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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers
Yummy. It's still food, even if not attractive at that stage, and it all comes out the same way as the finest chef prepared Cordon Bleu.
I haven't had abs for about 30 years ( I used to have some pretty good ones back then ). I can see where they would be if I had any, so does that count?
Unchecked Migration Threatens Britain's Social Fabric
thaibeachlovers replied to Social Media's topic in World News
Nice try but no cigar. https://www.google.com/search?q=were+the+ancient+greeks+aware+of+britain&client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=73778d81cd87c189&sca_upv=1&ei=rxRDZr7YGqPv2roP6bu9sA8&ved=0ahUKEwj-64eT0YyGAxWjt1YBHeldD_YQ4dUDCBA&oq=were+the+ancient+greeks+aware+of+britain&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiKHdlcmUgdGhlIGFuY2llbnQgZ3JlZWtzIGF3YXJlIG9mIGJyaXRhaW5IAFAAWABwAHgAkAEAmAEAoAEAqgEAuAEMyAEAmAIAoAIAmAMAkgcAoAcA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp What did the ancient Greeks call Britain? Albion Albion, the earliest-known name for the island of Britain. It was used by ancient Greek geographers from the 4th century bce and even earlier, who distinguished “Albion” from Ierne (Ireland) and from smaller members of the British Isles. The Greeks and Romans probably received the name from the Gauls or the Celts. -
No, and I said as much on this forum way back when Trump was only thinking about it. If it's a contest between 2 geriatric men with huge problems, mentally and physically, it behooves me to want the less deranged one to win, and more than anything else, I don't want Harris anywhere near the big chair.
Don't insult me. I was a nurse, not a health care professional. I never wasted 3 years of my life in university to get a piece of paper to be one. I did it the proper way by being a student nurse in a hospital. BTW, They would have sacked me as I refused to get Pfizer and it took ages to get the Astra version ( neither work though ).
My sense of humour is fine. I love the Goons. When you post something intended to be humerous, but which looks like it is meant seriously it's a good idea to include a hint that it is tongue in cheek, like a smiley. It's quite normal on here for the Trump haters to claim that he is going to destroy the planet. I assumed that your post was such.
They don't. They just hate the Dems enough to do so. Trumps sycophantic sucking up to israel is my only problem with Trump. Leaving that aside his policies are more aligned to what I'd like to see happen than Joe's. Crack down on illegals, end the Ukraine war, abandon the man made climate change BS and promoting EVs that are polluting to make and get rid of. Mainly not starting any more wars.
Rishi Sunak's Warning: The Crossroads Facing the UK
thaibeachlovers replied to Social Media's topic in World News
I'd feel happier about the tories demise if Starmer wasn't going to be the PM with his shower of a party. I'll never forgive labour for what they did under that vile warmonger blair. -
While I consider that a huge exaggeration, I meant that the response would be mega times more than anything done before. All Russia has to do is send hundreds of drones over the border to use up Ukraine's limited stock of anti air missiles, then more against little to no opposition to destroy Ukraine cities like never before. Escalation is a battle Ukraine will not win IMO. Putin has nothing to lose by really pounding Ukraine- what are they going to do- issue another arrest warrant?
Sorry if you are not capable of understanding the comparison. I'll spell it out for you. An oppressed people will always fight back by whatever means they can, and will never give up. The English ( equivalent israeli ) were too strong militarily for the Irish ( equivalent Palestinian ) to win, but they kept rebelling against the English till the English saw the light and made peace ( Good Friday agreement ). Do you realize approximately 250 years ago if the American rebels didn't have guns we would still be British? Strange thing to say. The Americans ( equivalent Palestinians ) fought against the better armed British ( equivalent israelis ) and won. Perhaps in the future history will repeat itself in Palestine.
It's not a good change though
It's certainly back and just as annoying as before on the left side obstructing the star that I click on to go to last post on a thread. It was on the right side before, but I guess that wasn't annoying enough.
Yes, I'd like to be able to disable it.
I'm missing out on nothing. I have zero reason to have one.
LOL. They are winning the propaganda war, which IMO was always the motivation for October 7. They set a trap for the israelis and netanyahu and his cabal walked into it like Pavlov's dog. They used to be able to oppress Palestinians and steal their land without any major world opposition. Now there are major protests all around the world and even students in top American universities are standing for Palestine. Israeli atrocities are in full view, and it's likely israel will go the way of apartheid in Sth Africa. They knew they'd lose the battle but that wasn't the objective. They want to win the greater prize- isolation of israel from civilised countries.
Unchecked Migration Threatens Britain's Social Fabric
thaibeachlovers replied to Social Media's topic in World News
Great referred to the size of it's presence on the planet. It has almost none outside of the British Isles now, apart from Diego Garcia and the Falklands.