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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. If old enough he can get them based on retirement. My Non O was obtained based on marriage, but I always extended based on retirement. If currently extending based on marriage probably a good idea to get one based on retirement BEFORE getting divorced.
  2. Don't find another woman and marry her. Just have a good time till you don't, then move on. Fixed it for you. For the OP, if you can get her to agree to an uncontested divorce get to the amphur office ASAP. If married it may affect your pension. You have to be both present at the amphur.
  3. That puts me in two minds. On the one side having a DDG teenager sounds appealing, provided I pass over before she got bored with me, and on the other hand I'd have to be mad to marry a teenager.
  4. Using them referred to the money, not a person. I never got any thanks for the work I did for her and her family, even if they asked me to do it, at my own expense. If I could do it over, I'd never go live near them, and I'd never do anything for them. They were the cause of my divorce as they sabotaged me with her. Before we moved to the village we were both happy.
  5. You both have to be present at amphur and it cost about 20 baht when I did it. To go to family court costs a lot of money and lawyers. Amphur requires no lawyers as long as both prepared to agree on any division of property. Children would complicate things. You can do nothing, but if on a pension it may affect how much you get. After a couple of years she can go to court and get a divorce based on abandonment. You should do everything you can to avoid using a lawyer.
  6. I could live with the downside if I could get that on a regular basis. Perhaps the Australian mines provide a more stable life pattern. Loads of money and a short flight to Thailand.
  7. I'm sorry it has come to this. I promised to never put you on ignore, but that doesn't mean I have to reply to your one track circular posts. You lied twice about me and no apology, so I will not be replying to any post from you without a specific point to make in future.
  8. IMO if James wins it's the end of any hope for biological females to have success in any sport that has men identifying as women participating.
  9. I should hope so. Are they providing an autonomous robot that can rescue people adrift at sea? IMO if a ship passes by a shipwrecked crew adrift, the ship owners would be guilty of breaking a few "laws of the seas". What happens in the event that an incident prevented communication with home base? IMO some humans are despicable in their desire to make more profit.
  10. Have you been smoking something mind altering? I said that you were lying when you state as a fact that I flunked science ( which you have no way of knowing and it's wrong anyway ) and you deflect that to my opinion on man made climate change. The alternative, IMO is that you are actually a badly programmed argue bot.
  11. You are wrong there. I can think of a few that IMO are guilty of a few or more. Unfortunately they escaped without being charged.
  12. You are entirely welcome to post your opinions, but when you tell a porky as a fact, without as much as an IMO, you are lying.
  13. I see that you are stating as a fact that I flunked Science back in the day. Given that you have no way of knowing that, I say that you are, again, lying.
  14. For all your warbling on about man made climate change, you have provided nothing that would convince me that you know what you are talking about. If it gets a bit warmer in NZ I'll be very happy about that.
  15. I can't speak for him, but IMO pollution is bad as it causes health problems and litter is unsightly. So, reducing pollution is a good thing as long as it isn't politicised, and claimed that it's to save the planet.
  16. Leaving out the police, I hope you are referring to the recruitment process for the special forces. When I joined up it was when Vietnam was on and as long as one could walk and speak English we were in. The service was chocka with mini Hitlers, which was why I took my very expensive training and departed the service, 11 years later. I even had to be transfered to a different unit for my last few months as the SM in charge of my unit was bullying me too much. Perhaps it's different in a peace time service, but the last time I looked the NZ military was hemorrhaging men.
  17. I'm sure you know why, but just in case, IMO it's because sucking up to netanyahu didn't go down well with the substantial Muslin element in Britain.
  18. I am aware of the alternatives to military jail having had CB myself, which is why I included an assuming in "Assuming that they were in a military jail" Guys like that don't need to tell lies about what happens on active service, so if they said it was necessary it was.
  19. In NZ we don't have political parties that inflict 91 court cases on an opponent to try and keep them out of politics. IMO every time they try some more political BS on Trump it just makes him more popular. Next.
  20. If it was your opinion you should have said so when you accused me of being a Putin supporter. So, you were lying. No surprises there.
  21. but he'll become more popular, and he'll get to live in the White House and have the tax payer feed him.
  22. LOL. did anyone get shot yet? IMO the headline is erroneous. To feel like Nazi Germany there would need to be Brown Shirt storm troopers rampaging through the streets, and there is nothing like that.
  23. I just checked but apparently he hasn't made it yet. I'll be sure to read the reviews after. I can agree with you that if he doesn't do well it's probably fat lady singing time.
  24. If the "government" takes his assets off him he'll just use it to become even more popular. It'll be a classic case of Biden assets using their power to try and suppress a political opponent. There is always the option of declaring bankruptcy, and using that to lambast the opposition with. In either option, Trump gets more popular and she doesn't get anything.
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