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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. IMO that is BS. Biden was the POTUS at the time, so the buck stops with him. He could have stopped it had he wanted to. It's not like the withdrawal happened on his second day on the job. He stopped the wall, despite it actually being built at the time. IMO you are just grasping at straws to try to cover for your hero, who messed up big time.
  2. Having been bigging up the Ukrainians for so long it's going to be soooo embarrassing to accept a Russian victory. I'd love to be in the room with Biden when he got the news. For those that say there is nothing gained by the Russians, just look at a map. There is everything to be gained from removing a salient into Russian held territory.
  3. Indeed. The fat lady has sung and Adiivka is now in Russian hands.
  4. I give this the same credence as the 97% of scientists support man made global warming rubbish.
  5. That was my first thought as well. As for the accusation, she took her boyfriend but let him be put in another room! Perhaps she should have used that thing in her head ( a brain ) and refused to proceed unless he was present. Oh well, if she's dumb enough to get a tat like that, she's obviously dumb enough to be alone in a room with a strange man, and take pills that she doesn't know. Sad world indeed.
  6. They have the right to pay taxes. I think that's about it.
  7. Sadly, these types of incidents will only win greater support for the authoritarian right wing parties. Pity then that the lefty liberals play into the hands of the right wing with barking immigration policies not supported by a majority of the population. "We know what is best and you are just stupid taxpayers, so shut up and accept it".
  8. I'm not sure just which demographic "proles" refers to, but if it's the PC sheeple class that have a mobile phone permanently tuned to social media ( so they know what to think ), I'm with Clarkson when he gives them the virtual finger. He is definitely one of my heroes for sticking it to the wokies. I just wish he was still on the BBC to make them uncomfortable in their offices located in their ivory towers. I used to give him a virtual cheer every time he said something that offended the wokies. Long may he grow old disgracefully.
  9. Obviously not much. I'm not referring to putting Trump last but by putting Biden anywhere but second last. By putting Kennedy after Obama and Johnson they prove themselves, IMO, to be a bunch of idiots. Never mind, it'll give the posters with TDS something to rant about.
  10. Just verbiage IMO. They know what is necessary- a permanent ceasefire, end of the occupation in the West Bank, removal of the illegal settlers and a Palestinian state not controlled by israel.
  11. Hamas will likely refuse any "pause" involving the release of the hostages, when they know the slaughter will just carry on soon as the "pause" ends, and without hostages it will be many times worse than at present. The US must know that, so IMO are just trying to make themselves look good. When they stop sending bombs I'll know they are serious about an end to the conflict.
  12. In your opinion. He is certainly, IMO, more corrupt than all the coups since 1932 lumped together.
  13. Thanks for the laugh OP. I needed some humour in a not so good day.
  14. Pity she wasn't as engaged in solving the IMO Biden created chaos at the southern border when she was put in charge of that. I can't begin to describe how much I "dislike" that woman on here.
  15. Ah, so not proven yet. Seems Biden doesn't understand that an indictment is not a guilty verdict and that innocent till proven guilty applies. Perhaps he just forgot that- he seems to forget a lot these days, like people having died.
  16. Did he call for the Mueller investigation to be dropped after the Steele report was shown to be a steaming pile of horse <deleted>? Of course he didn't, so bring it on GOP. Investigate that old guy as hard as you can.
  17. So there it is, diversity and wokeness (whatever that means) are the problems. Add that being in the military can suck a lot, quite apart from the chance of getting one's guts blown out. I spend over a decade in the military, and while I got to see much of the world courtesy of the tax payer, there were too many <deleted> and <deleted> in it in positions of authority for me to stay in it. I cost the taxpayer thousands of $ to train, which was all lost when I left because of the bullying. The military is a good example of <deleted> rises to the top, IMO. It's just not an attractive option these days when one can earn a living without the bullying from a load of morons that got a bit of power.
  18. I never thought I'd say this about a post of yours, but I agree with almost all of that. I'm unsure of what the OP wants the west to do, but it seems that they want more wars.
  19. No, it's not. That's so last century thinking. AI robotics means that less people will be needed than at present, so all the immigrants now will become just more on the dole. I'd say within 10 years all the current immigrants will be unemployed and unemployable.
  20. Too little, too late IMO. Should have stopped it at the start, but it's never too late to try and correct mistakes.
  21. LOL. Can you name any Arab country that since the end of the European Dark Age has gone out to colonise other countries? I'm pretty sure that was a European thing. Soooo, your contention is that since the Arab countries were colonised by Europeans it's all their own fault that modern israel was imposed on them by old white men half the planet away. Carry on.
  22. I worked in Saudi for years so I am well aware of what Arabs are like, but I don't like bullies whatever ethnicity they are persecuting.
  23. Then you can hardly complain, when in the future israel may face a more substantial enemy than some lightly armed resistance fighters that feels the same way about israelis. We reap what we sow, according to the Old Testament, which is the Jewish part of the Bible.
  24. Deflection. Anything to say about one of the last functioning hospitals in Gaza closing?
  25. I refuse to believe that the US is serious about a two state solution. They have had over 30 years to make it happen, and done sod all to force the israelis to accept it. I just can't see that changing. IMO it'll just be lip service, while Palestinian territory in the West Bank is stolen, till nothing at all is left. To make it happen, all the Americans have to do is not use the veto in the UN.
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