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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. He has a plan to make people like you keep talking about him. Apparently it's working. I agree with Trump about Harry. He is rich enough to hire his own protection, so why should the American taxpayer have to pay? Harry made the noose for his own neck with his attacks on his family. I have no sympathy for him whatsoever.
  2. Sooooo, your opinion that Trump is useless because he is unpopular with people that worked for him? If that was a useful yardstick to measure people by, most of the managers I worked for were useless.
  3. As always with computers; garbage in garbage out.
  4. More like the US is in trouble because it elects IMO useless people to POTUS.
  5. You beat me to it. More likely that they are terrified he'll go after the guys that worked against him the first time. Hopefully he won't have a useless incompetent like Sessions to have to deal with this time.
  6. Sooooo, a nuclear armed country can be "defeated", LOL. Your little rant about Trump only serves to regard anything you say as of little relevance. If they are intending to deny Ukraine support that IMO isn't because they want Russia to take over the world, but because it's a waste of money better spent improving the lives of the Americans that provided the money being wasted in Ukraine. In case you hadn't noticed, much of the planet is run by unpleasant men, and you are not advocating removing them from their positions of power, are you? So why is Ukraine of so much more importance to you than Burma, or Tibet? Do you live there?
  7. Nice waffle, but are you claiming that Euro nations actually have a military that is good for more than providing honour guards for visiting dignitaries? If spiffy uniforms won wars, judging by the uniforms on the French soldiers present at the greeting of the Emir of Qatar, France would have won WW1 all by itself. Lovely shiny helmets.
  8. I'd read it except I don't want to have to open an account to do so.
  9. I'm not going to waste my time reading it, but I imagine they will say it's all the Gazan's fault that israel is killing thousands of them.
  10. According to the report I heard on Al Jazeera a while back, Biden is playing to his domestic audience as Hamas had not received an official offer. He must have finally wised up that the conflict in Gaza is making him unpopular. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/27/middleeast/gaza-ceasefire-israel-hamas-biden-reaction-intl/index.html Israel and Hamas distance themselves from Biden’s optimism on Gaza ceasefire deal.
  11. Doesn't matter what they say. If it's against israeli interests the US will just veto it.
  12. LOL. The 2 % was a means of making them contribute something to their own defense. They ignored it because no previous US president made them do it. If you hadn't noticed, European military forces are a rather sad joke, IMO. They apparently decided long ago to leave it to the US. Look at the state of the UK forces. A navy with just two major ships, neither of which worked recently, and with no British attack planes on them. The Army is but a pale shadow of BAOR, and is the airforce of any use other than bombing poorly defended Houthies? Before they can debate how much they spend, they need to spend enough to actually have a military that can do something.
  13. I didn't look at it because he was a crook and a warmonger, probably a war criminal as well, and gave us China as an industrial and military enemy, IMO. Anything he had to say is not something I need to hear.
  14. Macron should be careful about what he wishes for. I don't think the French have won any war since before Waterloo. Not a military history to be proud of.
  15. The million $ question is why the Americans would have to go into Iraq themselves, quite apart from triggering MAD? At least in Iraq the Bush administration had a reason, even though it was all lies. What reason existed for the US to go to war in Ukraine, apparently the most corrupt country in Europe? Other than making western arms companies mind mindbogglingly rich, what would justify it? The west doesn't give a monkey's about all the other conflicts eg Sudan, Congo, Burma etc etc etc. Did America go to war when China invaded Tibet? So, give me an actual reason why America and it's poodles had to spend billions in Ukraine?
  16. LOL. I don't remember any allied attacks on Russia during the cold war. Perhaps you can guess why? That's correct, MAD was the reason. MAD is still the reason why Russia will not attack any western nation in NATO. Far as the rest goes, they were in the Soviet Union and no western country went to war to "liberate them, so they could be capitalist consumer units. It's all the "the Great Game", and that has been played for probably centuries. Perhaps some should stop believing western propaganda. If the "realists" get their way we are doomed. If you hadn't noticed, IMO we are already doomed. The west is slowly circling down into the plughole of history, but most haven't heard the fat lady singing yet.
  17. All lining up to contribute, but knowing that it's all pointless as the US will just veto anything that holds israel to account. It's a Claytons court, a court that can't actually make anything happen. Apparently 50 or so nations will be calling for an immediate ceasefire, but because the UN is an IMO useless organisation, one country ( the US ) can give the finger to the rest of the world. Gaza has exposed for all to see what a sham it is. For decades israel has been ignoring UN resolutions because their partner in crime, the US is using the veto. IMO it's time for either the UN to be reformed, or every other nation to start a new one. The between wars version, the League of Nations, was dumped, so no reason to have to keep using a rigged one.
  18. I'm a living example that a wai is not expected of a farang, as they know we don't know how to do them correctly. I cringed when I saw western tourists waiing people they shouldn't, and always getting it wrong. As for your first sentence, rubbish. I always did exactly that, and it was always accepted in the spirit it was given. The point isn't whether we wai or bow, but that we are acknowledging the existence of other people. Seems a lot of posters get too caught up in the to wai or not debate. My Thai sister in law always wai'd me and then stole everything of mine she could get her hands on.
  19. The poster you quoted is not an American, but if he's going to post on these threads he should understand that the popular vote is irrelevant in US elections for POTUS.
  20. That's 4 years ago when Biden was able to come across as a fairly normal person. That is not the case now, IMO. I'd love to see them debate each other, as I'd like to see Biden humiliated.
  21. I've read most of your posts, and IMO you seem to post according to your anti Trump bias.
  22. LOL. That depends on other people being willing to keep funding her campaign. If she loses another one that would likely be in jeopardy. If Trump wins I for one will be laughing like a drain. That either he or Biden are even able to stand as candidates at their age is some sort of unpleasant comment on US politics.
  23. I think enough money will make any lawyer work for a bad person. They'll make excuses for doing so of course.
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