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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. They never asked me what I think of Biden.
  2. I'm not an American and I'd vote for him if Biden was the alternative- lesser of two evils and all that.
  3. I came on expecting one of the usual idiot with no insurance rents a motorbike despite not knowing how to ride one stories. Happily it's about someone that actually had insurance. Nothing wrong with riding a m'bike as long as one knows how to and drives according to the conditions. Oh and is prepared for a life altering accident that was caused by some one else. I had my accident, though only slightly life altering and a pain in the wallet, caused by some moron driving into me while almost stationary.
  4. Lomprayah do an all included from Bkk. They don't go all the way to Surat, so it's not that long a bus ride. What's wrong with a sleeper train to Surat? I did it many times and never a serious problem. You can take a first class cabin if don't like bunking with the commoners.
  5. Is there an airport on Phangan? Google is giving me contradictory information. I know one was started, but happily wasn't completed.
  6. What was so bad about it? I did that many times, except I took sleeper train to Surat or stayed the night near the train station. I didn't experience any major problems.
  7. That certainly applied to all the decent beaches in LOS. They went from paradise to concrete hell this century. Even the little gem of Haad Khom had started building the flash packer palaces, which was always the beginning of the end for a beach.
  8. I only left because I couldn't get pension in LOS, but that undoubtedly brought the divorce on. I can still see her face when I told her we'd have to "economise". I'd have stayed there even if I could never afford another shag, but I couldn't afford the medical insurance.
  9. We might have passed each other then! I thought it was OK, but the taxi rip off was a big problem till I discovered the bus.
  10. The White Temple is worth it, definitely. Just go before the Chinese hordes return as it's horrible when they descend on it.
  11. IMO Biden and his cronies think everyone is too stupid to put the two things together, and they can do anything they like as long as they say the right words.
  12. This could be setting up a reason to assassinate him, though they have managed to kill off a fair few Al Jazeera reporters without an excuse in the past. https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/05/un-experts-demand-justice-al-jazeera-journalist-one-year-anniversary-her UN experts demand justice for Al Jazeera journalist on one year anniversary of her killing
  13. The military lie about a lot of stuff and look stupid when caught out, like the time they called a calendar a roster of Hamas, or a laptop and a few weapons a command center.
  14. Excellent news. I hope that man gets the boot, has his court case and serves time in jail.
  15. I did loads of guided tours in LOS, and happy with most. Best one was probably the two week bus tour from Singapore, but plenty of short ones too. The absolutely worst was a river cruise, horse drawn carriage tour to ruins near Chiang Mai. Decrepit boat, decrepit pier, half starved horse, no commentary. Chiang Dao day tour in a van with young farang tourists was pretty good though. End of the day, I went places on tours I'd never have gone on my own.
  16. No one can go to Antarctica without being on an organised tour or suchlike. Speaking as one that spent a year there the idea of just going solo ( if it is even possible, which I doubt ) is akin to suicide, except for experienced Antarctic explorers. Unless the cost is insignificant, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, but as I got to see more than most, I may be blase about it. I loved living there, but for a holiday I'd prefer a Thai beach.
  17. For bigger things, one can simply fly back home anyway. Not from the NHS you can't. If you don't live in the UK I understand you are not entitled to NHS free treatment. Besides, if you have a stroke or anything requiring hospital treatment, most will never afford the cost of a medical evacuation on a commercial airline.
  18. All that proves is that some people have strange ideas. It proves nothing about the existence or otherwise of God.
  19. Basically, from what I understand of what you wrote, is that you rejected the idea that God exists because you had a rotten chaplain. What if religion is not God? What if God is separate from religion? Religion needs God, but God does not need religion. Not that it makes any difference to anyone else, of course. A belief in God needs no fellow believers to exist, no building to sing songs about it, etc. I used to be religious, till I realised there wasn't much there there. Then I was agnostic, till I had an experience that convinced me God existed, but I never became religious again.
  20. IMO my problems are created by other people- some are just bureaucratic pen pushing losers that never had a real job, and others are created by nasty people that routinely cause problems for other people and some are by people that are so vile that they could probably never qualify for a decent job. In your opinion I made them up in my mind to persecute myself, or I caused them somehow to appear in my life and cause me problems. Which is more likely? BTW I never wanted or needed to enlighten myself on all of life and reveal all answers to life. I don't need to understand why a sunset happens to enjoy it, and I didn't need to understand the intricacies of the human body's hormonal responses when it is aroused by the prospect of sex with an attractive and willing woman to enjoy the actuality of it. Some of us are content to wander through life and enjoy as much of it as we are able to without analyzing it.
  21. Where is your documented ( from a qualified person ) proof that he is mentally unfit?
  22. I would hope DeSantis tries again. He only dropped out because he knew he couldn't win against Trump, but if Trump is gone..........................?
  23. Stop lying. I supported negotiations before the invasion. Of course the truth is meaningless to you.
  24. Biden had 3 years to do something and he did nothing to stop them. He actually made it easier by cancelling wall construction.
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