this seriously, it is expected to lag behind other countries in drawing Chinese tourists and miss out on huge revenue, he said.

    ''Although the Thai government has tried to crack down on low-quality tour agents, the private sector has not co-operated with the authorities as expected,'' Mr Bo said.

    As a result, high-income Chinese tourists choose to go to developed destinations including the United States and Europe instead.

    Also, big wholesale travel agents in China are no longer selling Thai destination packages as a top priority. He said Chinese tourists were the main target group of many tourism operators because of their higher purchasing power.

    Most of them are middle-class and educated. Travel spending via travel agents in 2007 was recorded at US$1,435 per head on average.

    Most importantly, the Chinese government also encourages people to travel overseas by allowing them to travel in 134 countries. Asia is the most popular destination. In 2007, around 88.74% of all Chinese tourists chose to travel in Asia.

    According to Wang Xinjun, the managing director of Ivy Alliance Tourism consulting Co, the criteria for choosing a destination among Chinese depends upon attractiveness, expense, and leisure time. Travel agencies are the first choice to organise trips.

    Most consider the travel agency brand, an attractive itinerary, and good service before they decide on their trips.

    Travel agencies are also the first source of travel

    From todays Bangkok Post

  18. Could anyone recommend a good dentist in the Pattaya Klang area?

    My usual dentist has moved to the busiest part of Jomtien so looking for a new one.


    Modern Smile Dental. But really, you should do your own research dependent on the kind of work that is needed.

    Hmmm. The quote facility didn't work. Below is my contribution, TBL

    Just went there today. The directions in their website are rubbish, even the Thai hotel staff nearby couldn't work it out. It's on the right hand side looking towards Sukhumvit, before Carrefour Supermarket.

    Didn't actually need treatment after all, but certainly seem like nice people; didn't try to do unnecessary work. I'd be happy to go there for treatment.

  19. No one has the knowledge of what goes where so when they replace something they daren't cut the old wires cos they don't know what they are doing.

    Like all of Thailand, why don't they make the pavements once and do it properly instead of doing a half arsed job and having to re-do it every few years.

    Erm, in London ( SUPPOSEDLY first world ) they seem to dig up the same roads/ pavements every few weeks.

  20. Just took a walk along the walkway from soi 6 to Yamato. Although the trees have been butchered by people that know nothing of tree surgery, the trunks have been left and are regenerating at an amazing speed. Provided they do not fall prey to some terminal disease, due to ragged cutting, within a couple of years they should look OK again.

    Hopefully, the powers that be will leave them alone in the future.

    If they want to destroy some trees, there are a few palms obstructing the paved walkway that could be removed to the benefit of all.

    As for the walkway itself, almost all the grass has disappeared, and I'm sure the next rain will, once again, deposit sand all over the path. The cement surface is still broken in many places, there are many ugly broken light bases and lots of broken overhead lamp posts.

    If City Hall can't even sort out the most visible attraction of Pattaya Beach Road, they have no business promoting Pattaya as a "premier" tourist destination.

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