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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Agree, and we have all the israeli atrocities on film. There will be no way for netanyahu and his cabal to claim it never happened.
  2. I'll send you to all the other posters that think it's OK to insult people. Welcome to my ignore list.
  3. I'd rather have a narcissistic sociopath as leader of the free world than a geriatric that can barely walk unaided, talks to dead people and has Harris waiting till he drops dead to take over.
  4. LOL. You and I have both been on this forum a long time. Surely you knew that I was living in Thailand for years? I suspect you know that nursing would not be a job available to farangs, even if I had wanted to be one in Thailand. Nurses are trained to know how to not infect patients, just as they are trained not to get infected by patients. It's basic nursing. Anyway, your point is pointless. As the vaccine does not prevent anyone becoming infected, vaccinated nurses would be as likely to be infected while looking after patients as a non vaccinated one. The vaccine mandate didn't just apply to nurses. It applied to loads of different situations. I was not allowed into a cinema without proof of vaccination, even though I might have been infected anyway.
  5. Excellent post. I know someone that thought he was dying after his Pfizer booster he was in so much pain. I only got covid AFTER I was vaccinated.
  6. If that is referring to the poster you quoted, I'll give you a for that.
  7. Indeed it can. It might not either. A week is a long time in politics, so who knows what will happen in the next 5 months? Either could die or be incapacitated, a full scale war might have broken out in the M E, nuclear winter may have descended over Europe; who knows. As usual, people will vote depending on the situation at the time of the vote.
  8. IMO you are being disingenuous. You must know that that is how Russia has always fought, and that they have far more men to send than Ukraine has available. Russia lost between 20 million and 40 million ( depending on the source ) in WW2, so they have a ways to go yet.
  9. I did. The NZ government was very tardy in obtaining it.
  10. Not unless they have been to university. I was trained on the job like an apprentice. You don't call a mechanic that did an apprenticeship a professional, do you?
  11. Pay attention please. I had long retired when covid arrived, and I already said on this forum that I'd have been sacked if i refused to take the Pfizer, which was the only vaccine on offer at that time. Many nurses were sacked for refusing, which didn't help the shortage of nurses.
  12. No one knows the future, so we have to go on past performance. He did better IMO than Biden has done, so I support him over Biden. At least he can walk unaided.
  13. A link supporting your claim is in order. I gave one to support mine.
  14. They probably thought the same way in the 1930s
  15. The best ever revenge by border states was sending as many illegals as possible to states that support illegal immigrants being allowed to enter the US. I'll bet those states never thought they'd be getting the immigrants in their own states. Remember what happened in Martha's Vineyard when a few showed up there.
  16. I'd say he gets a few million more votes just on that alone. Many citizens are sick to the back teeth of illegals being allowed to stay, let alone being allowed in in the first place.
  17. and yet they chose to walk, or hitch hike or suchlike all the way through Mexico to get to the US border. Seems like being a bit choosy to me. Could it be that Mexico doesn't give them as many freebies as the US is expected to?
  18. I really, really hope his handlers can't talk him out of debating Trump. Without his teleprompter he'll be doomed, doomed I say. Perhaps sometime in the near future he will come out and say he needs a hearing aid ( so they can tell him what to say during the debate ).
  19. IMO Trump's pick for VP is the most important thing for his success in November. If he makes a mistake it will likely cost him the W H. Let's remember a certain GOP candidate that picked the wrong VP candidate and what happened to him. I liked her personally, but as a future VP, was just not going to happen. It's a pity that Pence is most likely not in contention. I thought he was an excellent VP.
  20. On that, I agree 100%.
  21. That's what you get when you live in the Washington bubble for most of your life- a refusal to accept reality? Do I want Trump to win- only if Biden/ Harris are his opponents. So long as they are, I'm all in for a Trump victory in November. I don't know how the Dems machine can accept a man that can apparently barely walk without falling over, can't speak without a telepromter, and looks as presidential as a soggy small dog. America's enemies must be rooting for him to win for all they are worth, while having a laugh in at his latest misadventure. He's certainly alienating once upon a time allies in the Middle East, and his relationship with China is heading only downward.
  22. Way to go USA. Give an organisation that is hated and despised by most Palestinians even more power. What a great idea, NOT.
  23. This requires deft diplomacy and a nuanced understanding of the region's dynamics. LOL. IMO America has shown time and time again that it has no clue about Arab "dynamics". Time and time again it has gone in trying to impose something on them, and it has failed every time. It imposed israel on Palestine in 1948 and what a disaster that has been ever since.
  24. Unless Kirby is just saying what he is told to, he is a <deleted> IMO. So long as israel oppresses Palestinians and steals their land the opposition will continue, if not by Hamas, by a more ruthless organisation. Such is human nature. Had the US forced israel to accept a two state solution before israel stole too much of the West Bank, it would likely never have come to the present fiasco. I put the blame squarely on America for it, as they are the only ones that could force israel to accept the 2 state solution without them losing a major war ( and the present conflict is not a war- a war is between 2 evenly matched combatants, IMO ).
  25. Seems you make the mistake of thinking that Thailand was some sort of Utopia in the past. Not so. Anyone been in Thailand for over 30 years knows that. It may have been better for us farangs, but there has always been crime and violence. Just read up about the university students getting shot and such like.
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