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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I've always understood that a female's intelligence was in inverse proportion to her breast size. Perhaps that's why so many men like women with huge bras.
  2. Well that was 10 minutes and 20 seconds of my life wasted. You are such a joker. Keep 'em coming as I need the laughs.
  3. Seems I remembered wrong about it being GM. Still my dream car though. I can't copy paste from it but https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrysler_Valiant_Charger and https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=todd+motors+nz#ip=1 Todd Motors were the NZ Chrysler distributors. Todds assembled Chrysler Valiants at their plant in Wellington between 1963 and 1979. The NZ assembled Chryslers were generally identical to the Australian versions with a few variations. They featured different NZ made interior trim and stiffer suspension settings to cope with the sometimes winding, mountainous NZ roads. There was some export models that were sold in NZ that were not seen in Australia.
  4. Agree. I'll take someone that is interesting and sees more in life than spouting BS in the pub over someone who has a degree but is boring and a sheeple. The intelligent people in my life also know BS when they see it, so are not sucked in by such silliness as man made climate change, multiple genders or PC, etc.
  5. My dream car, sigh, was a GM Charger ( not the US <deleted> version ), but the one made in Oz. V8 utopia. My partner had a Torana that looked much the same, but only a straight 6.
  6. I'm told that such is available by jumping on a plane to Switzerland. I have not checked out the price, but it may be my exit in the future.
  7. I want to wake up, but I'd also like to be able to afford a Dr that gives me more than 10 minutes every 6 months and actually fixes my medical problems. Neither affordable on a pension.
  8. Probably. Loads of AV actresses that look young and dressed young too, but in their mid 20s.
  9. I forgot to mention that I'd be exclusively eating at maid cafes. Those are the stuff of dreams. Otaku guys really have it made, IMO. If I have the chance to be reincarnated as anybody I choose, I'm coming back as an Otaku in the early century, before it all got too commercialised. Maid cafes and anime would be my dream fulfilled. Did you know that AKB48 that you like was created for Otaku? It's become an industry worth millions ( if not billions ) of US$.
  10. Depends on what you mean by "touch" . Of course an arm around ( for a price ) might be OK, but a happy ending I doubt. Japan has a sex industry that would blow any of our minds, but the cost is more than most would be willing to pay. If I won Lotto, I might indulge in a once in a lifetime event, but for the rest of my life it would be Thai girls. They may not be particularly adventurous in bed but better than most westerners will ever know.
  11. I'm pretty sure they are Japanese ( or Korean ). Not Thai though.
  12. For a ( rather expensive ) cost you could make your very own porn movie with as many young maidens as you like. However, not all of them will have sex with foreigners. Not to worry, seems like being an AV actress is quite common, so sure to be a few willing ones. Contact any AV agency for a day ( or two ) that you will never forget.
  13. You can look, but don't even thinking of touching. Such activity would get them thrown out of the group- they ain't allowed boyfriends even. Fans are allowed to have photos taken with them, for a price. I'd like to attend a Love Live concert, 40,000 fans waving glow sticks. They even cater for foreigners to attend.
  14. I'd like to win large on Lotto, and wait for all the people that haven't been my friends to suddenly remember what a great guy I was. I'd have a laugh track on my phone to play when they rang me up and suggested that as I was so rich I could help them out. Seriously, I'd like to help out worthy causes, but anonymously. I'd go on an extended tour of Thailand and help out where help was needed. Of course the very first thing I'd have done would be to hop on a plane to LOS, and never going back.
  15. Unless we were in the room I don't think we can rely on women regretting past actions to necessarily tell the entire truth. Perhaps an edited version. I did a first aid course back in '92 and on the post course booze up I was astonished at the behaviour of some of the women on the course with the instructors. Basically they were all over them like a rash and it may have led to some shennanigans later. Had they ( or one ) then claimed that the men/ man did something "bad" who could disprove it, though IMO it would have been them to blame? Unfortunately courts seem to believe women over men. That wasn't the last time I saw a woman behaving badly and a man being blamed by the ( female ) cop that turned up.
  16. Every time I think about her ( I try not to but she's like a bad small and keeps coming back ) I thank the deity that she wasn't elected. I don't care who defeated her, but IMO a rock would have done a better job.
  17. I wasn't talking about Steven. Your post is irrelevant.
  18. Sounds like China and America are behaving in the same way, though from opposite sides.
  19. Some explanation of your post is in order, or are we supposed to believe you just because you say it?
  20. I read that first on here. It might be that Biden is so far gone mentally that he actually thinks he can win in a debate without a teleprompter. I doubt it will happen, but IMO it'll be watched by billions if it goes ahead.
  21. I posted as much a while back when I saw him using his wife as a crutch on tv.
  22. That would only be important if his opposition was any better.
  23. BIDEN IS LESS POPULAR NOW THAN NIXON! Read it and weep, all you Biden lovers. I'm counting down to president Trump's inauguration. https://nypost.com/2024/04/27/us-news/biden-least-popular-president-in-70-years-below-nixon-carter-gallup-poll/ Biden, 81, notched a dismal 38.7% job approval rating for the first quarter of 2024, the venerable Gallup Poll found in a survey released Friday, three points lower than that of the one-term George H.W. Bush at the same point in his presidency. “With about six months remaining before Election Day, Biden stands in a weaker position than any prior incumbent,” the pollsters concluded.
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