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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Gaza and the West Bank do NOT belong to israel. If you think it belongs to israel prove it- but you can't. The fight will go on as long as israelis oppress Palestinians and steal their land.
  2. The Palestinians live on their own land, yet you think they should go live somewhere else. That's a very strange attitude to have. It's almost like you think they have no right to live on their own land and should give it to someone else while going to live as a refugee in a different country. Is that what you are saying?
  3. Seems it is the opinion of a few posters on here that Palestinians are not actually human beings, so it doesn't matter how many of them get killed. I suspect that's the opinion of a few of netanyahu's cabal as well.
  4. which more likely than not Sooooo, you are not saying that they know if that's the case before dropping the bomb. How does it feel to support killing innocent children just because there MIGHT be some weapons in the building? Some interesting attitudes are being exposed on this forum. The israeli colluders are all for killing and killing and killing, with their endless excuses for indiscriminate bombing, while those that are opposed to israeli's genocidal assault on a defenseless population support peace.
  5. As Hamas is never going to be eliminated as long as Israelis oppress, collectively punish Palestinians and steal Palestinian land, expect to see them, or whatever organisation takes their place for a very long time. Israel has probably created a few million potential Hamas recruits with it's blatant atrocities in Gaza and the West Bank, that it's not even trying to hide. With every death of a Palestinian child, more hatred is bred in the hearts of Palestinians. Even if israel kills every male in Gaza and the West Bank, millions of Palestinians live outside israel's reach. Welcome to fear and the forever war for israelis. Nowhere on the planet will be safe for them, even inside fortress israel.
  6. Thanks. I'll have to see if my local supermarket sells dill pickles, but we don't have "kosher" anything where I live- no demand.
  7. I actually got the idea for lettuce on a hot dog from a Japanese movie. I just haven't got around to doing it before, but I'm inspired to now. I don't make my own burgers, but hot dogs are easy, and a pack lasts a while in the freezer.
  8. Thanks for the suggestions. I normally just go for the mayo, mustard ketchup, but sweet relish sound interesting, and I'm all in for sweet pickles ( as long as you mean a gherkin ). Good idea to include lettuce ( I grow my own ) as that should sort my healthy food requirements. My only problem here is that I can't get wholemeal bread rolls, and as I won't touch white bread I have to use a slice of wholemeal bread instead of a roll. No matter as just yum yum yummy anyway. I actually got hooked on hot dogs in Antarctica as I used to visit the American base a lot and they had them ( free of course ) available 24/7. I'd go over to watch a movie marathon and eat hot dogs- life just doesn't get better than that. In Thailand I loved the Dairy Queen hot dogs with Heinz hot dog relish, till they stopped selling them. I always took a few jars of the relish back to the UK. Sadly, can't find hot dog relish of any brand in NZ.
  9. I love hot dogs, always have, always will. I got this far without a heart attack, despite eating them for 50 years, so you are just making that up. Just reading this thread makes me want one right now, so to the freezer I go. Yummy.
  10. To the poster that gave me a confused emoji, do you think I should be forced to get something injected into my body that I do not want? Do you support dictatorship? Do you believe propaganda?
  11. He might have just lost the next election ( hopefully ).
  12. I worked in Saudi for years, and spoke Arabic, plus looked after hundreds of them, but I never heard “Allaha Akhbar” or “Allahu Akhbar” or “Bismillah nir Rahman nir Rahim”.
  13. It could be that they remind Arabs of their impotence against the crusaders, or they may like that Palestine is a running sore against israel.
  14. It's not, but it sure is doing that to the other side. Even now there is a chance for redemption, but if it ends the way I think netanyahu and his cabal want, I doubt israel will ever be regarded without disdain again by most.
  15. Given the israeli representative shredding the UN Charter, perhaps they should be given a divorce. I'd support every country that doesn't want to have the US veto everything setting up an alternate UN that doesn't have a security council or a veto, obviously not in the US. Then they could sanction israel as much as they like. The present one is useless at stopping conflicts anyway, so what use is it?
  16. Correct. We ( myself when I lived there ) have the right to comply with whatever idiocies the immigration office can dream up to make it harder to extend and stay, and to pay for the privilege of being jerked about. We have the right to support a wife/ gf and her family/ actual husband at great expense to ourselves till she kicks us out. We have the right to be charged more at national parks. We have the right to be scammed, etc etc etc.
  17. WOW!!!!!!!! Have to agree with you.
  18. Never unless a citizen, and no citizenship for illegals.
  19. I was responding to your chart detailing what Russia has lost, not going into a debate about what winning means.
  20. I agree. The writing on the wall has been visible for a long while now. Seems the woke and the luvvies have won and the west is doomed because of it. Any that speak sense now are shouted down and neutralised ( or should that be neutered? ).
  21. Hmmmmm. Seems that Ukraine's reputation as supremely corrupt are not without foundation.
  22. Denys Yaroslavskyi is a brave man to speak so blatantly against the regime. He can be posted to a less desirable position.......................................... Re the OP, is the narrative that the Russians are losing being discarded? I dare say no threads like this would have been on here a couple years ago.
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