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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Ah, so if the author is a Republican he's biased then? Perhaps he was just telling the truth, and politics didn't come into it, especially as he seems to be giving Biden a pass. However, from Biden's reaction I don't give his career prospects much hope, especially if Biden wins. Sometimes the truth hurts. As for confusing Mexico with Egypt, Biden isn't a resident of some old folks home, for which it would be acceptable, he's running for the leader of the free world, and if he doesn't know the difference between Mexico and Egypt, that should be an automatic fail.
  2. I've watched Biden speaking recently and was wondering just how anyone could consider that bumbler a fit candidate for president. Before any of the Trump haters launch into a counter offensive on Trump, I don't consider him a fit candidate for president either, but as long as he is the only current GOP candidate with a chance of winning against Biden/ Harris I'll support him for POTUS. Faced with 2 very unsuitable candidates the only option IMO is to go for the one that didn't start any wars while in office. While Biden hasn't let loose the dogs of war per se, he's certainly doing everything to let one start, IMO.
  3. You seem to have avoided answering my question with a deflection to Putin, so I'll ask it again. "If British aerospace industry is no. 2 in the world why is Britain not making it's own aircraft to put on the carriers? Why would the UK give loadsacash to the US to make them instead of spending the money on British industry?"
  4. I missed this before, so apologies for the late response. The petroleum industry tolerated the "disruption" of the worlds petroleum flow during the years the Egyptians closed the canal, and it's not a disruption anyway. It just takes longer around Africa and they pass the costs on to the users. The petroleum industry have no problem raising prices as long as people will pay. They've used covid as an excuse to do so already. Petrol is significantly more expensive than pre covid.
  5. LOL. I can feel an "I told you so" in the not so far off future. I just hope NATO doesn't use this as an excuse to put NATO boots on the ground, though I don't have much faith in certain western leader's ability or desire to firmly squash any such notions. Far too many warmongers around these sad days for my liking. I understand there are a few Ukrainian lads loitering in tourist resorts of Thailand. Perhaps they should start a publicity campaign to "encourage" them to volunteer for a front line trench facing the Russians.
  6. Oh my oh my, the cracks are beginning to show. In other words "give us more money". When will the west finally learn that throwing billions of $ into a notoriously corrupt country without strict accountability is not a good idea?
  7. Get a custom seat made. There is/ was a place that did that in Chiang Mai, so must be other places that do it.
  8. I said much the same in my first post.
  9. I wasn't there for any of my family, ever. My parents travelled, and as it was all by ship then I missed my grandparents funerals. I was in England when my mother died, and in Thailand when my father died. I suppose it's a big deal for some, but there is nothing left of "them" except for a body. You could do what my sister did for our mother and cremate him, then keep the ashes to scatter when you get back. You could even have the ceremony then, though I didn't. It was enough to scatter the ashes in her favourite place. Had I died in LOS, no family member would have attended the cremation, no problem for me, as "I" will no longer be present.
  10. I hadn't considered that. You are probably correct.
  11. If Biden actually has anything positive to show as a reason to vote for him, he's keeping pretty quiet about it. All Bad man Bad man Bad man. No one likes whiner.
  12. IMO they support him BECAUSE he has 91 court cases against him. His supporters are not so dumb they can't see a weaponised judicial system when it's so blatant. Had the Dems not tried to use the courts to destroy him, likely he'd never have got any support beyond his base, and gone away long ago. IMO they need Trump as Biden wouldn't last 5 minutes against a competent politician ( even in in his own party ), as they think only Biden can beat Trump.
  13. Prove you are in the room when he wakes up to know that. I don't think he is miserable. If he is a narcissist as so many of your side claim, he must be lovin' the media attention. Also, he gets to laugh at all the Trump haters with TDS melting down at everything he says. He could say that he has the power to levitate to the moon and likely he's get the inevitable reaction of those that take everything he says as evidence he is in league with Satan.
  14. It's not a surprise though. Why would the GOP give Biden anything to crow about? Biden has had 3 years to do something about it but did nothing, and now it's a crisis . Actually, Biden did do something. He actually cancelled the wall, presumably out of spite. Well that came back to bite him. Also he could have put a better person than Harris in charge of fixing the situation, like a competent person.
  15. Fair enough. I should have said "capable" of making them entirely in the UK. I have no doubt that the US is capable of making their aircraft entirely in the US. If British aerospace industry is no. 2 in the world why is Britain not making it's own aircraft to put on the carriers? Why would the UK give loadsacash to the US to make them instead of spending the money on British industry? As for the storm shadows "whizzing directly overhead" it's much harder to shoot something down close to the ground than high in the sky, which is why military pilots practice low level flight. If the storm shadows have technology to allow them to fly at a low level that will make them invulnerable to most existing air defense systems, IMO.
  16. Can I assume then, that the next time I ask you to provide a link, having not done so as required, you will provide a link, instead of just ignoring me? BTW, do try and get it right. We can't delete posts once the time to edit them has passed.
  17. But, clearly Judge Engoron is thrashing about in an unprecedented situation, as a key witness thinks about pleading to perjury in the trial. Do try and get it right. At least read the OP.
  18. Yeah, it's such a shame that the media keeps putting him out there. We'd all be better off if they reported real news instead of the Trump obsession articles. BTW, if he did get locked up it would likely cause such chaos that you'd wish he hadn't been.
  19. I don't see why it's described as a "buffet". Every buffet I've ever been in you helped yourself and only got one plate, so the amount of wastage would be minimal.
  20. Did you miss this part in the OP? "Staff members confirmed the orders and reiterated the restaurant’s policy on food wastage, which includes a fine of 300 baht per 100 grammes for excessive leftovers, with the option to take the excess food home."
  21. Perhaps they should arrest and jail or deport you for advocating the overthrow of almost every law pertaining to freedom of citizens in the UK. Thatcher would have loved that during the troubles, as she could have just deported every Catholic to Eire.
  22. You make a very good point there. Keep posting the truth, no matter the expected opposition.
  23. Agree 100%. There is no reason for Hamas to accept less than a full deal, as they know the slaughter will just resume after any pause ends. It also needs to be unlimited aid and all the equipment needed to restore electricity, water, sewage, roads, and rebuild the infrastructure such as schools and hospitals, including ambulances, fire trucks etc. I'd go further and demand the port is opened to the world and freedom of fishing boats. Essential is the removal of all israeli military and the end of the blockade, with a passage between Gaza and the West Bank. Pish posh on any "agreement" to establish two separate states. It needs to be a fact and enforced by the UN with NO US involvement whatsoever. The US has proven, IMO, that it is a bad actor when it comes to the Palestinians, and should be sidelined entirely. IMO expecting the US to be neutral where israel is concerned is like a chicken asking the fox not to eat it.
  24. You reckon. IMO he's going to reject anything put forward, as IMO he knows it means the end of his coalition government, the end of his premiership and very possibly jail. Jehova could extend a finger pointing at him from above and shout "take the deal" and he'd reject it. The elephant in the room is Biden, as he is looking decidedly unpopular at home with an election coming up, and will he decide to do the right thing and stop the conflict? He's been making the right noises, but still sending lots and lots of bombs, so I guess it depends........... on a lot of things. Unless Biden makes it happen, it probably won't.
  25. I think he just reads whatever his handlers write for him.
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