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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Thanks for the link, but like it says it's far more likely that he is saying it to rile up the luvvies than actually going to be a "dictator". Some people are just far too gullible when it comes to Trump- TDS run amok. I see nothing about secret police, concentration camps and gas chambers in the article. Seems more than a few have been fooled by the fear propaganda- ooooh, Trump is gonna get you BS etc. As for “We’re going to come after the people in the media who lied about American citizens, who helped Joe Biden rig presidential elections,” said Kash Patel", sound fair to me. Those IMO muckrakers have been trashing Trump since before he became president and a bit of pay back is deserved.
  2. Yes. Bottle beach was a case in point. It was supposed to have started as a hippie hang out, but when I went it had an ugly concrete hotel right in the middle and a derelict resort a ways along the left side looking at the sea. Flashpackers have ruined every decent beach in LOS with their demands for AC and hot water and cable tv etc. in concrete rooms.
  3. Used to be that you couldn't land on the beach, at least when I was taken there as part of a day trip to Phi Phi. Sounds like that restriction has ended. It's not even the same beach as in the movie as they took a load of trees there for the movie and removed them after, and of course the cliffs were computer generated.
  4. Thank you for the reply and likewise to the poster before you. I only flew biz on the 747 twice, when upgraded. I had no complaints. Perhaps they shouldn't make it too luxurious as if there is a problem people moan and bitch about it. If people want a bed in a plane, first class would be the appropriate area IMO.
  5. There is nothing to say that that photo is related to any Palestinian supporter. You could have found that from something completely unrelated. In fact it probably is nothing to do with the Gaza protests as he guy is not a Palestinian supporter. You made a basic error with that photo.
  6. A better option than sending bombs to Gaza to blow up thousands of kids.
  7. I wasn't aware that the topic related to Thailand . Soooo, you contend that women are so easily swayed that they just say yes to no condom even if they want the man to wear one. Geee wizzzz, what happened to feminism and girl power? There is also the religious fruitcakes who frown on any form of contraception. Those sort of women don't have abortions.
  8. Maybe not you, but Thai owners of restaurants, hotels, guesthouses, bars, night clubs etc all do want that sort of foreigner there.
  9. Most normal men want to get a leg over an attractive girl, which normally means under 30, but in western countries an old guy will never get that opportunity, unless famous or rich, so if it means hopping a plane to LOS, so be it. If that's being a pervert, bring it on. What sort of loser wants to bonk a granny?
  10. In Thailand it is perfectly normal for a an old foreign man to have sex with an ex impoverished 3rd world Thai peasant ( girl ). Normal is when something happens millions of times over 50 or more years. The girl is an ex impoverished 3rd world Thai peasant, as she has been minting it from all her temporary farang boyfriends and is now a rich 3rd world Thai peasant ( girl ).
  11. LOL, in Thailand nothing is a simple as what is written. Given that most of us don't read Thai, a translation may only give part of the truth, or not be the correct truth. As I found out, what is written is not necessarily as it is in reality. In general, the law is what the official on the spot decides it should be. While the translations say 15, in reality, depending on a myriad of circumstances it may not be 15. If I were going to be bonking a 15 year old in Thailand ( I never would have, but that is beside the point here ), I'd be making sure that the entire extended family, and the local plod were OK with it, before even being alone with said temptress. I suspect the girl is looking for a new i phone and such like, and I know what the man is wanting, but sometimes, a trap is so glaringly obvious that the fly should just not go there.
  12. You are entitled to not be entertained. I think it's rather entertaining that a country that has visited so much destruction and death on so many countries ( Chile comes to mind ) is tearing itself apart over a bombastic entertainer.
  13. No, because unless the judge is dumb he knows what is likely to happen if he actually jailed Trump. Does he want to be responsible for it?
  14. It's posts like that that make me hope Trump wins.
  15. BS. They had the choice of not having sex without contraception. Perhaps you are claiming they were all forced into it by bad men. Pathetic.
  16. You are sooooooo funny. Apparently you actually believe that a few people wandering around the congress building and an even smaller number having a tag game with the cops was a serious attempt to seize power. Where were the tanks and the soldiers then? They must have been hiding really well, as no one saw any of them. You've been around long enough to know what an actual coup looks like, but continue to spout the BS that that was a coup attempt. I thought you were better than that.
  17. That will be decided by 12 people that you are not part of.
  18. I'm so glad I never put you on ignore as I always get a kick out of you pretending to know stuff when you are just guessing and accusing other posters of not knowing stuff. You accuse me of trolling, but if I was I could never match your expertise in that category.
  19. Same old seats that were entirely adequate when I flew with Thai. Some people apparently just like to complain if they feel the staff have not grovelled enough.
  20. What's the BS about seats not converting to beds? Since when did THAI biz class have beds? Certainly not when I went Biz class. Did all the seats not recline or was it a problem with just his seat? If it was with all, I think there would have been way more than one complaint. I certainly never had a problem with THAI. Better than Air NZ or British Airways, IMO.
  21. It's interesting that the guys that are all for the war against Russia choose to post on here rather than volunteer to go fight for Ukraine. Perhaps they'd rather other people do the fighting while they stay safe behind their keyboard.
  22. Obviously not from the western propaganda/ fear media.
  23. What is all the money wasted on weapons for Ukraine if not "doing something"? Are you volunteering to join the Ukrainians and go fight for them, or is it up to other people to do the fighting and dying for you?
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