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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. LOL. In case you hadn't noticed this is an opinion forum. Next.
  2. She does have some songs worth listening to. I like "you belong to me" in the VDO of which the frumpy girl living next to the dishy boy she lusts after, but who ignores her ( preferring the pretty girl who likes being a girl ), finally wins the guys heart when she reveals that she is actually Taylor Swift pretending to be frumpy.
  3. More like "Realizing the impact of her words might impact her earning ability as an "older" actress, she made a grovelling apology in hopes that people might keep going to her movies" so she doesn't end up on welfare.
  4. Beat me to it. I decided long ago that Gaia will remove humans from contention, but Gaia doesn't work quickly. Humans have proven themselves to be unwelcome guests ( we forget that we are guests on the planet and the planet owes us nothing ) with our pollution, destruction, over population and incessant bloodletting. Time is long past for us to make way for a ( hopefully ) better dominant species. At least that'll solve global warming.
  5. What are you smoking? Look at the religion of all the countries that surround israel. Not many Jewish or Christian ones, are there? In the long run, given the comparative birth rates, IMO israel is doomed, unless it can somehow solve the Palestinian problem to the satisfaction of all the regional countries, including Iran. BTW, Russia and India don't border israel.
  6. More like not giving Biden a win, and letting him swim in a stew of his own creation. After the Donald wins they will finish the wall, sack the federal agents that cut the wire to let illegals through ( I hope ), and make a new deal with Mexico to keep them there. All good.
  7. I really really wish they would stop helping the US invade other countries. We'd all be better off if they did.
  8. What facts? Something like Euro nations won't pay their fair share or spend 2% of their income on their military, and rely on the US taxpayer instead?
  9. and those members would be? Without a quote from one or more you are just making it up.
  10. Why should he know anything about her? It's not like she's anyone important. I only knew about her because I liked a song she sang on a movie I watched, so I looked her up, but otherwise I'd still be blissfully unaware of her. I bought a dvd of one of her shows for $1 at an op shop, which was OK but nothing special, though she badly needs a new choreographer as it was dire, IMO.
  11. They embarrassed Biden- all good. The game proceeds.
  12. How can the ICJ do anything against Hamas which is not a country? They can admonish them and request they go sit on the naughty step, but they can't impose sanctions or such like.
  13. Without an actual peacekeeping force from countries not friendly to israel or under American control ( absolutely no American involvement ) in Gaza, Hamas should never agree to a return of the hostages, and I doubt they would, as like myself they probably have zero trust in anything that comes from netanyahu.
  14. Saying from my younger days Q "What eats roots and leaves?" A "A Kiwi".
  15. Select the expats you want to socialise and spend time with Which in my case was none of them. I didn't move to LOS to spend time with farangs. Seems most of them don't want to get involved with other farangs anyway, as they usually deliberately looked the other way when passing me, so as to avoid eye contact. I was usually amused, rather than offended. I once tried a meeting of the expat club in Pattaya, but after 10 minutes of being ignored I decided to leave. I don't spend time in the local boozer talking BS here, so why would I do it in LOS?
  16. Is it OK for American guys to do it with prostitutes in Russia then? I thought you were a tad offended by that sort of thing.
  17. I doubt English is his first language. I got the OP, but seems a bit pointless, though that can apply to a lot of OPs.
  18. I don't know where you live but where I live openly homosexual behaviour by two men would result in facial damage. I have no idea what goes on on tv as I don't watch any live tv other than Al Jazeera. I don't watch it because IMO it's garbage and has far too many ads.
  19. Try going out in a public place and verbally attacking the LGBT community, or demanding that women lose the vote. Women and the LGBT community had no power at all, but they eventually made enough people afraid to speak out in public against them and that was the beginning of the end of the opposition.
  20. Many apologies. I confused Chiang Dao with Doi Inthanon. I visited Chiang Dao many times with my wife, but never on a guided tour ( except in the cave ). We drove in her car. Doi Inthanon was after we got divorced, so more car.
  21. Vin would be a better pick than Biden though. He looked very presidential in one of his sci fi movies. Biden looks like an old man that needs a walker, and has a problem remembering things. President Vin- it has a certain grand aura. He'd look good giving speeches and welcoming foreign dignitaries. At least he can speak properly.
  22. If Biden ( which probably means Harris ) is the alternative, are they any better? No need to respond, as i know your TDS makes you ignore all Biden's faults.
  23. Sadly I agree about that. His policy on israel is the only one I have a serious problem with.
  24. If Lithuania doesn't have a treaty with a western country, why should I care? why did none of the western countries that care so much about Ukraine do anything about the Burmese military coup, or the Rohingyas , or the Uighers, or the Tibetans, or the Congo or Sudan or the Palestinians ( since 1967 )? Is it because they are black, brown, or yellow, but definitely not white? I don't see you being as concerned when it's just brown Palestinians getting worse than Ukrainians ever did. So don't bother me with your IMO hypocrisy.
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