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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Irrelevant. They are out there even now saying that despite few supporting women's sport and them making way less advertising money, women's sport "deserves" as much money as men's teams, just because women are worth more.
  2. Indeed. It took me years to realise just how brainwashed western men have become. They have always had an edge over men though, commonly known as The Power of the <deleted>, and it is a strong force, not to be disregarded. Only rich, powerful and famous men can reverse that power. Money, power and fame is the most powerful aphrodisiac known to mankind. Works every time.
  3. Women are more clever than men. like it or not, They get men to do the dirty jobs and they do jobs like lawyer or such then get into government where they can pass laws to stop men having man fun. In NZ they even passed a law saying that if we live with a woman for more than 2 or 3 years ( I forget which ) even without being married, they can still get 50% of the man's goodies, even if they did nothing to earn them. No, women ain't stupid.
  4. If she took my blood pressure it'd be rather high, LOL. If I win lotto, I'm off to LOS and I'm going to have three of those looking after me, so I never have to go without a nice view.
  5. Well said. who wants to live as a decrepit old man anyway? I'd rather go out mid joust than simply degenerate till my body just stopped.
  6. If you have to ask why having sex is worth a 12 hour flight I am unable to explain it, but trust me I did it many times and it was always worth it.
  7. I had cancer for years before I got myself mutilated to get rid of it. I never considered that I was unhealthy. I certainly had a lot of sex while I had it.
  8. Are you aware that you are posting on a forum entitled The PUB, and not the "Forum where we don't have any fun at all, ever"?
  9. I had thought that you were better than to ascribe human emotions to the creator of the universe. Whatever form the creator takes, it's definitely not human.
  10. I, obviously, can't say what benefit he gets from enlightenment, but whatever it is, it's a better use of his time than running around like a headless chicken screaming that "the world is going to end unless we all drive electric cars" ( and make Elon very very very rich ).
  11. I'm not sure what you are saying in the second sentence, but if you meant "What does the belief in an all knowing Supreme being mean?" I'd say it's the same as believing that the sun rises in the east, and that the sun sets in the west.
  12. This is a true story. When I did my nurse training ( in hospital training before it became necessary to get a degree, which was the worst con sold to a gullible public, ever ) I was required to buy several very expensive books, I never even opened any of them ( I've still got them in storage in mint condition, but they won't be the "proper" books for today's overeducated and under achieving university graduate nurses ). I passed every exam simply by reviewing the notes I took during lectures. Book learning isn't the be all and end all of learning, IMO. I'm not suggesting that someone that does a required degree should never open a book, but nursing is a trade and not a profession, regardless of the nursing hierarchy's desire to pretend it is. A nurse is not a doctor and a degree is not necessary to clean poo and feed patients. BTW, I love books. I have many, and all loved.
  13. You spend so much time attacking Trump that either you have a compulsion to talk about him all the time, or you think that if you keep saying bad things about him he'll just give up. I have my suspicions which, but I'll let you tell me why I'm wrong.
  14. If it's legal, why not? Seems that it's legal to track private planes at the moment.
  15. Ah, so your contention is that as long as it doesn't cause much pollution the people doing it can carry on doing so. If that is correct please advise the government of NZ that it's not necessary to do anything about rising temperatures because NZ's 5 million people don't cause as much pollution as many cities around the planet. BTW, I have also advocated that to combat rising world temperatures all domestic air travel and all recreational international air travel be banned. Aircraft cause a lot of pollution in the upper reaches of the atmosphere.
  16. I was referring to your failure to supply proof for the "facts" you put in your many posts, and not this particular post. I've had to ask you to do so on many occasions.
  17. If they actually believe that Biden is sharp and effective, and not just saying it, the US is in worse trouble than I thought it was. Having IMO delusional politicians in charge isn't good for any country.
  18. If he had said the exact same thing about Trump, all those hypocrites would be lauding it to the heavens. It must be a bad feeling knowing in your heart that Biden is not a suitable candidate for POTUS, yet having to cover for him because there isn't anyone any better in your party that can win against Trump, and being so terrified of Trump winning that they have to cover for a geriatric that belongs in a retirement home, not the White House.
  19. I've said on more than one occasion on this forum that all private cars should be banned in cities. I think more people require goods brought on trucks than a few rich people that want to fly around on private planes. If they banned all private planes ( a good thing IMO ) it would make NO difference to almost every person on the planet.
  20. Only to mock a rich person that uses a private jet, despite all the attention being paid to man made climate change. Seems rich people don't think they need to do anything that all the peasants have to to stop the world ending.
  21. I think it's laughable that anyone would actually tolerate a president with unlimited power ( a dictator ), regardless of what the supreme court says. The constitution separated power into 3 different branches of government specifically to prevent the rise of "kings", which was apparently a major fear of the founding fathers, that an American would one day have the power of a king. I don't know that there were dictator's back then, but plenty of king's with absolute power, and they were not having a bar of it in America.
  22. Nice to see a rich person finding out they are not as special as they thought they are.
  23. If Swift is concerned for her safety she can take a commercial airline like all us common folk do. Of all the things in the world for me to be concerned about, the complaints from a very rich person that they feel unsafe using their polluting private transport is not one of them. I'd be happy if ALL private jets were BANNED as a threat to the world's environment.
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