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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. No, it's not. It's the best advice I was ever given, speaking as a divorced from a "Thai that wanted me to buy her a house" man.
  2. You use the "quote" box at the bottom of a post. I'm confused by what you are saying. Far as I understand it from the other posters, if her condo is in the Thai quota, you have to sell, unless you can get it transferred into the farang quota. Perhaps you need to consult an actual expert on such things, and get it in writing. Anyway, unless she is older than you, or is dying of some disease, are you not being somewhat hasty. If she is your girlfriend, as opposed to a wife, it may happen that you are no longer her boyfriend, and she will change her will. I don't even understand why she would will her condo to you, unless you bought it for her, and that's a trap many a poster on here knows all to well, at their detriment.
  3. It puzzles me that a non politician ( in 2015 ) got it right more than a long serving member of congress. One thinks that HRC should have been more in touch with common people, but I guess living in a bubble long enough and they think they are so special they should win- just because. Now it's happening again. Trump is more in touch with the people than a man that lived in the bubble so long. Perhaps that's why so many Americans hate Washington.
  4. Do try and get it right. Trump has not been convicted of being a coup plotter, so why would he be in jail? They have 91 or something cases against him but so far no criminal convictions. Get back to us when he does. You don't seem to understand what American democracy is. Did you miss that at school? If Trump gets elected according to the constitution that is constitutional democracy. If you don't like the constitution, get it changed. Stopping Trump running without a criminal conviction would not be democracy- that's what they do in places like Russia. Locking Trump up without a criminal conviction would be the rule of law going down the drain.
  5. Hillary was never president. What are you wittering about?
  6. I suppose you believe polls too. It's rather a long time till November- plenty of time to do a lot of stuff, like raising money.
  7. I have to assume that you added the part about voting for Biden, as no self respecting Republican would actually want Biden in charge as he is IMO everything they must hate. If you didn't I'd have to assume it's made up fake news. PS I'm not surprised to see Bolton on the list as he was ( is ) an idiot, IMO.
  8. Excellent idea. Can you give me his e mail address and I'll get right on it. We need more contributions like that on the forum. keep 'em comin'.
  9. If the French back down on this it'll only get worse. They need to enforce it even if they have to expel every student of any religion that refuses to abide by school rules.
  10. We've been told for months that Hamas has hundreds of miles of tunnels, connecting all of Gaza, yet now we are supposed to believe that they won't use the tunnels to escape Rafah. Someone is taking the michael, and it ain't Hamas. Israeli propaganda needs to get better than that if they are going to be taken seriously. 555555555555
  11. We already know it's not fair. Why else are there huge demonstrations in support of the Palestinians? Israel has already lost the support of most ordinary people. Only their "leaders" support israel's genocide. I look forward to the elections, when the colluders in genocide get the boot. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/3/26/un-expert-accuses-israel-of-several-acts-of-genocide-in-gaza UN expert accuses Israel of ‘genocide’ in Gaza
  12. LOL. Do you actually think such a thing is possible? Israel has the most powerful military in the region, and the US would step in if Iran tried to invade. IMO the idea that israelis could be "driven into the sea and slaughtered" is ludicrous and just bad propaganda trying to justify an impossible to justify slaughter of Gazans.
  13. I'm with you on that. I've basically given up on Al Jazeera as it is just more Palestinian death and destruction every day, and it just sickens me that the leaders of the so called free world do nothing to stop it. South Africa and a few other western aligned countries have spoken up, but what can they do against the US and the colluder in chief, Biden? All I can do is hope that America runs out of bombs to send before they are all dead.
  14. It's not and never will be a "war". It's just slaughter, IMO.
  15. That's likely because people that are not israeli apologists realise it was caused by decades of israeli oppression and land theft. Despite their wishes, October 7 was not the start of this conflict.
  16. It's good to see a sensible post. Just be prepared for the attacks for not supporting israel.
  17. Yes, that would be stupid, but he may decide that NATO doesn't want WW3 over a few planes and do it anyway.
  18. Great. Bring it on. While you and I agree on many things, Trump is where we part ways. I just can't stand the idea that Harris may be POTUS by this time next year, and it looks like Trump is going to be the only candidate for the GOP, so it'll be on him to stop her. ( obviously I don't have much faith that Biden will last much longer than the ceremony if he wins ).
  19. Hmmmmm, wonder who is going to be maintaining them. Norway can donate all the F16s it wants if they can't be fixed, and it probably takes longer to train the guys that keep them flying than it does to cross train pilots to fly them. I wonder if they'll try and sneak some Norwegian mechanics in. Plus, they require lots of spares, so is Norway donating them as well? Can't fly if a part is broken. Computer systems? I have no doubt F16s have lots of computerisation, so do they have the specialists for them, also such as communications, weapons, protection systems. Are the runways fit for purpose? It's never as simple as just handing over the keys and waving the planes goodbye. BTW, all Russia has to do is send a missile or 50 to damage the runways before they land. Can't land one if there are a few potholes. It's not like they can build dozens of runways and they can't be disguised under a couple of cammo nets. I could be wrong, but IMO this may turn out to be Leopard tanks version 2. Never mind, just keep taking the pills and it'll all be over soon enough.
  20. I can only assume you are baiting me and so I will not continue this silly exchange. Bye.
  21. This isn't a war, which is between two sides capable of attacking and defending themselves. This is just a slaughter of a captive population that is trapped and helpless.
  22. Fight to the death implies all the enemy have died. A winner is normally decided when one side surrenders or negotiates, but Hamas is unlikely to surrender. Paradise awaits the martyrs and all that. So, if Hamas does not surrender or negotiate, and it's likely they will not, at what point will israel "win"? It's highly unlikely all would be killed, as they have about a million probably willing to join them.
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