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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Good luck finding an equivalent of the Thai bar scene in Malaysia.
  2. Apparently there is a spare 3 billion quid available to send to Ukraine every year, according to a thread on the Ukraine subforum. Seems bullets for Ukraine more important than providing for retired citizens.
  3. Are the tories trying to lose the next election? Britain's apparently broke, but they can find that sort of money every year. Something smells of lies.
  4. I don't know about being a psychopath, but I reckon he's very scared of going to jail once the fighting stops- not for the war, but for the crimes he committed before October 7.
  5. BS Israeli forces shot and killed a truck driver- was he trying to steal the food? https://www.ntnews.com.au/news/world/at-least-one-driver-killed-and-several-people-injured-in-attack-on-aid-trucks-in-gaza-city/video/a2c19817619babaf533dabfdc73a5280
  6. IMO the biggest threat to Europe is Macron.
  7. Thai bargirls like deep fried bugs as snacks. I guess it's an acquired taste. Insects are apparently nutritious. Anyone familiar with the movie Brazil will understand if I say that a plateful of cooked bugs might be served up under a picture of a yummy steak or lasagna meal.
  8. That depends on how much they despise the Dems, which is a lot. If they can vote for him after the Billy tapes they can vote for him after Roe vs Wade.
  9. IMO there is a yawning gulf between real democracy and the US political system, but IMO that applies to all western countries. Switzerland comes closest with their referendums.
  10. No body was saying that it should be done without a trial first.
  11. Is that code for "without a teleprompter"?
  12. It's amazing that that man is even considered as a potential POTUS for 4 more years. Just because he has failed on the US southern border, it's no reason to demand that Japan invites the unskilled and alien in.
  13. As long as we continue popping out humans like there is no tomorrow, the more likely there will be no tomorrow for the human race, IMO. IMO the spiral to oblivion started when the human population passed 3 billion.
  14. While I do not question the consensus, IMO the chance that phasing out coal will do anything to stop temperature rise is ZERO. I've read that even if we stopped using all forms of CO2 emitting fuel tomorrow it won't change the situation an iota, and I believe that too. Perhaps it's time the human race stopped destroying the environment we live in and shuffled off to join the dinosaurs in history.
  15. I agree, but if he backs down on israel the israeli lobby will probably crucify him and if he keeps supporting israel he likely loses millions of votes and the election. Trump must be picking out the furniture for the W H already.
  16. Your like has been answered on one university at least. I'm unable to copy paste from the site. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/30/us/brown-divestment-deal.html
  17. IMO not shrinking enough. Too many people is destroying the environment. We need to get back to 1950 level of population to be able to support everyone properly.
  18. Only of educated people. The less educated are having loads of kids because they get paid for each one. AI robotics means we don't need lots of people any more. it's not 1924. All the intelligent people that lose their jobs to AI robotics can get work in the aged care sector- it's going to be a while before they get androids to do that job.
  19. I've said it many times that civilizations rot from within before they fall, and IMO western civilization is as rotten as the Roman Empire before the barbarians took over. Does anyone think the Victorians would have tolerated a load of illegals crossing the Channel on leaky boats and expecting a welcome on arrival?
  20. Simple- overpopulation. Millions and millions more wanting the same things and not enough for all.
  21. It's all going to change in the next few years as AI robotics takes over low skilled jobs, and then high skilled jobs. All those bodies will still be there and will be on the dole as low skilled workers will have nothing an employer needs. It's like the numpties in charge don't keep up with new developments in technology.
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