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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Climate change is not a problem, it is a natural event. What is also, IMO, indisputable, is that there is nothing we can do to change it. efforts to mitigate the warming will increase. IMO those efforts should have started about 50 years ago and involved stopping the human race overbreeding itself into extinction. There are simply too many people on the planet and nothing is going to stop us continuing to overpopulate the planet short of extinction, IMO, which means that the world will simply become too polluted to support human life. So one way or the other, we humans, IMO, will, in the words of Monty Python, cease to be.
  2. You can't prove that it's hot because I drive an ICE car. Nor can you expect me to stop doing so. Yes climate change happens, always has always will, so what? If you actually believe that we can do something about it I have a number of bridges for sale, barely used. The best saying I ever heard, and which applies in all situations is "<deleted> happens". Do you own a company that makes electric cars or windmills? Sure seems like it.
  3. So what? Are you saying we should stop using any oil based motivation from today? Do you even understand how many ICE vehicles there are on the planet, how many ships, how many planes? For someone that purports to be in the forefront of space exploration, you seem to be lacking in comprehension of reality on the ground.
  4. I'm suggesting that I'm not a peasant because of industry, and I'm glad for it. Oil companies don't pollute the atmosphere, they just provide the means to do so by the billions that use oil consuming engines. Perhaps you'd rather we rode horses, and you'd have to use a sailing ship to get to LOS
  5. Ever wonder why politicians financed by oil companies ignore the changing climate? No. I'm sure it's because they know there is nothing that can be done about it, so why bother. However, I do wish they'd stop using single hulled tankers and stop polluting 3rd word countries.
  6. I'm all for reducing pollution and building more public transport, but I have zero belief that anything we do now will change the climate. It's simply too late to do so.
  7. Without fossil fueled engines you'd be a peasant working for a Lord of the Manor, and never able to go further from your village than you could walk or go faster than a horse could gallop. Have some gratitude that you live in an age of fossil fueled engines.
  8. It doesn't say that they stopped using fossil fueled sources, or that every vehicle runs on hot air generated by wind farm enthusiasts. I gave that post a laugh emoji.
  9. LOL. The only way to stop the warming is to actually do something about it. So far zilch, zero , nada, nothing. I do not consider imposing taxes or carbon credits ( which are IMO a gigantic scam ) to be "doing something".
  10. LOL. The other ones cost way more. IMO it was a way to get richer, not to save the planet. 55555555555.
  11. Is it antisemitism or anti israel/ zionist? I'm certainly not anti Jews as I have Jewish friends, but I'm pretty sure most on here know my view of israel/ zionism.
  12. Not just Muslims think Gaza is a crime against humanity and will vote accordingly.
  13. That's IMO like saying the sun rises in the east. I have no doubt that Gaza is going to be the motivating factor in any election a Muslim votes in from now on. Sunak may ( hopefully ) come to regret being so speedy to suck up to netanyahu.
  14. A military without a war is a pointless organisation. Even more importantly, without a war there is no chance for the officers to get medals and advance their careers. I was in a military both during a time of war and a time without. The time with a war was in a military with purpose and a mission, but after it was over and it became a peace time military it was not a "happy" place to be as it slowly rotated into the dark orifice, and I was not unhappy to be bidding it goodbye. While the first part of the experience was rewarding, I never regretted leaving what it became.
  15. I gave that a thumbs up. I only have to add that while this war will end ( hopefully the GOP will not cave on wasting even more billions on this farce and they will just run out of bullets and be forced to negotiate ), there will be another, and after that another. There is too much money to be made in death and destruction for the 1% to give it up.
  16. Fair enough. I did volunteer to go, but in retrospct I'm glad I didn't. I learned many years after that it was not a "good war" to participate in. Since then I don't believe in any wars at all, and IMO they are all "bad". The world has had too many grieving widows and fatherless children, and it's almost always for BS reasons, WW1 IMO being the biggest example of a war over BS. The only recent wars that were "good" IMO were WW2 and the Korean war. The rest are IMO about money, or oil.
  17. While I have some sympathy for such a bill, I can't imagine it will survive any longer than it takes to be heard in the SCOTUS. It's come to this, that it's going to be up to individual land owners to do what the government of the US should be doing. The US is indeed broken, IMO.
  18. Nah. IMO it's anything that's liberal stupidity. There is nothing wrong with being liberal, but sometimes they just go too far. I wouldn't care, but when they expect everyone else to go along with their stupid druthers it's a problem for people that don't accept 24 genders or such like nonsense.
  19. Indictments mean zero when they are IMO politically inspired theatre, and have not been proven in a court of law, and none of the convictions are of criminal acts ( or he's be in jail ) but you know that already.
  20. They'd be barking to give Biden a chance to look good, however slim. They want to get rid of him, not support him. Biden took 3 years to create the disaster on the border, so a few more months isn't going to make much difference. It also allows Texas to bus thousands more illegals to states/ cities that support illegal immigration, like New York or Chicago. I heard on Al Jazeera that Texas is planning to send thousands in the spring, just in time for the Democrat Convention. LOL.
  21. Nonsense. He could own every branch of government but any change to the constitution has to be voted on by the states as well. I wish all you guys that wobble on about Trump changing or getting rid of the constitution checked before writing rubbish. https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/the-constitution/ An amendment may be proposed by a two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress, or, if two-thirds of the States request one, by a convention called for that purpose. The amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the State legislatures, or three-fourths of conventions called in each State for ratification.
  22. That's not correct. I can only speak for myself but I accept that Trump is everything said about him, except the BS about him being a "threat to democracy" which is a hater made up nonsense, and I still want him to win and give the Dems a good kicking, as they deserve it, and Trump is the only one, IMO, that is able to do it. This time next year, I hope to be cheering him on as he deals to the Dems from the big chair.
  23. What "mob rule"? Are there mobs of people with pitchforks marching on Parliament, with a gibbet to hang Sunak from? IMO it's the little <deleted> Sunak trying to divert attention from the disaster he has inflicted on Britain.
  24. That's a nonsense. You could have asked for a link to mob rule but there will be nothing to something in the negative. I don't trust Sunak far as I could kick him. Just saw the little <deleted> on Al Jazeera complaining that Galloway was elected in a democratic election. Still whining on about October 7. Nothing to say about why Galloway was elected, which IMO has a lot to do with Sunak's sucking up to netanyahu. Sooner that little <deleted> follows Truss into political oblivion the better.
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