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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. LOL. Trump says something outrageous and the opposition has a tantrum. He used to say "lock her up" and he didn't do that either. IMO Trump is playing the anti Trumpers and the MSM for fools. He probably has a good laugh reading the rants that follow.
  2. If I were the world's dictator I'd make anyone that wants a war, especially politicians, go serve on the front lines. I can guarantee a world of peace and prosperity would follow.
  3. Wasn't that something Bush the younger invented to allow him to declare a couple of wars he shouldn't have started?
  4. If you had left it at the first sentence I'd have given you a like. You can't possibly know if Trump is going to be convicted of anything. A giant block of ice from the sky could fall on him too, but I don't claim to know if it will happen.
  5. IMO she is no alternative. Zero chance of winning IMO. DeSantis was an alternative, but he opted out, so as long as Biden/ Harris are the Dems candidates Trump is my only choice left. I don't want 4 more years of Dems obstructionism and media melt down, which means I don't want Trump to be POTUS, but when it's the lesser of two very bad choices one has to go with the less bad one.
  6. Not so. Not that I've needed such myself, they apparently help those of short duration to last longer. I'd say he might have got the wrong size or been a dodgy brand. It's not actually a joke though as if the pressure isn't released for some hours it can cause serious complications. After my prostate removal I was given a device by the NHS to inflate the little guy which had rubber rings to put over the little guy to retain the blood. I tried it once but didn't like it and Cialis did the job after that. IMO the rubber rings are probably a better option than a metal ring.
  7. and my question is why should anyone listen to you? We are all just anonymous posters, though some are more offensive than others.
  8. I wasn't in the British military. Whether it was actually a real military law or not, it's a good policy to not leave temptation lying around, and I have endeavored to abide by it my entire life since then. PS. Even if was not an actual law, we could always be caught by the cover all situations law - "Conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline".
  9. Unless he knows you personally, he can't not like or like you. He can like or dislike what you write though, which might or might not be the "real you". No one can tell if they would like or dislike me from my posts, as my posts are not the "real me", but they are my "on line persona", which is not to say they are untrue; they are, but I don't say that sort of thing to people I know. Especially so as no one I know is interested in the sort of things I write about on here. Also, the things I dream about, but would never confide in a living soul are completely different from anything I say or write. So, one could say that I have 3 different "me's", depending.
  10. While I believe in the Big Bang, the material in the Big Bang came from somewhere. I also believe that like the Matrix in the movie, this universe is just the latest in an unlimited number of universes that were born, expanded, consumed by black holes and reborn in the next Big Bang. The question that unbelievers are unable to answer is where did the material for this ( and all the preceding universes ) comes from? Ergo they must believe it came from nothing, by magic, and if there is magic at work, there must be a magician- God. If I ask the question why? the best answer I can give is that God is waiting for the perfect universe to occur. For sure humans prove that this version is a fail.
  11. Sooooooo, a newbie tourist to Thailand allows an unknown person to remain in the room while he went to sleep, and is surprised that the valuable items he left lying around were gone when he woke up! He'd have been better off renting an hotel room with a safe. Seems some people are too dumb to be allowed out of the house without a minder In the military if someone did that they would be charged with the crime of providing temptation.
  12. I may not want her to be POTUS, but on that I agree 100%. Biden's problems are mounting at a great rate, and I'll be very surprised if he survives long enough politically to be the candidate in November. The Dems have to know in their hearts that regardless of the GOP candidate, a Biden presidency will not end well. IMO the only thing holding them back is lack of a candidate that can win to replace him.
  13. Assange should never have even faced a question of deportation to the US, and shame on the UK for colluding in this IMO travesty of justice. Even the reason for his initial arrest stinks to the heavens.
  14. Remind me why anyone should listen to you. The same could be said of your posts. He has as much right to post on here as yourself.
  15. Indeed. The war will end sooner than it will with more US money, which will end up with a lot less Ukrainian dead and destruction. Probably the biggest casualty would be Biden's reputation in an election year, when people ask "what was it all for"? Likely yet another American proxy war that ended badly for the US.
  16. Not an unbiased OP then?
  17. Democrats have a Kamala Harris problem That's stating the blindingly obvious.
  18. Videotaped Moscow orgies? And what else? To believe something without proof makes someone ( insert favourite description of a gullible person ).
  19. He knows they have nowhere to go, but he'll be able to say "I told them to leave but they refused, so it's their own fault they got killed when our brave soldiers had to protect themselves from unarmed people and children".
  20. The israelis are Hamas's best recruiting agents ever. Hamas will have more applicants than they need, as will Hezbollah and all the other anti israeli groups.
  21. Not that I watched a lot of East Enders, but I don't recall any male to male snogging on it. Times really have changed. I don't watch any tv now, not because of that, but because it's <deleted> garbage and contaminated by ads seemingly every 5 minutes. When they have channels that show nothing but "infomercials" I know that our "civilization" is on it's last legs. When it finally gets killed off IMO it'll be a mercy killing.
  22. The question is surely "what designed nature", which to me is "God". Nothing that has been created by man happened by "magic", so why is it that people that don't believe in God must believe that the universe happened from nothing ie "magic"?
  23. IMO the Catholic Church was always a political entity ( it does after all have it's own "country" ), but it carries the seeds of it's own destruction within it. Any organisation that tries to force it's employees to go against the genetic imperative of reproduction is in for trouble. In the times before society became "moral" ( or at least pretended to be, as in Victorian times when an exposed woman's ankle was titillating, but prostitution was rife ) I assume they just ignored the celibacy directive. These days the church is consumed by exposed historical sexual obscenities against young boys. IMO unless the church sees the light and changes to allow marriage, in the long run it is doomed.
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