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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. That's really sad. Something has gone so very, very wrong. I guess Hamlet might have an appropriate saying for it.
  2. I don't get that. Britain didn't get to rule half the world in a day either.
  3. Thanks for the link. Although it makes for dire reading I'm chortling as it exposes the "leaders for the bumbling fools I believe them to be. How could any leader be so incompetent as to reach that state of permanent "non readiness"? I liked this bit The report pulls no punches in demanding action. The U.K. government though is beset with many other urgent problems from the national health service to crumbling schools and a disastrous infrastructure project, all of which call for billions of pounds to remedy. Whether there is anything extra to buy aircraft, even low-cost ones, is very much open to doubt. Oh dear, was it such a good idea to give all the money to Ukraine ( and perhaps israel ) when they had so much more need of it themselves? Once upon a time, in an alternate universe, Britain made it's own aircraft that were excellent, but does it make anything now?
  4. They will decisively take action which will accomplish nothing, except keep the weapons manufacturers making loadsacash.
  5. You said "What you believe comes from state propaganda". I wasn't aware that state propaganda was claiming their country to be rotten to the core. Perhaps your country does.
  6. The higher they get ( rank wise ) the further away from the bullets they get. How close to the Russians does your friend Zelensky get, all dolled up in his green machine uniform?
  7. I was only talking about the EU. The problem there is that from what I know about it, which certainly isn't everything, so I may be wrong, is that the people that actually run it are not the ones that the common herd can elect. Which means that one can disagree all one wants and it means nothing. When was the last time any politician asked you for your opinion on anything?
  8. I'm pretty sure that they will have a few problems getting their bombs past GO. There are a couple of countries that the leaders of will dirty themselves if Iran ever became a nuclear armed state. I'm not saying it won't happen though, just take a bit longer than expected.
  9. Think Chile, think Cuba, think Central America.
  10. You ain't wrong. For the amount of money spent on killing other people we could have paradise on Earth.
  11. Thank you for the explanation. If a certain person didn't answer it's probably because the tapes don't exist.
  12. I've always wanted a good relationship, but the ones I could have were with very incompatible women and the compatible women were already taken, so I compromised and lived to regret that I did. If I had a million years to try, I might find the "one". I might have given the wrong impression though. I didn't mean to actually get married thousands of times, but I'd learn which women were possibles and which to avoid like the plague. I tried twice and both were in the latter category.
  13. I picked up the special edition for a couple of bucks in an op shop, so something to do when I have nothing else to do. The sequels were truly awful. I assume he just wanted to make more money before people woke up to the reality.
  14. You ain't everyone. If I was 90 and had a win on Lotto I'd be on the next plane to LOS with as many Cialis as I could lay my hands on, and no intention of returning.
  15. Any nice bar girl will be as gentle as he wants provided he can pay. If it were me I'd want to go out in a Cialis fuelled long weekend orgy. Obviously Pattaya.
  16. I think it's incorrect to say "attractive". I think everyone has an ideal that they want to meet, but as the chance of finding that ideal is about the same as winning Lotto, we all, or most of us, have to make do with something a lot less than ideal. IMO it's one of the greatest ironies that when we are looking for our first partner we know almost nothing about life and love, and when we finally get some of it figured out we are too old to attract the right one.
  17. I think that's only if getting actually old. If I could remain as I was in my twenties, I'd be fine living forever, or till the sun expanded and destroyed all the planets, as there is always more to learn, and hundreds of new careers to do. I only managed to do 3 different careers, and now I can barely stay awake past 10 pm, so not going to be any more. Also, I wouldn't have to make do with two attempts at a relationship. I could have thousands till I got it right.
  18. That was a good movie. Pity they got demented in the follow ups. Sometimes less really is more.
  19. Yes, or my favourite 🙂
  20. Actually I can believe that. I believe the ancients created humans as servants or slaves using genetic manipulation of an ancestor of the apes. I had thought they either died out or left for some reason, but that makes me think that perhaps their creation was so violent that they were either exterminated by early humans or fled the planet and left it as a prison to keep humans contained. I'm not joking when I say the galactic council is going to wipe us out if we ever look like escaping the solar system. Just look at history to see how humans treat any other human that is stopping them stealing their land ( there is a bit of that going on even today ), and extrapolate that to humans being let loose in the galaxy.
  21. You need to put a smiley or something on it then. Seemed like you were being serious.
  22. Oh, poor old Biden, he hasn't done anything worth voting for him again over, and there is that little Gaza thing that is turning people off him, so it's going to be 9 months of bad Trump, bad Trump, bad Trump. How did the US manage to get itself into a situation where it's voting for one of two horrible options?
  23. Are you deliberately misunderstanding what I said?
  24. Wrong comparison. The Allies didn't destroy every city and town in Germany, Austria, Italy or Japan, and when it was over they didn't act the way the israelis want to in Gaza with a permanent occupation. Perhaps you are referring to Battle of Bến Tre in Vietnam https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Bến_Tre the battle is best remembered for a quote from an unnamed American Major, reported by journalist Peter Arnett, that "It became necessary to destroy the town to save it."
  25. I don't agree. We are allowed to criticize a nation that has killed thousands of children is all. I think criticizing a Jew per se would bring a different response. Not all Jews agree with what israelis are doing, some are even protesting about it.
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